REST: Sending additional user data with some requests - spring

I have a REST service implemented using Spring. For some requests i'd like to transfer some additional data from client, like timestamp and username (and maybe something else) to keep some kind of actions log. What is the best and correct way to achieve that?
Obviously i could pass this data as a request params or within message body, but it would probably be wrong and will force me to update appropriate controllers - is there any better way?

I am not sure if you do not want to change your controller's method signatures or not, but if you simply add HttpServletRequest into the parameters of your controller, spring will automatically inject this object. It comes with all the metadata you are looking for including date/timestamp, username, etc.


Api Platform - returning data from external API

I'm currently using API Platform to display some data in Elasticsearch. This works fine, but I now have another feature that I'm looking at.
My application needs to deal with a 3rd-party API that needs to hit an endpoint and return some data.
Within my app, I'd like to be able to hit (/api/logistics/{action} - where action is an endpoint, such as login) and this then hits my app layer and returns data (3rd-party can be re-named)
The API calls to the 3rd party are fine, but I'm unsure how to display the response.
I've seen which looks like i can create a custom response.
Do i still need to create an entity/model and configure the #ApiResource() with a controller that uses my Data Provider?
If so, then what do i need to add in my annotation, since I won't have an id identifier
I'm fairly new to API Platform and I've not used the Data Provider functionality before
I will not be storing the data from the 3rd party API, just doing a HTTP call, retrieving the response and hopefully displaying it via Api Platform
You are mosly right about the dataprovider. But as the docs page General Design Considerations states, "you have to write a plain old PHP object (POPO) representing the input and output of your endpoint. This is the class that is marked with the #ApiResource annotation. This class doesn't have to be mapped with Doctrine ORM, or any other persistence system."
So no, it does not need to be an Entity, but there must be a class marked with the #ApiResource annotation (but putting it in the Entity folder may help to make the #ApiResource() tag work - or adding the folder of your class in api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml).
For an item "get" endpoint your POPO needs an id. The poperty - or if there is only a getter, the getter - must be marked with the #ApiProperty(identifier=true) tag. Usually the easiest way to make one is by imploding/encoding some strings from the response of the external api call that together are unique for the response and will not change. Your dataprovider will have to explode/decode the id and use the components to make the external api call.
For a "post" operation you need a datapersister instead of a dataprovider. Apip will instatiate and populate your POPO and pass it to the datapersister and from there you can make the call to the external api and return an object as the result. If your object is not the same type of POPO you should specify "output"=TheOutputClass::class or put the operation on the output class and specify "input"=TheInputClass::class (replace TheOutputClass or TheInputClass by the actual class name)
For "put" and "patch" you need both a dataprovider, a datapersister and an id. They can have different input and output classes, see the docs about DTOs.
A collectionoperations with method "get" may seem convenient because you can just pass it any query string but your CollectionDataProvider must return an iterable.

What is the most ideal way to add validation to Spring REST Service Request Parameters

I have a Spring-REST service that has support for GET, POST, PUT requests and they all have been mapped in a #Controller (Sorry for stating the obvious, just new to the technology)
Now each method (RequestMapping) has its own parameters like one takes in id
other takes in name and third one takes in secretKey
I want to validate these request parameters in my own custom manner
Now tried looking up as many tutorials online as possible but did not come across any solution that would best serve my situation.
Here is what I mean:
I saw a tutorial for POST request parametes by using #RequestParam or #Valid but that does not work for GET requests (That's what I read)
I saw most people recommending JS303 but that does not suit my need as I need to validate the secretKey against the DB (id and name may be I can use JSR #Size but even the id and name would need further validation)
I also saw some recommending #Validator but that would mean I will need a validator class for each and and every parameter like IdValidator, NameValidator etc
Here is something that I am hoping to accomplish:
One Validator (Can be either something that implements Validator or COnstraintValidator) however its implementation should cater to validation of all kinds of requests (can definitely have multiple methods inside it based on what request its validating) and should throw a CustomException that I created
I am not posting what I have tried because it is actually too much code that I just copy pasted from what I searched online. If you want I can post the links that I copied the code from.
P.S. I am not an expert on Spring, but trying to learn

Can Content Negotiation Be Used to Control Return Types in the ASP.NET WebApi?

We're building a web api whose GET methods return DTOs. We'd like to build it so that, under certain circumstances, these DTOs are stripped of unnecessary properties in an effort to control the volume of data being sent down to the client. For example, when we return one of our email DTOs we sometimes would like the client to specify that it only needs a subject, date and ID and not the body of the email. In other scenarios, of course, the body of the email is needed.
What's the best way in the MVC WebApi to do this? I've looked into MediaTypeFormatters but they seem focused on the format of the data (JSONP, XML) rather than the content.
It sounds to me like you would like to have a custom mediatype.
This could be used in combination with a custom MediaTypeFormatter.
For instance, you could define your own mediatype (this is a bad example of a name):
And then, in your code you can omit filling in the emailbody and let the default formatter format your result.
Or you could write your own MediaTypeFormatter (subclassing an existing one) and register it for your custom mediatype.
Then, in the MediaTypeFormatter you could either through attributes on your DTO or something similar decide that the email body is not necessary and omit having it as part of the result.
Mark Seeman on Vendor Media Types should give you a good starting point.

Spring MVC - how to pass data from filter to controller

I use Spring MVC in my web application. For every request I'd like to prepare the environment, for example load some data from the datastore and save it so every controller could access that information. I assume that's what filters are for (among other things). I can attach an information to the request variable in a filter, but how do I access it from the controller? Or is there a generally better way to do this?
I think your problem at the moment is how to get the data set in request inside your filter( already done by you) and then accessing it inside the hamdlerMapping method of your controller( you want to achieve).
I agree with both the previous answers but if you have decided to do it this way only then I think you should follow my answer.
In the handler method you have mapped your request to in your controller you can have a parameter in method signature for HttpServletRequest request and it will contain the request parameter you have set in your filter. And you can get that from this request object in your controller.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.
I don't see why this is a good thing to do, filter or no.
If you truly have read-only data that every controller needs, I think a caching solution that is loaded on startup is a better idea. I wouldn't do that with a filter, and I wouldn't burden every single request with such a thing. Once it's done, why keep repeating the action?
#duffymo is right, but if you really want to do that I suggest you to use interceptor

SpringMVC : Form processing for a survey application

In my Spring 3 MVC webapp, I need to be able to access all the submitted form fields.
Normally, I know what forms fields exist in the form and process the submitted entry using #RequestParam
But this form I am processing will not know what is coming in. So the only way, I know of, seems to be to do a #RequestBody and process the incoming POST data. My form could possibly contain arrays in it. For example. my #RequestBody could look like
So, to process this above string, I would need to first split the whole string at '&' and then look again for another array like q1_selectMultiple[ ] inside it and parse that as well.
This seems to be a lot of work when using a framework like Spring. Is there a better way to do this?
PS: I looked at #ModelAttribute. I don't think I can use it in my case since the form is being created by one controller and the responses are being handled by a completely different controller of a different class.
Maybe I didn't understand your problem, but I think it would be simpler to use any of those standard ServletResponse methods such as getParameterMap(). This one returns a Map containing pairs of parameter name/values for everything submitted.
