Can Content Negotiation Be Used to Control Return Types in the ASP.NET WebApi? -

We're building a web api whose GET methods return DTOs. We'd like to build it so that, under certain circumstances, these DTOs are stripped of unnecessary properties in an effort to control the volume of data being sent down to the client. For example, when we return one of our email DTOs we sometimes would like the client to specify that it only needs a subject, date and ID and not the body of the email. In other scenarios, of course, the body of the email is needed.
What's the best way in the MVC WebApi to do this? I've looked into MediaTypeFormatters but they seem focused on the format of the data (JSONP, XML) rather than the content.

It sounds to me like you would like to have a custom mediatype.
This could be used in combination with a custom MediaTypeFormatter.
For instance, you could define your own mediatype (this is a bad example of a name):
And then, in your code you can omit filling in the emailbody and let the default formatter format your result.
Or you could write your own MediaTypeFormatter (subclassing an existing one) and register it for your custom mediatype.
Then, in the MediaTypeFormatter you could either through attributes on your DTO or something similar decide that the email body is not necessary and omit having it as part of the result.
Mark Seeman on Vendor Media Types should give you a good starting point.


Api Platform - returning data from external API

I'm currently using API Platform to display some data in Elasticsearch. This works fine, but I now have another feature that I'm looking at.
My application needs to deal with a 3rd-party API that needs to hit an endpoint and return some data.
Within my app, I'd like to be able to hit (/api/logistics/{action} - where action is an endpoint, such as login) and this then hits my app layer and returns data (3rd-party can be re-named)
The API calls to the 3rd party are fine, but I'm unsure how to display the response.
I've seen which looks like i can create a custom response.
Do i still need to create an entity/model and configure the #ApiResource() with a controller that uses my Data Provider?
If so, then what do i need to add in my annotation, since I won't have an id identifier
I'm fairly new to API Platform and I've not used the Data Provider functionality before
I will not be storing the data from the 3rd party API, just doing a HTTP call, retrieving the response and hopefully displaying it via Api Platform
You are mosly right about the dataprovider. But as the docs page General Design Considerations states, "you have to write a plain old PHP object (POPO) representing the input and output of your endpoint. This is the class that is marked with the #ApiResource annotation. This class doesn't have to be mapped with Doctrine ORM, or any other persistence system."
So no, it does not need to be an Entity, but there must be a class marked with the #ApiResource annotation (but putting it in the Entity folder may help to make the #ApiResource() tag work - or adding the folder of your class in api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml).
For an item "get" endpoint your POPO needs an id. The poperty - or if there is only a getter, the getter - must be marked with the #ApiProperty(identifier=true) tag. Usually the easiest way to make one is by imploding/encoding some strings from the response of the external api call that together are unique for the response and will not change. Your dataprovider will have to explode/decode the id and use the components to make the external api call.
For a "post" operation you need a datapersister instead of a dataprovider. Apip will instatiate and populate your POPO and pass it to the datapersister and from there you can make the call to the external api and return an object as the result. If your object is not the same type of POPO you should specify "output"=TheOutputClass::class or put the operation on the output class and specify "input"=TheInputClass::class (replace TheOutputClass or TheInputClass by the actual class name)
For "put" and "patch" you need both a dataprovider, a datapersister and an id. They can have different input and output classes, see the docs about DTOs.
A collectionoperations with method "get" may seem convenient because you can just pass it any query string but your CollectionDataProvider must return an iterable.

Responsibility of Controller or Service?

I have a question about responsibility of Controller and service about a piece of my code. I have a HTML form to save an article which can submit three image(thumbnail, summary and body) with their text. The body text can contains some images in Base64 format. I get them by a post Action which accept a DTO object to support all inputs.
The Tasks I want to do are:
Get DTO from client
Fetch images from body
Check Summary and body text rules
Check Fetched images rules
Check Thumbnail, summary and body image rules
Save them
I have a service layer here which has some class about checking article texts and images logics.
My question is that how should I act here. Which steps are for Controller and which ones for Service.
Step 2 is most confusing step to me. Should I do it in controller or just pass all DTO to Service to separate things itself?
Or about checking text, should I check for example summary text length in controller or it should be check by Service layer?
Can any one explain these to me?
Possible duplicate.
The responsibility of the controller, is to accept a request, invoke the processing, and respond according to the result of the processing.
Try to look at the SOLID principles and always try to apply them.
So first of all, DTO, it depends on your architectural design, but I would say that the DTO is the abstraction that allows you to decouple you Domain Model from the client model.
The DTO should be seen as the data representation between two layers, if the DTO crosses more than one layer, it probably isn't a DTO but a business or data entity.
) Fetch images from body
this looks like something you designed to be able to receive the desired data, but is not something your domain model cares about.
For example if your form allow you to save "Sale advert", which is made of few images and some text, probably this aggregation of data in your business layer (service), is represented by one or more domain objects, so the fact that you receive a body in whichever format, depends more on technology or transport, and should be transparent to your business layer.
A good example to help you find boundaries, is thinking about re-usability. How would you reuse your service layer if you were to use it from a WCF service for example?
Your service should always receive and expose Domain Objects.
Leave to the consumer component the responsibility to decode/encode.
3) Check Summary and body text rules (and all other checks)
seems to be a validation, but I cannot tell if this validation is only related to the domain.
Some validation is also done in the controller itself to check if the request is valid or not.
So if this check is done on the DTO structure, before you try to convert it, probably that is a controller validation, if instead, this validation is necessary to decide weather or not the input can be saved, well probably in this case it would be considered other's responsibility.
You mentioned:
for example summary text length
if this is a business rule, then I would place it in a validation object, responsible to validate the "summary text" or let's call it again "Sale advert".
The responsibility to save a domain object to a data store, is normally delegated to a Data Access Layer, which is coupled to the database structure and provides the abstraction to the business layer.
This can be done implementing a repository pattern or maybe using an ORM, I normally don't add logic to persist data in the business layer.
Another note, here you are asking about controller responsibility, but pay attention to your service "layer", I have seen often code where a huge service class, was encapsulating all the business logic and validation, that is very bad because again goes against most of the solid principles.
Look at the command query and decorator pattern, I love them because the really help you breaking down your code in smaller pieces with single responsibility.
If interest look at this example project on github (.net core).
I am still working on the documentation but should be clear enough.

Documenting fields in Django Rest Framework

We're providing a public API that we use internally but also provide to our SaaS users as a feature. I have a Model, a ModelSerializer and a ModelViewSet. Everything is functional but it's blurting out the Model help_text for the description in the API documentation.
While this works for some fields, we would like to be a lot more explicit for API users, providing examples, not just explanations of guidance.
I realise I can redefine each field in a Serializer (with the same name, then just add a new help_text argument, but this is pretty boring work.
Can I provide (eg) a dictionary of field names and their text?
If not, how can I intercede in the documentation process to make something like that work?
Also, related, is there a way to provide a full example for each Viewset endpoint? Eg showing what is submitted and returned, like a lot of popular APIs do (Stripe as an example). Or am I asking too much from DRF's documentation generation? Should I handle this all externally?
To override help_text values coming from the models, you'll need to use your own schema generator subclass and override get_path_fields. There you'd be able to prioritize a mapping on the viewset (as you envision) over the model fields help_text values.
On adjusting the example generation - you could define a JSON language which just deals with raw JSON and illustrate the request side of things pretty easily, however, illustrating responses is difficult without really getting deep into the plumbing, as the default schema generated does not contain response structure data.

Code Design. How to access your api-key in your business logic?

It's a code design question :)
I have a DelegatingHandler which takes the http request header and validates the API-key. Pretty common task I guess. In my controller I call my business logic and pass along all business-relevant information. However now I'm challenged with the task to change behavior inside my business logic (separate assemblies) depending on certain api-keys.
Various possible solutions come to my mind...
Change business logic method signatures to ask for an api-key, too.
public void SomeUseCase(Entity1 e1, Entity2 e2, string apiKey);
Use HttpContext.Current to access the current request context. However I read somewhere that using HttpContext restrict my hosting options to IIS. Is there any better suited option for that?
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request; // next extract header information
Use Sessions (don't really want to go that road...)
What's your opinion on that topic?
I'd go for #1 although I don't like the idea of mixing in enivonmental stuff in business logic methods. But depending on your point of view you might argue the api-key is in fact logic-relevant.
Update #1:
I'm using a delegatingHandler to validate the apiKey and once it is validated I add it to the Request's Properties Collection.
The part in question is how the "api-key" or RegisteredIdentifier is passed along to the business logic layer. Right now I am passing the object (e.g. IRegisteredIdentifier) as a parameter to the business logic classes' constructors. I understand there is no more elegant way to solve this(?). I thought about changing the method signatures but I'm not sure whether it's interface pollution or not. Some methods need to work with the api-key, most don't. Experience tells me that the number will more likely grow than drop :) So keeping a reference to it in my bl classes seems to be a good choice.
Thank you for your answers - I think all of them are part of my solution. I'm new to StackOverflow.. but as far as I can see - I cannot rate answers yet. Rest assured I'm still thankful :)
I would suggest two different options.
Promote the value into a custom HTTP header (e.g. something like mycompany-api-key: XXXX ). This makes your delegating handler work more like a standard HTTP intermediary. This would be handy if you ever hand off your request to some secondary internal server.
Put the api-key into the request.Properties dictionary. The idea of the the Properties dictionary is to provide a place to put custom meta information about the request.
HTTP works hard to make sure authentication/authorization is a orthogonal concern to the actual request, which is why I would try and keep it out of the action signature.
I would go for option 1.
But you could introduce the entity RegisteredIdentifier (Enterprise Patterns and MDA by Jim Arlow and Ila Neustadt) in your business logic.
The api-key can be converted to a RegisteredIdentifier.
RegisteredIdentifier id = new RegisteredIdentitief(api-key);
public void SomeUseCase(Entity1 e1, Entity2 e2, RegisteredIdentifier id);
The business logic layer has a dependency on the API key. So I would suggest:
interface IApiKeyProvider
string ApiGet { get; }
..then have your BLL require that an object implementing that interface is supplied to it (in constructor, setup, or even each method that requires it).
Since in the future it might not be one API key. The key point is that this identifies the BLL is dependent on something, and defining a contract for the something.
Real-world example:
Then, in your DI container (Ninject etc), bind your own ConfigFileApiKeyProvider (or whatever) implementation to that interface, in the "place" (layer) that DOES have the API key. So the app that calls the BLL specifies/configures how the API key is specified.
Edit: I misunderstood the part about this being a "how-to-do-it-over-HTTP" question and not a code architecture/code design question. So:
HTTP header is the way to go in terms of transport

When to use Spring WebMVC's Views and/or MessageConverters?

I am writing an inhouse app with Spring 3.1.3 with UI for humans utilizing the VelocityView and with a REST API which serializes response entities as JSON or XML.
Now, besides the view and messageconverter thing. When would one use one of theses? I presumed that views are for humans as a general rule and messageconverters for M2M communication. Why do Views like JsonView, XmlView, etc. exist? Those outputs aren't for humans anyway.
You are essentially right - View is to convert the internal model into a "viewable" format - be it html, json, xml etc, so MappingJackJsonView, newer Marshalling View etc, if used as a view take in all the elements set in the model and transform them to xml.
MessageConverters on the other hand do things a little differently, it doesn't work on the model attributes, it works instead on the response body - transforming the response body to the appropriate format based on the ACCEPT header of the request.
