Upgrade JSF 2.2 to 2.3 - jsf-2.2

Is there any requirements to do upgrade from JSF 2.2 to 2.3, or should I only change version in pom.xml? I meet some issues with composite component in mojarra 2.2.13, this is why I'm wondering upgrading could be a solution
What I can guess from I read is that CDI is not mandatory using 2.3, is it true (I just want to be certain)? If it is, using last version of Mojarra (2.2.17), does it make sense to still use JSF 2.2 today?


Omifaces #Push and Spring integration

I have an application with Spring 4.x and Primefaces 7. Now I need to introduce push functionality. Starting from Primefaces 7, push function was removed (in previous releases it was provided by atmosphere framework). Now in release notes of version 7, the developer team suggests using Omnifaces or JFS 2.3. I tried to integrate Omnifaces but, if I understand correctly, the #Push tag is interpreted by CDI only and ignored by Spring. I've all my beans and services managed with Spring. Is there a way to make #Push to works with Spring?
For JFS 2.3 I've the same problem.

Is there any Spring 5.0.6.RELEASE osgified version patch available?

Is there any Spring 5.0.6.RELEASE osgified version patch available? We have to to do quick release so need to upgrade older spring but currently our framework uses OSGI based container, though spring has officially stopped supported OSGI. Is it possible to have patched version of latest Spring framework?
Though I know it's better to convert to Spring based container but since time doesn't allow I'm in search of any osgified version of Spring jars.
Apache Servicemix produces osgified versions of a lot of well known libraries, Spring included: https://github.com/apache/servicemix-bundles
Currently the latest osgfied version of Spring is "5.0.5.RELEASE", with "5.0.6.RELEASE" probably due to come in the near future. Otherwise, getting servicemix pom.xml for 5.0.5.RELEASE and manually changing Spring version should work (from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6 there should be just internal implementation changes).

Spring JSF 2.3 Integration

In lieu of JSF 2.3+ greater coupling with CDI, will Spring integrate with JSF 2.3, and if so any timeline on this?
It appears there are still issue with JSF 2.2 ViewScope.

Java 1.7 and JSF 1.2 compatibility

I'm working to upgrade JDK for a Web app from 1.4 to 1.7 and Websphere Application server 6.1 to 8.5 (WAS 6.1 to 8.5).
The application is built using JSF 1.2. My question is does JSF 1.2 is compatible with Java 1.7 or does it require to upgrade JSF 1.2 to 2.0? Any pointers in this relation is most valuable.
Thanks in advance.
JSF 1.2 is compitible with java 1.6.
You can change your version of java in a
Project>Build Path>Configure then select Java to change it
If you want to use java 7, then you need to move on JSF 2.0
I had issues with JSF 1.2 and JDK > 7.0.21
I do not remember the exact cause, but that was a known issue and never fixed.
You can use JSF 1.2 with WAS 8.5, you will need to change default JSF via application options Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > JSP and JSF options and switch to Sun Reference Implementation 1.2.
For more details see Configuring JavaServer Faces implementation

Upgrading from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6

Is it safe to upgrade from spring version 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 ?
Are there any issues I should watch out for ? Far as im aware there should be no issue as its such a minor upgrade in the version number, as opposed going from spring 1 to spring 3.
Why the down vote ?
Looking at http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.1.x/changelog.txt there does'nt seem to be any mention of differences between 3.0.5 & 3.0.6. It jumps from 3.0.5 to 3.1 M1
I have had no problem with updating my project from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
But you can use this query:
project = SPR AND issuetype = Bug AND affectedVersion = 11791 AND affectedVersion != 11636 ORDER BY priority DESC
To search for all Spring Jira Bugs that affect version 3.0.5 but not 3.0.5
But this list does not mean that the bug is added in 3.0.6, it just mean that maybe none checked it in 3.0.5
