Java 1.7 and JSF 1.2 compatibility - java-7

I'm working to upgrade JDK for a Web app from 1.4 to 1.7 and Websphere Application server 6.1 to 8.5 (WAS 6.1 to 8.5).
The application is built using JSF 1.2. My question is does JSF 1.2 is compatible with Java 1.7 or does it require to upgrade JSF 1.2 to 2.0? Any pointers in this relation is most valuable.
Thanks in advance.

JSF 1.2 is compitible with java 1.6.
You can change your version of java in a
Project>Build Path>Configure then select Java to change it
If you want to use java 7, then you need to move on JSF 2.0

I had issues with JSF 1.2 and JDK > 7.0.21
I do not remember the exact cause, but that was a known issue and never fixed.

You can use JSF 1.2 with WAS 8.5, you will need to change default JSF via application options Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > JSP and JSF options and switch to Sun Reference Implementation 1.2.
For more details see Configuring JavaServer Faces implementation


Spring Boot for older version of java

I am looking to create a new web application using spring boot. Unfortunately my server is fairly locked down in terms of the technology stack. It has java 5 installed on it.
Can anyone tell me whether spring boot can run on java 1.5 and what version?
Since Spring boot 1.0.0, the minimal requirement to run a Spring boot application has been Java 6. This can also be found in the reference guide of Spring boot 1.0.0:
Spring Boot can be used with “classic” Java development tools or installed as a command line tool. Regardless, you will need Java SDK v1.6 or higher.
Support for older Java versions has been dropped throughout releases, with Spring boot 1.3 moving to Java 7 as a baseline (still possible to use Java 6 with additional configuration) and Spring boot 2.x moving to Java 8 as a baseline. Additionally to what the documentation says, none of the Spring boot 1.x versions support Java 9 or higher.
1.0.0: Support from Java 6 - 8
1.3.0: Support from Java 7 - 8, additional configuration for Java 6 required
2.0.0: Support from Java 8 - ...
So, the answer is that it's not possible to run in Java 5.
For Spring Boot 2.0, the requirement is Java 8 as a minimum version.
From the Spring Boot 2.0 release notes :
Spring Boot 2.0 requires Java 8 as a minimum version. Many existing
APIs have been updated to take advantage of Java 8 features such as:
default methods on interfaces, functional callbacks, and new APIs such
as javax.time. If you are currently using Java 7 or earlier, you’ll
need to upgrade your JDK before you can develop Spring Boot 2.0

Spring upgradation for grails application

I have a grails web app. This uses grails-1.0.1 version. For some reason, I need to upgrade to higher version of Spring (4.2.3). Is it possible to upgrade to higher version of spring without upgrading to higher version of grails ?

Does Websphere Liberty Profile support full Java EE 7 OR Servlet 3.1 Specification?

I am interested in using the Non-Blocking I/O features of Servlet Specification 3.1 like here
I can't find a definitive answer on IBM dev site whether JSR-340 is supported.
Does WAS LibertyProfile support Servlet Specification 3.1 ?
A slide deck from Impact2013 said that WAS 8.5.5 is at servlet 3.0. The recent notes didn't mention anything about updating that.
This page from Oracle shows the certified servers:
If you care to look at any other servers, apart from glassfish the wildfly beta is reported to support servlet 3.1 (and Jave EE 7 in general) but I have no idea when to expect the release.
New update.. WAS Liberty (March 2015) supports several Java EE7 technologies (for production use) including Servlet 3.1 and Websocket 1.1. Announced today is the full Java EE7 stack for Liberty which will be available on 26th June.
The version supports Servlets 3.1 and WebSockets 1.0 and some other Java EE 7 specs, but not yet all. For latest information check this page New Liberty features and tools
No, it only supports Servlet 3.0. See the Programming model support page in the 8.5 InfoCenter.
update, they have a beta out
it has some java ee 7 but no servlet 3.1 yet

JSP/servlet version in WAS 8?

Which version of JSP/servlet is in websphere 8? I use IBM RAD 8 with websphere 8 and wonder whether the JSP/servlet container supports method calls in EL which "the latest" servlet containers are supposed to do. Can it?
Thank you
WebSphere 8/8.5/8.5.5 has support for same Servlet ( 3.0 ), JSP ( 2.2 ) and JSF ( 2.0 ) versions. Only change is in JDBC version, which you may not that dependent.
Side note: IBM start having internal ibm-web-bnd and ibm-web-ext files having extension xml instead of xmi since Servlet/WebApp version 2.5 declared in web.xml
Refer below chart.
According to Specifications and API documentation in the InfoCenter, WebSphere v8 supports JEE6, Java Servlet 3.0, and JSP 2.2.

Does Websphere 7.0 support JAX-WS 2.1?

I have a web application that use a JAX-WS 2.1 in order to create a client .. when running the application on Webshpere 2.1 I keep getting NoDefClassFoundError on XMLStreamBuffer. I googled the error but I couldn't find anything helpful. Please help.
From the WAS 7 Infocenter:
WebSphere® Application Server Version 7.0 supports the JAX-WS 2.1 specification.
Since there is no type called XMLStreamBuffer in the Java 6 SE, Java EE 5 or JAX-WS 2.1 public APIs you are perhaps importing a type from another implementation - either directly or via some generated code.
