How to generate a pseudo-random involution? - algorithm

For generating a pseudo-random permutation, the Knuth shuffles can be used. An involution is a self-inverse permutation and I guess, I could adapt the shuffles by forbidding touching an element multiple times. However, I'm not sure whether I could do it efficiently and whether it generates every involution equiprobably.
I'm afraid, an example is needed: On a set {0,1,2}, there are 6 permutation, out of which 4 are involutions. I'm looking for an algorithm generating one of them at random with the same probability.
A correct but very inefficient algorithm would be: Use Knuth shuffle, retry if it's no involution.

Let's here use a(n) as the number of involutions on a set of size n (as OEIS does). For a given set of size n and a given element in that set, the total number of involutions on that set is a(n). That element must either be unchanged by the involution or be swapped with another element. The number of involutions that leave our element fixed is a(n-1), since those are involutions on the other elements. Therefore a uniform distribution on the involutions must have a probability of a(n-1)/a(n) of keeping that element fixed. If it is to be fixed, just leave that element alone. Otherwise, choose another element that has not yet been examined by our algorithm to swap with our element. We have just decided what happens with one or two elements in the set: keep going and decide what happens with one or two elements at a time.
To do this, we need a list of the counts of involutions for each i <= n, but that is easily done with the recursion formula
a(i) = a(i-1) + (i-1) * a(i-2)
(Note that this formula from OEIS also comes from my algorithm: the first term counts the involutions keeping the first element where it is, and the second term is for the elements that are swapped with it.) If you are working with involutions, this is probably important enough to break out into another function, precompute some smaller values, and cache the function's results for greater speed, as in this code:
# Counts of involutions (self-inverse permutations) for each size
_invo_cnts = [1, 1, 2, 4, 10, 26, 76, 232, 764, 2620, 9496, 35696, 140152]
def invo_count(n):
"""Return the number of involutions of size n and cache the result."""
for i in range(len(_invo_cnts), n+1):
_invo_cnts.append(_invo_cnts[i-1] + (i-1) * _invo_cnts[i-2])
return _invo_cnts[n]
We also need a way to keep track of the elements that have not yet been decided, so we can efficiently choose one of those elements with uniform probability and/or mark an element as decided. We can keep them in a shrinking list, with a marker to the current end of the list. When we decide an element, we move the current element at the end of the list to replace the decided element then reduce the list. With that efficiency, the complexity of this algorithm is O(n), with one random number calculation for each element except perhaps the last. No better order complexity is possible.
Here is code in Python 3.5.2. The code is somewhat complicated by the indirection involved through the list of undecided elements.
from random import randrange
def randinvolution(n):
"""Return a random (uniform) involution of size n."""
# Set up main variables:
# -- the result so far as a list
involution = list(range(n))
# -- the list of indices of unseen (not yet decided) elements.
# unseen[0:cntunseen] are unseen/undecided elements, in any order.
unseen = list(range(n))
cntunseen = n
# Make an involution, progressing one or two elements at a time
while cntunseen > 1: # if only one element remains, it must be fixed
# Decide whether current element (index cntunseen-1) is fixed
if randrange(invo_count(cntunseen)) < invo_count(cntunseen - 1):
# Leave the current element as fixed and mark it as seen
cntunseen -= 1
# In involution, swap current element with another not yet seen
idxother = randrange(cntunseen - 1)
other = unseen[idxother]
current = unseen[cntunseen - 1]
involution[current], involution[other] = (
involution[other], involution[current])
# Mark both elements as seen by removing from start of unseen[]
unseen[idxother] = unseen[cntunseen - 2]
cntunseen -= 2
return involution
I did several tests. Here is the code I used to check for validity and uniform distribution:
def isinvolution(p):
"""Flag if a permutation is an involution."""
return all(p[p[i]] == i for i in range(len(p)))
# test the validity and uniformness of randinvolution()
n = 4
cnt = 10 ** 6
distr = {}
for j in range(cnt):
inv = tuple(randinvolution(n))
assert isinvolution(inv)
distr[inv] = distr.get(inv, 0) + 1
print('In {} attempts, there were {} random involutions produced,'
' with the distribution...'.format(cnt, len(distr)))
for x in sorted(distr):
print(x, str(distr[x]).rjust(2 + len(str(cnt))))
And the results were
In 1000000 attempts, there were 10 random involutions produced, with the distribution...
(0, 1, 2, 3) 99874
(0, 1, 3, 2) 100239
(0, 2, 1, 3) 100118
(0, 3, 2, 1) 99192
(1, 0, 2, 3) 99919
(1, 0, 3, 2) 100304
(2, 1, 0, 3) 100098
(2, 3, 0, 1) 100211
(3, 1, 2, 0) 100091
(3, 2, 1, 0) 99954
That looks pretty uniform to me, as do other results I checked.

An involution is a one-to-one mapping that is its own inverse. Any cipher is a one-to-one mapping; it has to be in order for a cyphertext to be unambiguously decrypyed.
For an involution you need a cipher that is its own inverse. Such ciphers exist, ROT13 is an example. See Reciprocal Cipher for some others.
For your question I would suggest an XOR cipher. Pick a random key at least as long as the longest piece of data in your initial data set. If you are using 32 bit numbers, then use a 32 bit key. To permute, XOR the key with each piece of data in turn. The reverse permutation (equivalent to decrypting) is exactly the same XOR operation and will get back to the original data.
This will solve the mathematical problem, but it is most definitely not cryptographically secure. Repeatedly using the same key will allow an attacker to discover the key. I assume that there is no security requirement over and above the need for a random-seeming involution with an even distribution.
ETA: This is a demo, in Java, of what I am talking about in my second comment. Being Java, I use indexes 0..12 for your 13 element set.
public static void Demo() {
final int key = 0b1001;
System.out.println("key = " + key);
for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
System.out.print(i + " -> ");
int ctext = i ^ key;
while (ctext >= 13) {
System.out.print(ctext + " -> ");
ctext = ctext ^ key;
} // end Demo()
The output from the demo is:
key = 9
0 -> 9
1 -> 8
2 -> 11
3 -> 10
4 -> 13 -> 4
5 -> 12
6 -> 15 -> 6
7 -> 14 -> 7
8 -> 1
9 -> 0
10 -> 3
11 -> 2
12 -> 5
Where a transformed key would fall off the end of the array it is transformed again until it falls within the array. I am not sure if a while construction will fall within the strict mathematical definition of a function.


Daily Coding Problem 316 : Coin Change Problem - determination of denomination?

I'm going through the Daily Coding Problems and am currently stuck in one of the problems. It goes by:
You are given an array of length N, where each element i represents
the number of ways we can produce i units of change. For example, [1,
0, 1, 1, 2] would indicate that there is only one way to make 0, 2, or
3 units, and two ways of making 4 units.
Given such an array, determine the denominations that must be in use.
In the case above, for example, there must be coins with values 2, 3,
and 4.
I'm unable to figure out how to determine the denomination from the total number of ways array. Can you work it out?
Somebody already worked out this problem here, but it's devoid of any explanation.
From what I could gather is that he collects all the elements whose value(number of ways == 1) and appends it to his answer, but I think it doesn't consider the fact that the same number can be formed from a combination of lower denominations for which still the number of ways would come out to be 1 irrespective of the denomination's presence.
For example, in the case of arr = [1, 1, a, b, c, 1]. We know that denomination 1 exists since arr[1] = 1. Now we can also see that arr[5] = 1, this should not necessarily mean that denomination 5 is available since 5 can be formed using coins of denomination 1, i.e. (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1).
Thanks in advance!
If you're solving the coin change problem, the best technique is to maintain an array of ways of making change with a partial set of the available denominations, and add in a new denomination d by updating the array like this:
for i = d upto N
a[i] += a[i-d]
Your actual problem is the reverse of this: finding denominations based on the total number of ways. Note that if you know one d, you can remove it from the ways array by reversing the above procedure:
for i = N downto d
a[i] -= a[i-d]
You can find the lowest denomination available by looking for the first 1 in the array (other than the value at index 0, which is always 1). Then, once you've found the lowest denomination, you can remove its effect on the ways array, and repeat until the array is zeroed (except for the first value).
Here's a full solution in Python:
def rways(A):
dens = []
for i in range(1, len(A)):
if not A[i]: continue
for j in range(len(A)-1, i-1, -1):
A[j] -= A[j-i]
return dens
print(rways([1, 0, 1, 1, 2]))
You might want to add error-checking: if you find a non-zero value that's not 1 when searching for the next denomination, then the original array isn't valid.
For reference and comparison, here's some code for computing the ways of making change from a set of denominations:
def ways(dens, N):
A = [1] + [0] * N
for d in dens:
for i in range(d, N+1):
A[i] += A[i-d]
return A
print(ways([2, 3, 4], 4))

Find a period of eventually periodic sequence

Short explanation.
I have a sequence of numbers [0, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7]. As you see, from the 3-rd value the sequence is periodic with a period [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7].
I am trying to automatically extract this period from this sequence. The problem is that neither I know the length of the period, nor do I know from which position the sequence becomes periodic.
Full explanation (might require some math)
I am learning combinatorial game theory and a cornerstone of this theory requires one to calculate Grundy values of a game graph. This produces infinite sequence, which in many cases becomes eventually periodic.
I found a way to efficiently calculate grundy values (it returns me a sequence). I would like to automatically extract offset and period of this sequence. I am aware that seeing a part of the sequence [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] you can't be sure that [1, 2, 3] is a period (who knows may be the next number is 4, which breaks the assumption), but I am not interested in such intricacies (I assume that the sequence is enough to find the real period). Also the problem is the sequence can stop in the middle of the period: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, ...] (the period is still 1, 2, 3).
I also need to find the smallest offset and period. For example for original sequence, the offset can be [0, 1, 4, 0, 0] and the period [1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 0, 0], but the smallest is [0, 1, 4] and [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7].
My inefficient approach is to try every possible offset and every possible period. Construct the sequence using this data and check whether it is the same as original. I have not done any normal analysis, but it looks like it is at least quadratic in terms of time complexity.
Here is my quick python code (have not tested it properly):
def getPeriod(arr):
min_offset, min_period, n = len(arr), len(arr), len(arr)
best_offset, best_period = [], []
for offset in xrange(n):
start = arr[:offset]
for period_len in xrange(1, (n - offset) / 2):
period = arr[offset: offset+period_len]
attempt = (start + period * (n / period_len + 1))[:n]
if attempt == arr:
if period_len < min_period:
best_offset, best_period = start[::], period[::]
min_offset, min_period = len(start), period_len
elif period_len == min_period and len(start) < min_offset:
best_offset, best_period = start[::], period[::]
min_offset, min_period = len(start), period_len
return best_offset, best_period
Which returns me what I want for my original sequence:
offset [0, 1, 4]
period [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7]
Is there anything more efficient?
Remark: If there is a period P1 with length L, then there is also a period P2, with the same length, L, such that the input sequence ends exactly with P2 (i.e. we do not have a partial period involved at the end).
Indeed, a different period of the same length can always be obtained by changing the offset. The new period will be a rotation of the initial period.
For example the following sequence has a period of length 4 and offset 3:
0 0 0 (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 2
but it also has a period with the same length 4 and offset 5, without a partial period at the end:
0 0 0 1 2 (3 4 1 2) (3 4 1 2) (3 4 1 2) (3 4 1 2) (3 4 1 2)
The implication is that we can find the minimum length of a period by processing the sequence in reverse order, and searching the minimum period using zero offset from the end. One possible approach is to simply use your current algorithm on the reversed list, without the need of the loop over offsets.
Now that we know the length of the desired period, we can also find its minimum offset. One possible approach is to try all various offsets (with the advantage of not needing the loop over lengths, since the length is known), however, further optimizations are possible if necessary, e.g. by advancing as much as possible when processing the list from the end, allowing the final repetition of the period (i.e. the one closest to the start of the un-reversed sequence) to be partial.
I would start with constructing histogram of the values in the sequence
So you just make a list of all numbers used in sequence (or significant part of it) and count their occurrence. This is O(n) where n is sequence size.
sort the histogram ascending
This is O(m.log(m)) where m is number of distinct values. You can also ignore low probable numbers (count<treshold) which are most likely in the offset or just irregularities further lowering m. For periodic sequences m <<< n so you can use it as a first marker if the sequence is periodic or not.
find out the period
In the histogram the counts should be around multiples of the n/period. So approximate/find GCD of the histogram counts. The problem is that you need to take into account there are irregularities present in the counts and also in the n (offset part) so you need to compute GCD approximately. for example:
sequence = { 1,1,2,3,3,1,2,3,3,1,2,3,3 }
has ordered histogram:
2 3
1 4
3 6
the GCD(6,4)=2 and GCD(6,3)=3 you should check at least +/-1 around the GCD results so the possible periods are around:
T = ~n/2 = 13/2 = 6
T = ~n/3 = 13/3 = 4
So check T={3,4,5,6,7} just to be sure. Use always GCD between the highest counts vs. lowest counts. If the sequence has many distinct numbers you can also do a histogram of counts checking only the most common values.
To check period validity just take any item near end or middle of the sequence (just use probable periodic area). Then look for it in close area near probable period before (or after) its occurrence. If found few times you got the right period (or its multiple)
Get the exact period
Just check the found period fractions (T/2, T/3, ...) or do a histogram on the found period and the smallest count tells you how many real periods you got encapsulated so divide by it.
find offset
When you know the period this is easy. Just scan from start take first item and see if after period is there again. If not remember position. Stop at the end or in the middle of sequence ... or on some treshold consequent successes. This is up to O(n) And the last remembered position is the last item in the offset.
[edit1] Was curious so I try to code it in C++
I simplified/skip few things (assuming at least half of the array is periodic) to test if I did not make some silly mistake in my algorithm and here the result (Works as expected):
const int p=10; // min periods for testing
const int n=500; // generated sequence size
int seq[n]; // generated sequence
int offset,period; // generated properties
int i,j,k,e,t0,T;
int hval[n],hcnt[n],hs; // histogram
// generate periodic sequence
for (i=0;i<offset+period;i++) seq[i]=Random(n);
for (i=offset,j=i+period;j<n;i++,j++) seq[j]=seq[i];
if ((offset)&&(seq[offset-1]==seq[offset-1+period])) seq[offset-1]++;
// compute histogram O(n) on last half of it
for (hs=0,i=n>>1;i<n;i++)
for (e=seq[i],j=0;j<hs;j++)
if (hval[j]==e) { hcnt[j]++; j=-1; break; }
if (j>=0) { hval[hs]=e; hcnt[hs]=1; hs++; }
// bubble sort histogram asc O(m^2)
for (e=1,j=hs;e;j--)
for (e=0,i=1;i<j;i++)
if (hcnt[i-1]>hcnt[i])
{ e=hval[i-1]; hval[i-1]=hval[i]; hval[i]=e;
e=hcnt[i-1]; hcnt[i-1]=hcnt[i]; hcnt[i]=e; e=1; }
// test possible periods
for (j=0;j<hs;j++)
if ((!j)||(hcnt[j]!=hcnt[j-1])) // distinct counts only
if (hcnt[j]>1) // more then 1 occurence
for (T=(n>>1)/(hcnt[j]+1);T<=(n>>1)/(hcnt[j]-1);T++)
for (i=n-1,e=seq[i],i-=T,k=0;(i>=(n>>1))&&(k<p)&&(e==seq[i]);i-=T,k++);
if ((k>=p)||(i<n>>1)) { j=hs; break; }
// compute histogram O(T) on last multiple of period
for (hs=0,i=n-T;i<n;i++)
for (e=seq[i],j=0;j<hs;j++)
if (hval[j]==e) { hcnt[j]++; j=-1; break; }
if (j>=0) { hval[hs]=e; hcnt[hs]=1; hs++; }
// least count is the period multiple O(m)
for (e=hcnt[0],i=0;i<hs;i++) if (e>hcnt[i]) e=hcnt[i];
if (e) T/=e;
// check/handle error
if (T!=period)
// search offset size O(n)
for (t0=-1,i=0;i<n-T;i++)
if (seq[i]!=seq[i+T]) t0=i;
// check/handle error
if (t0!=offset)
Code is still not optimized. For n=10000 it takes around 5ms on mine setup. The result is in t0 (offset) and T (period). You may need to play with the treshold constants a bit
I had to do something similar once. I used brute force and some common sense, the solution is not very elegant but it works. The solution always works, but you have to set the right parameters (k,j, con) in the function.
The sequence is saved as a list in the variable seq.
k is the size of the sequence array, if you think your sequence will take long to become periodic then set this k to a big number.
The variable found will tell us if the array passed the periodic test with period j
j is the period.
If you expect a huge period then you must set j to a big number.
We test the periodicity by checking the last j+30 numbers of the sequence.
The bigger the period (j) the more we must check.
As soon as one of the test is passed we exit the function and we return the smaller period.
As you may notice the accuracy depends on the variables j and k but if you set them to very big numbers it will always be correct.
def some_sequence(s0, a, b, m):
while findseq:
snext= (a*snext+b)%m
if k>20000:
for i in range(1,len(seq)):
for j in range(1,1000):
found =True
for con in range(j+30):
if not (seq[-i-con]==seq[-i-j-con]):
found = False
if found:
return minT
return None
simplified version
def get_min_period(sequence,max_period,test_numb):
if max_period+test_numb > len(sequence):
print("max_period+test_numb cannot be bigger than the seq length")
return 1
for i in range(1,len(seq)):
for j in range(1,max_period):
found =True
for con in range(j+test_numb):
if not (seq[-i-con]==seq[-i-j-con]):
found = False
if found:
return minT
Where max_period is the maximun period you want to look for, and test_numb is how many numbers of the sequence you want to test, the bigger the better but you have to make max_period+test_numb < len(sequence)

Disperse Duplicates in an Array

Source : Google Interview Question
Write a routine to ensure that identical elements in the input are maximally spread in the output?
Basically, we need to place the same elements,in such a way , that the TOTAL spreading is as maximal as possible.
Input: {1,1,2,3,2,3}
Possible Output: {1,2,3,1,2,3}
Total dispersion = Difference between position of 1's + 2's + 3's = 4-1 + 5-2 + 6-3 = 9 .
I am NOT AT ALL sure, if there's an optimal polynomial time algorithm available for this.Also,no other detail is provided for the question other than this .
What i thought is,calculate the frequency of each element in the input,then arrange them in the output,each distinct element at a time,until all the frequencies are exhausted.
I am not sure of my approach .
Any approaches/ideas people .
I believe this simple algorithm would work:
count the number of occurrences of each distinct element.
make a new list
add one instance of all elements that occur more than once to the list (order within each group does not matter)
add one instance of all unique elements to the list
add one instance of all elements that occur more than once to the list
add one instance of all elements that occur more than twice to the list
add one instance of all elements that occur more than trice to the list
Now, this will intuitively not give a good spread:
for {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4} ==> {1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1}
for {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4} ==> {1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2}
However, i think this is the best spread you can get given the scoring function provided.
Since the dispersion score counts the sum of the distances instead of the squared sum of the distances, you can have several duplicates close together, as long as you have a large gap somewhere else to compensate.
for a sum-of-squared-distances score, the problem becomes harder.
Perhaps the interview question hinged on the candidate recognizing this weakness in the scoring function?
In perl
then make a hash table of the counts of different numbers in the list, like a frequency table
map { $x{$_}++ } #a;
then repeatedly walk through all the keys found, with the keys in a known order and add the appropriate number of individual numbers to an output list until all the keys are exhausted
while( $g == 1 ) {
for my $n (sort keys %x)
if ($x{$n}>1) {
push #r, $n;
I'm sure that this could be adapted to any programming language that supports hash tables
python code for algorithm suggested by Vorsprung and HugoRune:
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
def max_spread(data):
cnt = Counter()
for i in data: cnt[i] += 1
res, num = [], list(cnt)
while len(cnt) > 0:
for i in num:
if num[i] > 0:
cnt[i] -= 1
if cnt[i] == 0: del cnt[i]
return res
def calc_spread(data):
d = defaultdict()
for i, v in enumerate(data):
d.setdefault(v, []).append(i)
return sum([max(x) - min(x) for _, x in d.items()])
HugoRune's answer takes some advantage of the unusual scoring function but we can actually do even better: suppose there are d distinct non-unique values, then the only thing that is required for a solution to be optimal is that the first d values in the output must consist of these in any order, and likewise the last d values in the output must consist of these values in any (i.e. possibly a different) order. (This implies that all unique numbers appear between the first and last instance of every non-unique number.)
The relative order of the first copies of non-unique numbers doesn't matter, and likewise nor does the relative order of their last copies. Suppose the values 1 and 2 both appear multiple times in the input, and that we have built a candidate solution obeying the condition I gave in the first paragraph that has the first copy of 1 at position i and the first copy of 2 at position j > i. Now suppose we swap these two elements. Element 1 has been pushed j - i positions to the right, so its score contribution will drop by j - i. But element 2 has been pushed j - i positions to the left, so its score contribution will increase by j - i. These cancel out, leaving the total score unchanged.
Now, any permutation of elements can be achieved by swapping elements in the following way: swap the element in position 1 with the element that should be at position 1, then do the same for position 2, and so on. After the ith step, the first i elements of the permutation are correct. We know that every swap leaves the scoring function unchanged, and a permutation is just a sequence of swaps, so every permutation also leaves the scoring function unchanged! This is true at for the d elements at both ends of the output array.
When 3 or more copies of a number exist, only the position of the first and last copy contribute to the distance for that number. It doesn't matter where the middle ones go. I'll call the elements between the 2 blocks of d elements at either end the "central" elements. They consist of the unique elements, as well as some number of copies of all those non-unique elements that appear at least 3 times. As before, it's easy to see that any permutation of these "central" elements corresponds to a sequence of swaps, and that any such swap will leave the overall score unchanged (in fact it's even simpler than before, since swapping two central elements does not even change the score contribution of either of these elements).
This leads to a simple O(nlog n) algorithm (or O(n) if you use bucket sort for the first step) to generate a solution array Y from a length-n input array X:
Sort the input array X.
Use a single pass through X to count the number of distinct non-unique elements. Call this d.
Set i, j and k to 0.
While i < n:
If X[i+1] == X[i], we have a non-unique element:
Set Y[j] = Y[n-j-1] = X[i].
Increment i twice, and increment j once.
While X[i] == X[i-1]:
Set Y[d+k] = X[i].
Increment i and k.
Otherwise we have a unique element:
Set Y[d+k] = X[i].
Increment i and k.

Algorithm to count the number of valid blocks in a permutation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Finding sorted sub-sequences in a permutation
Given an array A which holds a permutation of 1,2,...,n. A sub-block A[i..j]
of an array A is called a valid block if all the numbers appearing in A[i..j]
are consecutive numbers (may not be in order).
Given an array A= [ 7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8] the valid blocks are [3 4], [1,2], [6,5],
[3 4 1 2], [3 4 1 2 6 5], [7 3 4 1 2 6 5], [7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8]
So the count for above permutation is 7.
Give an O( n log n) algorithm to count the number of valid blocks.
Ok, I am down to 1 rep because I put 200 bounty on a related question: Finding sorted sub-sequences in a permutation
so I cannot leave comments for a while.
I have an idea:
1) Locate all permutation groups. They are: (78), (34), (12), (65). Unlike in group theory, their order and position, and whether they are adjacent matters. So, a group (78) can be represented as a structure (7, 8, false), while (34) would be (3,4,true). I am using Python's notation for tuples, but it is actually might be better to use a whole class for the group. Here true or false means contiguous or not. Two groups are "adjacent" if (max(gp1) == min(gp2) + 1 or max(gp2) == min(gp1) + 1) and contigous(gp1) and contiguos(gp2). This is not the only condition, for union(gp1, gp2) to be contiguous, because (14) and (23) combine into (14) nicely. This is a great question for algo class homework, but a terrible one for interview. I suspect this is homework.
Just some thoughts:
At first sight, this sounds impossible: a fully sorted array would have O(n2) valid sub-blocks.
So, you would need to count more than one valid sub-block at a time. Checking the validity of a sub-block is O(n). Checking whether a sub-block is fully sorted is O(n) as well. A fully sorted sub-block contains n·(n - 1)/2 valid sub-blocks, which you can count without further breaking this sub-block up.
Now, the entire array is obviously always valid. For a divide-and-conquer approach, you would need to break this up. There are two conceivable breaking points: the location of the highest element, and that of the lowest element. If you break the array into two at one of these points, including the extremum in the part that contains the second-to-extreme element, there cannot be a valid sub-block crossing this break-point.
By always choosing the extremum that produces a more even split, this should work quite well (average O(n log n)) for "random" arrays. However, I can see problems when your input is something like (1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8), which seems to produce O(n2) behaviour. (1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9) would be similar (I hope you see the pattern). I currently see no trick to catch this kind of worse case, but it seems that it requires other splitting techniques.
This question does involve a bit of a "math trick" but it's fairly straight forward once you get it. However, the rest of my solution won't fit the O(n log n) criteria.
The math portion:
For any two consecutive numbers their sum is 2k+1 where k is the smallest element. For three it is 3k+3, 4 : 4k+6 and for N such numbers it is Nk + sum(1,N-1). Hence, you need two steps which can be done simultaneously:
Create the sum of all the sub-arrays.
Determine the smallest element of a sub-array.
The dynamic programming portion
Build two tables using the results of the previous row's entries to build each successive row's entries. Unfortunately, I'm totally wrong as this would still necessitate n^2 sub-array checks. Ugh!
My proposition
STEP = 2 // amount of examed number
B [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
B [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
VALID(A,B) - if not valid move one
B [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0]
VALID(A,B) - if valid move one and step
B [0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0]
B [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0]
STEP = 3
B [1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0] not ok
B [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] ok
B [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0] not ok
STEP = 4
B [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] not ok
B [0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0] ok
CON <- 0
STEP <- 2
i <- 0
j <- 0
j <- STEP
CON <- CON + 1
i <- j + 1
j <- j + STEP
i <- i + 1
j <- j + 1
STEP <- STEP + 1
The valid method check that all elements are consecutive
Never tested but, might be ok
The original array doesn't contain duplicates so must itself be a consecutive block. Lets call this block (1 ~ n). We can test to see whether block (2 ~ n) is consecutive by checking if the first element is 1 or n which is O(1). Likewise we can test block (1 ~ n-1) by checking whether the last element is 1 or n.
I can't quite mould this into a solution that works but maybe it will help someone along...
Like everybody else, I'm just throwing this out ... it works for the single example below, but YMMV!
The idea is to count the number of illegal sub-blocks, and subtract this from the total possible number. We count the illegal ones by examining each array element in turn and ruling out sub-blocks that include the element but not its predecessor or successor.
Foreach i in [1,N], compute B[A[i]] = i.
Let Count = the total number of sub-blocks with length>1, which is N-choose-2 (one for each possible combination of starting and ending index).
Foreach i, consider A[i]. Ignoring edge cases, let x=A[i]-1, and let y=A[i]+1. A[i] cannot participate in any sub-block that does not include x or y. Let iX=B[x] and iY=B[y]. There are several cases to be treated independently here. The general case is that iX<i<iY<i. In this case, we can eliminate the sub-block A[iX+1 .. iY-1] and all intervening blocks containing i. There are (i - iX + 1) * (iY - i + 1) such sub-blocks, so call this number Eliminated. (Other cases left as an exercise for the reader, as are those edge cases.) Set Count = Count - Eliminated.
Return Count.
The total cost appears to be N * (cost of step 2) = O(N).
WRINKLE: In step 2, we must be careful not to eliminate each sub-interval more than once. We can accomplish this by only eliminating sub-intervals that lie fully or partly to the right of position i.
A = [1, 3, 2, 4]
B = [1, 3, 2, 4]
Initial count = (4*3)/2 = 6
i=1: A[i]=1, so need sub-blocks with 2 in them. We can eliminate [1,3] from consideration. Eliminated = 1, Count -> 5.
i=2: A[i]=3, so need sub-blocks with 2 or 4 in them. This rules out [1,3] but we already accounted for it when looking right from i=1. Eliminated = 0.
i=3: A[i] = 2, so need sub-blocks with [1] or [3] in them. We can eliminate [2,4] from consideration. Eliminated = 1, Count -> 4.
i=4: A[i] = 4, so we need sub-blocks with [3] in them. This rules out [2,4] but we already accounted for it when looking right from i=3. Eliminated = 0.
Final Count = 4, corresponding to the sub-blocks [1,3,2,4], [1,3,2], [3,2,4] and [3,2].
(This is an attempt to do this N.log(N) worst case. Unfortunately it's wrong -- it sometimes undercounts. It incorrectly assumes you can find all the blocks by looking at only adjacent pairs of smaller valid blocks. In fact you have to look at triplets, quadruples, etc, to get all the larger blocks.)
You do it with a struct that represents a subblock and a queue for subblocks.
int index ; /* index into original array, head of subblock */
int width ; /* width of subblock > 0 */
int lo_value;
c_subblock * p_above ; /* null or subblock above with same index */
Alloc an array of subblocks the same size as the original array, and init each subblock to have exactly one item in it. Add them to the queue as you go. If you start with array [ 7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8 ] you will end up with a queue like this:
queue: ( [7,7] [3,3] [4,4] [1,1] [2,2] [6,6] [5,5] [8,8] )
The { index, width, lo_value, p_above } values for subbblock [7,7] will be { 0, 1, 7, null }.
Now it's easy. Forgive the c-ish pseudo-code.
loop {
c_subblock * const p_left = Pop subblock from queue.
int const right_index = p_left.index + p_left.width;
if ( right_index < length original array ) {
// Find adjacent subblock on the right.
// To do this you'll need the original array of length-1 subblocks.
c_subblock const * p_right = array_basic_subblocks[ right_index ];
do {
Check the left/right subblocks to see if the two merged are also a subblock.
If they are add a new merged subblock to the end of the queue.
p_right = p_right.p_above;
while ( p_right );
This will find them all I think. It's usually O(N log(N)), but it'll be O(N^2) for a fully sorted or anti-sorted list. I think there's an answer to this though -- when you build the original array of subblocks you look for sorted and anti-sorted sequences and add them as the base-level subblocks. If you are keeping a count increment it by (width * (width + 1))/2 for the base-level. That'll give you the count INCLUDING all the 1-length subblocks.
After that just use the loop above, popping and pushing the queue. If you're counting you'll have to have a multiplier on both the left and right subblocks and multiply these together to calculate the increment. The multiplier is the width of the leftmost (for p_left) or rightmost (for p_right) base-level subblock.
Hope this is clear and not too buggy. I'm just banging it out, so it may even be wrong.
[Later note. This doesn't work after all. See note below.]

Compute rank of a combination?

I want to pre-compute some values for each combination in a set of combinations. For example, when choosing 3 numbers from 0 to 12, I'll compute some value for each one:
>>> for n in choose(range(13), 3):
print n, foo(n)
(0, 1, 2) 78
(0, 1, 3) 4
(0, 1, 4) 64
(0, 1, 5) 33
(0, 1, 6) 20
(0, 1, 7) 64
(0, 1, 8) 13
(0, 1, 9) 24
(0, 1, 10) 85
(0, 1, 11) 13
I want to store these values in an array so that given the combination, I can compute its and get the value. For example:
>>> a = [78, 4, 64, 33]
>>> a[magic((0,1,2))]
What would magic be?
Initially I thought to just store it as a 3-d matrix of size 13 x 13 x 13, so I can easily index it that way. While this is fine for 13 choose 3, this would have way too much overhead for something like 13 choose 7.
I don't want to use a dict because eventually this code will be in C, and an array would be much more efficient anyway.
UPDATE: I also have a similar problem, but using combinations with repetitions, so any answers on how to get the rank of those would be much appreciated =).
UPDATE: To make it clear, I'm trying to conserve space. Each of these combinations actually indexes into something take up a lot of space, let's say 2 kilobytes. If I were to use a 13x13x13 array, that would be 4 megabytes, of which I only need 572 kilobytes using (13 choose 3) spots.
Here is a conceptual answer and a code based on how lex ordering works. (So I guess my answer is like that of "moron", except that I think that he has too few details and his links have too many.) I wrote a function unchoose(n,S) for you that works assuming that S is an ordered list subset of range(n). The idea: Either S contains 0 or it does not. If it does, remove 0 and compute the index for the remaining subset. If it does not, then it comes after the binomial(n-1,k-1) subsets that do contain 0.
def binomial(n,k):
if n < 0 or k < 0 or k > n: return 0
b = 1
for i in xrange(k): b = b*(n-i)/(i+1)
return b
def unchoose(n,S):
k = len(S)
if k == 0 or k == n: return 0
j = S[0]
if k == 1: return j
S = [x-1 for x in S]
if not j: return unchoose(n-1,S[1:])
return binomial(n-1,k-1)+unchoose(n-1,S)
def choose(X,k):
n = len(X)
if k < 0 or k > n: return []
if not k: return [[]]
if k == n: return [X]
return [X[:1] + S for S in choose(X[1:],k-1)] + choose(X[1:],k)
(n,k) = (13,3)
for S in choose(range(n),k): print unchoose(n,S),S
Now, it is also true that you can cache or hash values of both functions, binomial and unchoose. And what's nice about this is that you can compromise between precomputing everything and precomputing nothing. For instance you can precompute only for len(S) <= 3.
You can also optimize unchoose so that it adds the binomial coefficients with a loop if S[0] > 0, instead of decrementing and using tail recursion.
You can try using the lexicographic index of the combination. Maybe this page will help:
This MSDN page has more details: Generating the mth Lexicographical Element of a Mathematical Combination.
NOTE: The MSDN page has been retired. If you download the documentation at the above link, you will find the article on page 10201 of the pdf that is downloaded.
To be a bit more specific:
When treated as a tuple, you can order the combinations lexicographically.
So (0,1,2) < (0,1,3) < (0,1,4) etc.
Say you had the number 0 to n-1 and chose k out of those.
Now if the first element is zero, you know that it is one among the first n-1 choose k-1.
If the first element is 1, then it is one among the next n-2 choose k-1.
This way you can recursively compute the exact position of the given combination in the lexicographic ordering and use that to map it to your number.
This works in reverse too and the MSDN page explains how to do that.
Use a hash table to store the results. A decent hash function could be something like:
h(x) = (x1*p^(k - 1) + x2*p^(k - 2) + ... + xk*p^0) % pp
Where x1 ... xk are the numbers in your combination (for example (0, 1, 2) has x1 = 0, x2 = 1, x3 = 2) and p and pp are primes.
So you would store Hash[h(0, 1, 2)] = 78 and then you would retrieve it the same way.
Note: the hash table is just an array of size pp, not a dict.
I would suggest a specialised hash table. The hash for a combination should be the exclusive-or of the hashes for the values. Hashes for values are basically random bit-patterns.
You could code the table to cope with collisions, but it should be fairly easy to derive a minimal perfect hash scheme - one where no two three-item combinations give the same hash value, and where the hash-size and table-size are kept to a minimum.
This is basically Zobrist hashing - think of a "move" as adding or removing one item of the combination.
The reason to use a hash table is that the lookup performance O(n) where n is the number of items in the combination (assuming no collisions). Calculating lexicographical indexes into the combinations is significantly slower, IIRC.
The downside is obviously the up-front work done to generate the table.
For now, I've reached a compromise: I have a 13x13x13 array which just maps to the index of the combination, taking up 13x13x13x2 bytes = 4 kilobytes (using short ints), plus the normal-sized (13 choose 3) * 2 kilobytes = 572 kilobytes, for a total of 576 kilobytes. Much better than 4 megabytes, and also faster than a rank calculation!
I did this partly cause I couldn't seem to get Moron's answer to work. Also this is more extensible - I have a case where I need combinations with repetitions, and I haven't found a way to compute the rank of those, yet.
What you want are called combinadics. Here's my implementation of this concept, in Python:
def nthresh(k, idx):
"""Finds the largest value m such that C(m, k) <= idx."""
mk = k
while ncombs(mk, k) <= idx:
mk += 1
return mk - 1
def idx_to_set(k, idx):
ret = []
for i in range(k, 0, -1):
element = nthresh(i, idx)
idx -= ncombs(element, i)
return ret
def set_to_idx(input):
ret = 0
for k, ck in enumerate(sorted(input)):
ret += ncombs(ck, k + 1)
return ret
I have written a class to handle common functions for working with the binomial coefficient, which is the type of problem that your problem falls under. It performs the following tasks:
Outputs all the K-indexes in a nice format for any N choose K to a file. The K-indexes can be substituted with more descriptive strings or letters. This method makes solving this type of problem quite trivial.
Converts the K-indexes to the proper index of an entry in the sorted binomial coefficient table. This technique is much faster than older published techniques that rely on iteration and it does not use very much memory. It does this by using a mathematical property inherent in Pascal's Triangle. My paper talks about this. I believe I am the first to discover and publish this technique, but I could be wrong.
Converts the index in a sorted binomial coefficient table to the corresponding K-indexes.
Uses Mark Dominus method to calculate the binomial coefficient, which is much less likely to overflow and works with larger numbers.
The class is written in .NET C# and provides a way to manage the objects related to the problem (if any) by using a generic list. The constructor of this class takes a bool value called InitTable that when true will create a generic list to hold the objects to be managed. If this value is false, then it will not create the table. The table does not need to be created in order to perform the 4 above methods. Accessor methods are provided to access the table.
There is an associated test class which shows how to use the class and its methods. It has been extensively tested with 2 cases and there are no known bugs.
To read about this class and download the code, see Tablizing The Binomial Coeffieicent.
It should not be hard to convert this class to C++.
