Is there any graph partitioning method that can partition a graph in groups of maximum n vertices.
Example : I have a graph with 1000 vertices and I want to partition it in subgraphs with maximum 100 vertices. There can be 2 subgraphs with 50 vertices each if algorithm find this being better.
I found a method with k-means and after k-means to "calibrate" clusters in such way to have 100 vertices in each cluster but I think this method is time consuming.
Any ideas ?
Edit: Ok, maybe it was wrong to ask for subgraphs. Just imagine how kmeans work , I want to partition my graph in small groups , after partition I solve TSP problem in each group and then link every group with nearest group and apply 3opt moves for groups center. But to do this I need a partition method to find groups with max n vertices ; algorithm can find k groups with n vertices and if there are some vertices free it will make another group with what left. Vertices must be close eachother not random selected.
You need to make research for this. I remember an heuristic algorithm called Kernighan-Lin that can serve your purpose. Unfortunate you need to generalize it and the time is really bad. I believe it is around O(N^3).
Also another more professional but complicated approach is to use Spectral Partitioning. There is a very detailed article about this topic that you can use on the Direct Science website. Here is a link to this topic: Spectral partitioning works: Planar graphs and finite
element meshes.
I hope this will help you in your quest. But I am warning you this is not a simple matter. Good Luck!
Let say I created a Minimum Spanning Tree out of Graph with M nodes. Is there an algorithm to create N number of clusters.
I'm looking to cut some of the links such as that I end up with N clusters and label them i.e. given a node X I can query in which cluster it belongs.
What I think is once I have the MST, I cut the top/max M-N edges of the MST and I will get N clusters ?
Is my logic correct ?
That seems a good way to me. You ask whether it's "correct" -- that I can't say, since I don't know what other unstated criteria you have in mind. All you have actually stated that you want is to create N clusters -- which you could also achieve by throwing away the MST, putting vertex 1 in the first cluster, vertex 2 in the second, ..., vertex N-1 in the (N-1)th, and all remaining vertices in the Nth.
If you're using Kruskal's algorithm to build the MST, you can achieve what you're suggesting by simply stopping the algorithm early, as soon as only N components remain.
A tree is a (very sparse) subset of edges of a graph, if you cut based on them you are not taking into consideration a (possible) vast majority of edges in your graph.
Based on the fact that you want to use a M(inimum)ST algorithm to create clusters, it would seem you want to minimize the set of edges that lie in the n-way cut induced by your clustering. Using an MST as a proxy with a graph with very similar weight edges will produce likely terrible results.
Graph clustering is a heavily studied topic, have you considered using an existing library to accomplish this? If you insist on implementing your own algorithm, I would recommend spectral clustering as a starting point as it will produce decent results without much effort.
Edit based on feedback in coments:
If your main bottleneck is the similarity matrix then the following should be considered:
Investigate sparse matrix/graph representation while implementing something like spectral clustering which is probably going to give much more robust results than single-linkage clustering
Investigate pruning edges from the similarity matrix which you think are unimportant. If pruning is combined with a sparse representation of the similarity matrix, this should yield comparable performance to the MST approach while giving a smooth continuum to tune performance vs quality.
Supposing I have a fully connected graph of N nodes, and I know the weight between any two pairs of nodes. How do I select k nodes such that I maximize the minimum distance between any pair of nodes?
I mapped this problem as a more general case of the one I actually want to solve, which I've dubbed the cheating students problem (I don't know if it has an actual name).
Cheating Students problem:
Given an N.M matrix, how to select k cells with maximum distance between any pair of cells? You could assume the matrix is a classroom where k cheating students are giving a test. No pair of students should be close to each other, and thus we want to maximize the minimum distance between any pair.
Your generalized graph problem appears to be very closely related to the maximum independent set problem described in, which is NP-complete. I can find a maximum independent set by running a binary chop to find the largest k for which an algorithm solving your graph problem returns a minimum distance greater than 1. Since finding a maximum independent set is hard, I think your generalized problem is hard.
I don't see an easy way to solve the matrix problem, either, but the related problem of packing circles as efficiently as possible on a 2-d surface of infinite size has been solved, and the answer is what is called a hexagonal packing ( which confusingly is based on a triangular tiling ( - "The vertices of the triangular tiling are the centers of the densest possible circle packing").
So for finite matrices and numbers of students it is possible that arranging the students in widely separated rows, with the rows staggered so that each student is centered between the pair of students nearest them in the row in front of them and behind them, is not too far from optimal - or at least a good place from which to start some sort of hill-climbing attempt.
specific question here. Suppose you have a graph where each vertice specifies how many connections they must have to another vertices and the following rules/properties apply:
1- The graph can be incomplete (no need to every vertice to have a connection with every other)
2- There can be two connections between two vertices only if they are in opposite directions (e.g: A points do B, B points to A).
3- Suppose they are on a 2D plane, there can be no crossing of connections (not even tangents).
4- Theres no interest for the shortest path, just respecting the properties and knowing if the solution is unique or not.
5- There can be no possible solution
EDIT: Alright guys sorry for not being specific. I'll try to clarify my point here: what I want to do is given a number of vertices, know if a graph is connected (if all the points have at least a connection to the graph). The vertices given can be impossible to make a graph of it so I want to know if there's is a solution, if the solution is unique or not or (worst case scenario) if there is no possible solution. I think that clarifies point 4 and 5. The graph is undirected, the connections can Not curve, only straight lines.The Nodes (vertices) are fixed, we have their position from or W/E input. I wanted to know the best approach and I've been researching and it is a connectivity problem, though maybe some specific alg may be more efficient doing this task. That's all, sorry for late reply
EDIT2: Alright guys would the problem be different if we think that each vertice is on a row and column of a plane matrix and they can only connect with other Vertices on the same column or row? So it would be just 90/180/270/360 straight connections. This would hugely shorten the possibilities right?
I am going to assume that the question is: Given the degree of each vertex, work out a graph that passes all the constraints given.
I think you can reduce this to a very large integer programming problem - linear constraints, but with the variables required to be integers (in fact either 0 or 1), which makes the problem much more difficult than ordinary linear programming.
Let the unknowns be of the form Xij, where Xij is 1 if there is an edge from node i to node j, and 0 otherwise. The requirements on the number of connections then amount to requirements of the form SUM_{all i}Xij = K for some K dependent on the requirement. The requirement that the graph is planar reduces to the requirement that the graph not contain two known graphs as subgraphs - Each possible subgraph then produces a constraint such as X01 + X02 + ... < 5 - there will be a huge number of these constraints - so large that for large number of nodes simply producing all the constraints may be too expensive to be practical, let alone solving them. The number of constraints goes up as at least the 6th power of the number of nodes. However this is polynomial, so theoretically practical to write down the MIP to be solved - so perhaps this is better than no algorithm at all.
Assuming that you are asking us to:
Find out if it is possible to generate one-or-more directed planar graphs such that each vertex has a given out-degree (not necessarily the same out-degree per vertex).
Let's also assume that you want the graph to be connected.
If there are n vertices and the vertices have degrees d_1 ... d_n then for vertex i there are C(n-1,d_i) = (n-1)!/((d_i)!*(n-1-d_i)!) possible combinations of out-edges from that vertex. Taking the product of all these combinations over all the vertices will give you the upper bound on the number of possible graphs.
The naive approach is:
Generate all possible graphs.
Filter the graphs to only have connected graphs.
Run a planarity test on the graph to determine if it is planar (you can consider the graph to be undirected in this step); discard if it isn't.
Suppose I have an undirected weighted connected graph. I want to group vertices that have highest edges' value all together (vertices degree). Using clustering algorithms is one way. What clustering algorithms can I consider for this task? I hope it is clear; any question for clarification, please ask. Thanks.
There are two main approach - giving your graph as an input to existing tool, or using expert knowledge you have on this graph (and its domain) in order to create a representation, and then apply machine learning methods on it.
I'll start with the second approach:
If you have only the nodes and edges (no farther data for each node), you first need to think of a representation for each node\edge. I going to explain about nodes, but it should should be similar for edges' case.
The simplest approach is to represent each node n as a connectivity vector:
Every node will be represented as n=(Ia(n),Ib(n),Ic(n),Id(n),Ie(n)), where Ii(n)=1 in case node n is a 'friend' (neighbor) of node i, and 0 otherwise. (e.g.a=(0,1,1,0,1))
Note that you can decide if a node is a friend of itself.
Second approach, which is quite similar to the first one, is to use edges' weights vector:
n=(W(a,n),W(b,n),W(c,n),W(d,n),W(e,n)) , where W(i,n) is the weight of the edge (i,n).
There are a few more ways to represent nodes, but this is enough in order to run some calculations on it.
After you have this presentation, you can start applying some clustering algorithms on it.
kmeans is considered great for this task, and sklearn has a great implementation. It has some parameters you can (and should) configure (i.e. the distance measure).
The product of kmeans, is k different non-intersecting groups of nodes.
If you want to pass you graph to an algorithm and get some measures, there are more advanced algorithms you can apply. community detection is used to find communities in a graph. Again, there is a nice python implementation in the networkxpackage.
I have a database of 20 million users and connections between those people. How can I prove the concept of "Six degrees of separation" concept in the most efficient way in programming?
link to the article about Six degrees of separation
You just want to measure the diameter of the graph.
This is exactly the metric to find out the seperation between the most-distantly-connected nodes in a graph.
Lots of algorithms on Google, Boost graph too.
You can probably fit the graph in memory (in the representation that each vertex knows a list of its neighbors).
Then, from each vertex n, you can run a breadth-first search (using a queue) to the depth of 6 and count number of vertices visited. If not all vertices are visited, you have disproved the theorem. In other case, continue with next vertex n.
This is O(N*(N + #edges)) = N*(N + N*100) = 100N^2, if user has 100 connections on average, Which is not ideal for N=20 million. I wonder if the mentioned libraries can compute the diameter in better time complexity (general algorithm is O(N^3)).
The computations for individual vertices are independent, so they could be done in parallel.
A little heuristic: start with vertices that have the lowest degree (better chance to disprove the theorem).
I think the most efficient way (worst case) is almost N^3. Build an adjacency matrix, and then take that matrix ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5 and ^6. Look for any entries in the graph that are 0 for matrix through matrix^6.
Heuristically you can try to single out subgraphs ( large clumps of people who are only connected to other clumps by a relatively small number of "bridge" nodes ) but there's absolutely no guarantee you'll have any.
Well a better answer has already been given, but off the top of my head I would have gone with the Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest path algorithm, which is O(n^3). I'm unsure of the complexity of the graph diameter algorithm, but it "sounds" like this would also be O(n^3). I'd like clarification on this if anyone knows.
On a side note, do you really have such a database? Scary.