PowerPoint addin: Justify alignment in a text-box - powerpoint

Explaining the problem
I am developing an addin in powerpoint and i am trying to create a textbox with justify alignment:
Shape newTextBox = currentSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(...);
TextRange boxTextRange = newTextBox.TextFrame.TextRange;
textRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = PpParagraphAlignment.ppAlignJustify;
The results are not as expected. When i type an 'enter' character in this box, the line is not justified. Why? Because with every 'enter' character, a 'paragraph' character is automatically inserted. Here is a screen shot of the copy-pasted text from the powepoint text-box to a word document:
In every case, the line is considered the last line of the paragraph and it is not justified.
However, if i try to do the same thing on the title textbox in the default title layout slide, there are no 'paragraph' characters.
Question time ...
Is there a way to stop these characters from being automatically entered in the text box? Maybe an option that i can set via code?


How to sort emails data using its color codes in emeditor

I have this little challenge.
I want to ask, how do i sort the emails using the color code (light green) as stated in this picture here
I have tried to remove the non emails by scrolling through, but i need a solution that can make it a one click through sorting.
I will appreciate your kind response.
Open the Replace dialog box and enter the following regex in the Find field:
Change the radio button to Regular Expressions. This regex pattern finds any line without a dot after # or any line without a #. Note that you need the last line of the document to be empty as shown in line 7 of your document.
Since we are deleting those lines, the "Replace with" field is blank. Now click Replace All.

How to move from Title box to Content box without mouse?

I create a new slide (Ctrl+m).
The layout by default is Title + Content.
I edit the title slide and now want to move to the content textbox.
How can I do this without my mouse?
Nutshell answer:
Hit ESC, then TAB key.
Short answer:
After typing your text into the Title placeholder, hit ESC to exit editing.
Then hit the TAB key to move to the next object. (If that is not the Content placeholder, continue hitting TAB until the desired object is selected.)
Start typing to enter your text.
Extended answer:
Hit Ctrl+m to create a new slide that uses the same Layout as the current one.
Hit the TAB key to go to the first object on the slide. (This is the back-most object on your slide; the one on the bottom in the Selection Pane list. If the designer of the Layout did a good job, this is the Title placeholder. If not, keep hitting TAB until the desired object is selected.)
Start typing your text. (If you edit an existing slide and there is already text contained in the shape, simply starting to type will append text at the end. If you want to replace the existing text, hit the return/enter key before starting to type. That will select all contained text, so it will be overwritten when you start typing.)
When finished entering your text, hit the ESC button (to exit edit mode and have the actual shape selected), and hit the TAB key to go to the next object – i.e. the second-lowest one. (Again, if the designer did a good job, this will be your Content placeholder. If not, continue hitting TAB.)
Go to step 3 to continue with the next object.
After typing the title text, press CTRL + M to put the cursor in the content placeholder.

Text should not be displayed behind the button VC++

I am designing a search text box, with close button at the end(will be shown when TextLength > 0).
But when entering lengthy text, the close button hide the last part of text. I need to restrict the text to not cross the close button.
Note: I dont wont to restrict the MaxLength of characters, but the max length of characters to be displayed inside the textbox.
It appears that the close button is overlapping the search text box.
If you are using MFC, then you can use CEdit::SetRect to set the formatting rectangle of edit text. If not MFC, then use EM_SETRECT message to do the same.
I have done similar stuff in my article here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15043/iTunes-like-Find-Edit-Control

Increase the height of Windows native edit control as the user is typing in text

We have a text box which is in fact an instance of the standard native Windows edit control used to enter text. The control was created using CreateWindowsEx without the ES_AUTOHSCROLL flag specified. It implies that word wrapping for entered text is used automatically.
Our goal is to fix the control's width and increase the height of the control automatically as the number of text lines is increased to show all them. An example: by default, the text box is empty. The user starts typing, and as soon as the end of the first line is reached, the text box automatically increases its height by one text line so the last word is put into the beginning of the second line due to word wrap.
How to gain this? Our development environment is VB6, but any WinAPI-based code is also welcome.

vb6 text control when property set to multiline cannot hightlight text past box length, have to use right directional key

When I set the multiline property of the text control to true, when in use, if the text control is used as a basic one line textbox and the text typed in goes past the length of the box, it only highlights text up the end of the box, you have to press the right arrow key to highlight the rest. I need the multiline property set to true because in some scenarios it is necessary. I've thought of creating the text control twice with the property turned off in one and on in the other but wanted to know if anyone knew a solution?
