OSX find and sed not being called on every file that matches - bash

First, my problem:
I have thousands of test files that currently call a function inside of another function. This could be placed anywhere in the file but can only be called once. The structure is as follows:
md = mod.solver(mod,TestFunctionCall());
I need to replace the function call TestFunctionCall() with a string, specifically, I need to remove Call() and replace it with a ' character. I also need to put a ' mark at the beginning of TestFunctionCall(). So essentially I want to do the following:
TestFunctionCall() -> 'TestFunction'
So my final output should look like this:
md = mod.solver(mod,'TestFunction');
The problem is, I have many different names for TestFunction and although they end in Call(), they might have different names (ie. MySolverCall(), HelloWorldCall(), etc.).
Since all the files I want have the name and extension test*.txt, I figured this would be easy enough for find and sed. So I used the following command:
find . -type f -name "test*.txt" -exec sed "s/solver(mod,\(.*\)Call()/solver(md,\'\1\'/g" {} \;
This spits out a ton of text at me with the files I'm editing, and then it does correctly replace FunctionNameCall() with 'FunctionName', however it only does so in about 10 files before deciding to stop. It seems no matter how many different files I call this command on, it will only edit around 10 files before stopping.
How can I make it edit every file with the name test*.txt in the current directory?


making text files containing list of files in different directories with random name in bash

I have a script which makes some files in pair (all the resulting files have either R1 OR R2 in the file name) and then put each pair in a separate directory with random name (every time will be different and I cannot predict). for example if I have 6 files, 3 files would be file_R1.txt or file_R2.txt but in pair like this example:
s1_R1.txt and s1_R2.txt
s2_R1.txt and s2_R2.txt
s3_R1.txt and s3_R2.txt
In this example I will have 3 directories (one per pair of files). I want to make 2 text file (d1.txt and. d2.txt) containing above file names. In fact, d1.txt will have all the files with R1 and d2.txt will contain all the files with R2. To do so, I made the following short bash code but it does not return what I want. Do you know how to fix it?
For file in /./*R*.txt;
touch "s1.txt"
touch "s2.txt"
echo "${fastq}" >> "s1.txt"
Weird question, not sure I get it, but for your d1 and d2 files:
find . -type f -name "*R1*" -print >d1.txt
find . -type f -name "*R2*" -print >d2.txt
find is used since you have files under different sub-directories.
Using > ensures the text files are emptied out if they already exist.
Note the code you put in your question is not valid bash.

Print all ongoing targets in Makefile

I have written a makefile which has pretty complicated dependency, and executes with multiple jobs in parallel (make -j100 for example). I am trying to find a way to print all the current running target names. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
If what you want is a kind of command that you can run from time to time while make is running, and that shows all currently executing recipes, you could slightly modify your recipes such that they first create a temporary file with the name of the target, do whatever they are supposed to do and delete the temporary file. Listing these temporary files anytime will then show you the currently executing recipes.
Example if all targets are located under the directory from which make is called (or sub-directories of it):
TAGSDIR := .tags
MKTAG = mkdir -p "$(TAGSDIR)/$(#D)" && touch "$(TAGSDIR)/$#"
RMTAG = rm -f "$(TAGSDIR)/$#"
<target>: <prerequisites>
<regular recipe>
And list all files under .tags to get the names of all currently running recipes. Example with find:
find .tags -type f -printf '%P\n'
You could even encapsulate this in an infinite loop and refresh the list e.g. every second:
while true; do clear; find -type f -printf '%P\n'; sleep 1; done
Andreas noticed that this works only if the targets are all located under the directory from which make is called. If a target is ../foobar, for instance, the temporary tag file would be .tags/../foobar, which is not what we want.
Andreas suggests to substitute .. with \.\. and / with \/. We could maybe find a way to do something like this under GNU/Linux and macOS (but not exactly, you cannot have a slash in a file name) but there could still be other issues under Windows (C:, backslashes...).
We could also store the name of the target in a text file and use mktemp or an equivalent to generate the text file with a unique name. But we would then need a way to propagate this unique name from MKTAG to RMTAG. This is doable with a shell variable and a one-line recipe (or the .ONESHELL special target) but not very nice.
As you use GNU make we could also use abspath and create temporary files named $(TAGSDIR)/$(abspath $#) but I do not know what abspath does under Windows with drive letters, nor do I know if you can name a file something\c:\something under Windows...
So, if your targets are not all located under the directory from which make is called, the best is to use another solution.

Unix - Move folder where containing files match a name

I was wondering how to move a number of folders to another one, according to the filename of a file inside each of the folders.
I mean, let's assume I have a big amount of folders, each one with a name starting by 'folder*', each one containing 3 files. Specifically one the files contains a string which might be '-100', '-200' or '-300' for example.
I want to move the folders containing the files according to this strings, and put them in a folder called 'string'. For example, to put every folder containing a file which contains the string '-100' into the folder 'FOLDER1'I'm trying something like:
find folder* -name '100' -exec mv {} folder* FOLDER1
but it returns -bash: /usr/bin/find: Argument list too long.
How can I pass less arguments to find at every step so I don't get this.
Thank in advance.
Using your example, and running in the topmost folder containing all the folders, I believe that what you need is this:
grep -rlw folder* -e "-100" | xargs -I % mv % FOLDER1

need to get recursive list of files using mac command line

I need to get the contents of a folder via mac console window
and put into a text file via >output.txt:
existing structure looks like:
what I want looks would look like this (the folder is missing):
No css/fonts or js/libs or css folders listed
i.e. no folders….. and no formatting like
/folder/shared/css/astyle.css Or
even better would be with parens and commas:
As I want to make a json document. Is this possible?
This is the sort of task that find is good at:
% find folder -type f | sed -e 's,folder/,",' -e 's/$/",/'
You might be able to adjust the 's,folder/,",' substitution by, say
(cd folder; find . -type f) | sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1",/'
Further refinements are an exercise for the reader!

Finding and Removing Unused Files Through Command Line

My websites file structure has gotten very messy over the years from uploading random files to test different things out. I have a list of all my files such as this:
Is there any way I can input my list of files via command line and search the contents of all the other files on my website and output a list of the files that aren't mentioned anywhere on my other files?
For example, if cool.jpg and hmmmm.js weren't mentioned in any of my other files then it could output them in a list like this:
And then any of those other files mentioned above aren't listed because they are mentioned somewhere in another file. Note: I don't want it to just automatically delete the unused files, I'll do that manually.
Also, of course I have multiple folders so it will need to search recursively from my current location and output all the unused (unreferenced) files.
I'm thinking command line would be the fastest/easiest way, unless someone knows of another. Thanks in advance for any help that you guys can be!
Yep! This is pretty easy to do with grep. In this case, you would run a command like:
$ for orphan in `cat orphans.txt`; do \
echo "Checking for presence of ${orphan} in present directory..." ;
grep -rl $orphan . ; done
And orphans.txt would look like your list of files above, one file per line. You can add -i to the grep above if you want to grep case-insensitively. And you would want to run that command in /var/www or wherever your distribution keeps its webroots. If, after you see the above "Checking for..." and no matches below, you haven't got any files matching that name.
