THREE.js - Differences between BufferGeometry vs merged geometry? - three.js

I understand that BufferGeometry is computationally more efficient.
I also understand that a merged geometry is efficient because it makes 1 render call.
Also I believe a merged geometry is easier to create/implement (for novices like me).
What other major and minor differences are there?

First of all, merging geometry and buffergeometry can be used together.
Buffergeometry is memory efficient way of describing a model.
A merged (Buffer)Geometry on the other hand is a way to make several similar models to be drawn at the same time. This has the problem that moving 1 model inside the the merged geometry is more intensive. So this is normaaly used on static objects.


Display large vector collections in WebGL

I was looking at three.js as a replacement of in our existing WebGL software, for reasons not relevant to this question. One of the input data sources is large vector data exported from CAD systems. One scene integrates about 5 collections of linear features and areas in the scene. Each such collection is 10-50MB SVG. In, we did a crazy but very effective hack - converted the vectors to geo coordinates and used lazy loading via tile layer. It improved the rendering performance tremendously but required additional tweaking, because majority of the data is still in cartesian coordinates.
I haven't found a comparable lazy loading of such large vector data in three.js. There are plenty of format-specific loaders but it's still just different means of upfront loading. While vector tiles were created in geographical context, the principle of pre-rendering and pre-tiling data for lazy loading should be universally applicable? But i could not find any non-geo implementation, the less with support in three.js. Our geo-hacking was effective, but never felt correct because the model is naturally cartesian. The internets are suggesting that Cesium may be more flexible than for our new requirements, but we would prefer to avoid the geo-hacking, not dive deeper in it.
What did i miss?

THREE JS Imported Model Size and Performance

I was hoping to display in my app as many as 3,000 instances of the same model at the same time - but it’s really slowing down my computer. It's just too much.
I know InstancedMesh is the way to go for something like this so I’ve been following THREE.js’s examples here:
The examples are fantastic, but they seem to use really small models which makes it really hard to get a good feel for what the model size-limits should be.
For example:
-The Spheres used here aren't imported custom 3D models, they're just instances of IcosahedronGeometry
-The Flower.glb model used in this example is tiny: it only has 218 Vertices on it.
-And the “Flying Monkeys” here come from a ".json" file so I can’t tell how many vertices that model has.
My model by comparison has 4,832 Vertices - which by the way, was listed in the "low-poly" category where I found it, so it's not really considered particularly big.
In terms of file-size, it's exactly 222kb.
I tried scaling it down in Blender and re-exporting it - still came out at 222kb.
Obviously I can take some “drastic measures”, like:
-Try to re-design my 3D model and make it smaller - but that would greatly reduce it’s beauty and the overall aesthetics of the project
-I can re-imagine or re-architect the project to display maybe 1,000 models at the same time instead of 3,000
But being that I’m new to THREE.js - and 3D modeling in general, I just wanted to first ask the community if there are any suggestions or tricks to try out first before making such radical changes.
-The model I'm importing is in the .glTF format - is that the best format to use or should I try something else?
-All the meshes in it come into the browser as instances of BufferGeometry which I believe is the lightest in terms of memory demands - is that correct?
Are there any other things I need to be aware of to optimize performance?
Some setting in Blender or other 3D modeling software that can reduce model-size?
Some general rules of thumb to follow when embarking on something like this?
Would really appreciate any and all help.
GLTF is fine to transmit geometry and materials — I might say the standard right now. If there's only geometry, I'd see OBJ or PLY formats.
The model size is blocking, but only for the initial load if we employ instancing on its geometry and material. This way we simply re-use the already generated geometry and its material.
At the GPU level, instancing means drawing a single mesh with a single material shader, many times. You can override certain inputs to the material for each instance, but it sort of has to be a single material.
— Don McCurdy
Our biggest worry here would be the triangles or faces rendered. Lower counts of this are more performant, and thus, fewer models at a time are. For this, you can use some degree of LOD to progressively increase and decrease your models' detail until you stop rendering them at a distance.
Some examples/resources to get you started:
Instancing Models
Modifying Instances

Implementing imposters in three.js

Is there a way to do imposters in three.js - or is that not going to help with performance at all for a scene with >10,000 objects most of them being the same model?
If you have thousands of the same object (with variations of position/size/rotation and perhaps color) then your first priority should be to make sure you don't have thousands of GPU draw call. A couple options:
(a) static batching — apply the objects' positions to their geometries (geometry.applyMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld )) then merge them with THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries()). The result can be drawn as a single large mesh. This takes up more memory, but is easier to set up.
(b) gpu instancing — more memory-efficient, but harder to do. See or
Once you've reduced the number of draw calls, profile the application again. If performance is still poor, you can reduce the total vertex count with impostors (or, really, just simpler meshes...). threejs does not generate impostors for you, per Spherical Impostors in three.js.

Dividing a sphere into multiple texture

I have a sphere with texture of earth that I generate on the fly with the canvas element from an SVG file and manipulate it.
The texture size is 16384x8192 , and less than this - it's look blurry on close zoom.
But this is a huge texture size and causing memory problems... (But it's look very good when it is working)
I think a better approach would be to split the sphere into 32 separated textures, each in size of 2048x2048
A few questions:
How can I split the sphere and assign the right textures?
Is this approach better in terms of memory and performance from a single huge texture?
Is there a better solution?
You could subdivide a cube, and cubemap this.
Instead of having one texture per face, you would have NxN textures. 32 doesn't sound like a good number, but 24 for example does, (6x2x2).
You will still use the same amount of memory. If the shape actually needs to be spherical you can further subdivide the segments and normalize the entire shape (spherify it).
You probably cant even use such a big texture anyway.
notice the top sphere (cubemap, ignore isocube):
Typically, that's not something you'd do programmatically, but in a 3D program like Blender or 3D max. It involves some trivial mesh separation, UV mapping and material assignment. One other approach that's worth experimenting with would be to have multiple materials but only one mesh - you'd still get (somewhat) progressive loading. BUT
Are you sure you'd be better off with "chunks" loading sequentially rather than one big texture taking a huge amount of time? Sure, it'll improve a bit in terms of timeouts and caching, but the tradeoff is having big chunks of your mesh be textureless, which is noticeable and unasthetic.
There are a few approaches that would mitigate your problem. First, it's important to understand that texture loading optimization techniques - while common in game engines - aren't really part of threejs or what it's built for. You'll never get the near-seamless LODs or GPU optimization techniques that you'll get with UE4 or Unity. Furthermore webGL - while having made many strides over the past decade - is not ideal for handling vast texture sizes, not at the GPU level (since it's based on OpenGL ES, suited primarily for mobile devices) and certainly not at the caching level - we're still dealing with broswers here. You won't find a lot of webGL work done with vast textures of the dimensions you refer to.
Having said that,
A. A loader will let you do other things while your textures are loading so your user isn't staring at an 'unfinished mesh'. It lets you be pretty clever with dynamic loading times and UX design. Additionally, take a look at this gist to give you an idea for what a progressive texture loader could look like. A much more involved technique, that's JPEG specific, can be found here but I wouldn't approach it unless you're comfortable with low-level graphics programming.
B. Threejs does have a basic implementation of LOD although I haven't tinkered with it myself and am not sure it's useful for textures; that said, the basic premise to inquire into is whether you can load progressively higher-resolution files on a per-need basis, just like Google Earth does it for example.
C. This is out of the scope of your question - but I'd look into what happens under the hood in Unity's webgl export (which is based on threejs), and what kind of clever tricks are being employed there for similar purposes.
Finally, does your project have to be in webgl? For something ambitious and demanding, sometimes "proper" openGL / DX makes much more sense.

Sharing VBOs across multiple mesh objects

I'm working on a very small game engine that uses OpenGL ES 2.0. I'm having a bit of a design issue with integrating VBOs into my Mesh Class.
The problem is that I don't want to instantiate a new VBO for each mesh, and I want the VBO size to be determined by the number of meshes I load into it (not just a fixed size of 2MB or something).
Since there's no realloc function for VBOs, I need to batch load all my vertex data at once. This is ok, since I only have 4 or 5 small meshes. So I created a MeshList class.
I call MeshList.AddMesh(Mesh mesh) and it aggregates the vertex/index data of the mesh object and returns the offsets into the array of vertex data/index data back to the mesh that was added. This way the mesh knows where it is in the VBO (but not which VBO it's in).
However, none of the MeshList data is uploaded into a VBO until I call MeshList.BindToVBO(). But now, none of my meshes know which VBO they're in. So I was thinking of creating an array of pointers in MeshList that point to integer member variables in each Mesh class that would hold the VBO Handle. This way, when BindToVBO() is called, it iterates over the pointer array and updates the VBO Handles in the mesh objects.
I figured, this way it gives me the flexibility of having different mesh objects in different VBOs or all in one VBO. The only concern I have is whether or not this is a good design.
It's not clear to someone glancing at the code that MeshList.BindToVBO() is updating a whole bunch of mesh objects. I mean, MeshList does interact with all of the Mesh objects prior to the BindToVBO() call, but there's nothing explicitly saying that by passing a Mesh object to MeshList.AddMesh(), it's essentially subscribing it's VBOHandle members to updates at some point in the future.
I've tried to make this as clear as I can. Let me know if something needs clarification.
Honestly to me sounds like a lot of trouble for a dubious payoff. Do you have a reason to believe that putting multiple meshes in the same buffer is going to make a noticeable in your performance?
It sounds like premature optimization to me.
Sure, if you have a particle system with 50,000 particles I could see wanting that to be in a shared buffer, but in general I don't know if there's a benefit to storing two arbitrary meshes in the same buffer. It just sounds like a huge potential for bugs and headaches.
