Send custom metadata to New Conversation call - botframework

We are using the Direct Line API to carry conversations between an app and a bot. When we create a new conversation, we would like to include some metadata about the current user. The idea is that the bot would recognize the user and send a personalized message to the user. Is there a way have this behavior happen?


How to send direct message in Slackbot

I would like to send messages to users through Slackbot, just like integration apps such as Zapier.
If I set the channel ID to the user ID it sends a 1:1 message showing up in the Apps tab, but what I really would like to do is to send a message in Slackbot, as I want to create a seamless experience for a Workflow I'm creating.
Then, if I try adding the Slackbot channel ID it returns channel_not_found and there's no way to add the App there.
My current bot token scope to send messages is: chat:write and I'm sending a message using chat.postMessage
Do I need a different scope? Different API method? I've tried going through some other questions/answers, but they look outdated

Send user config to slack of an individual user

Related to my assigned project, I wrote a bash script to implement the task.
For the user account and secret/hash creation part, the manager told me to find a way to send the user config file content directly to the individual user's slack(not a channel with a group of people in it). How to do that?.
I can see, search gives me the result of sending to slack channel using curl with short text messages.
I am not sure how to do the following:
Send a config file content to an individual user's slack.
Suppose, if the user account, password, hashes generated in the file /root/user_config. I want to send the file content to the individual user's slack(not channel or group).
From purely Slack Conversations perspective,
You need to DM the user using following APIs :
Open Conversation (Get DM Id):
Post Message using DM Id :
What data you need to send is up to you.

Sending a message to users as a bot in bot channel of Microsoft Teams using the Graph API

I have created a bot by following the steps mentioned in the doc.I have authenticated user using oauth 2.0 (auth code grant) as mentioned in the doc and in reverse I got a access token. But when I send message to channel in the teams using (/teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages) API the message was sent on behalf of me. But I want my bot as the sender of message. Here is the image of the message that I have sent using the above API. and is there any way to send direct message to user as a bot?
Instead of using the Graph, there's another approach using the Bot Framework itself, to send a message to a team channel, a group chat, or a 1-1 conversation. The code doesn't even need to live inside the bot itself, it just needs to leverage the bot framework under the covers (for example, I have several Azure Functions that pro-actively message users). This idea is called "Proactive messaging" and you can read more about it in the docs here.
You do need to get certain fields when the user first installs the bot though, or any time the bot receives a message. I've described that more at Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams. You haven't said what language you're using, but there are examples for a bunch of them - I can send you links if you let me know what you're using.

Open direct message channel to a user with a Slack Workspace token?

I'm working on a new Workspace app for Slack. I have a use case where I need to send notifications to users in Slack, through a direct message (or IM). Since the chat.postMessage endpoint requires a channel ID, I can get the existing IM channels using conversations.list and send them the notification.
However, if the user hasn't yet opened an IM channel from their side, I need to create one. It seems that neither Web API endpoints ( or support Workspace tokens. I keep getting not_allowed_token_type error response. I can create a public channel with conversations.create, but that's not what I need.
Is there another to open an IM channel to a user when using a Workspace token?
Took me awhile to figure this out. You need to add/request the conversations.app_home:create scope to your permissions. Then you can just specify the user ID as the channel arg in a chat.postMessage call.

Find the address of a specific user using Microsoft bot-builder

I would like to open new conversations with users using the Microsoft Bot Builder on the Skype for Business channel. The only information I have is the user id (
In all the examples I could find, it is needed to save the conversation id/address of a user in a previous conversation to send a new message to this user.
How to create a new conversation as a bot to a user knowing only his id?
Like you stated the userId is required to send a message to the user. A new conversation can be created by the framework but ultimately, you can't do anything without the userId and to obtain this the user has to contact your bot first. This is only true for channels like Skype. Other channels like E-mail just use the email address as an id. Skype uses a GUID as the id for their users. This is done so bots can't randomly add themselves to any user on Skype. Source
This doesn't mean you have to necessarily wait for the user to start a conversation. Whenever a user adds a bot to their contact list an event is send to the bot. This is the ContactRelationUpdate event. It warns the bot that a user has added the bot and the bot can then respond accordingly. Once this event is thrown you can obtain the userId from the activity and do whatever you want with it. Source
