Persits.Upload.1 error '800a0001' Request.BinaryRead failed in classic asp - vbscript

We have a classic asp application running for a long time but suddenly we are not to save few pages that has option to upload image. It throws the below error:
Persits.Upload.1 error '800a0001'
Request.BinaryRead failed: Unspecified error
We have already installed the ASPUPLOAD key which does not expire.
We have also increased the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed limit also which did not work.
set upobj = server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
We are getting error on

You probably have a request.form somewhere in your code before your
You cannot access the request.form data; only the upload.form data


Optimizely object is not valid. Failing isFeatureEnabled

I'm trying to use the React and JavaScript SDKs for Optimizely, but getting the following error in the console:
OPTIMIZELY: Optimizely object is not valid. Failing isFeatureEnabled.
More info about my setup below:
Installed via Yarn: yarn add #optimizely/react-sdk
Import statement in the app container:
import {
} from '#optimizely/react-sdk'
Logic in render function:
const optimizely = createInstance({
sdkKey: '<SDK_KEY>',
const enabled = optimizely.isFeatureEnabled('example_feature', 'user123');
I get this error in the Chrome console:
OPTIMIZELY: Optimizely object is not valid. Failing isFeatureEnabled.
The Optimizely object will log that error when you call isFeatureEnabled before the SDK has successfully loaded your project's datafile. This can happen for a number of reasons outlined below. Looking at the code example provided in the question, it looks like reason #4 is the most likely cause of the error, but here are all of them:
1. Bad SDK key
If you pass in a bad SDK Key to createInstance, the SDK will not successfully load the datafile and you will get this error.
const optimizely = createInstance({
sdkKey: 'invalid-sdk-key'
2. Malformed datafile
If you are passing in the datafile directly to createInstance, but pass in an object that isn't the proper datafile format, you will get this error:
const optimizely = createInstance({
datafile: { wrong: 'format' }
3. Inaccessible datafile
Make sure you can access the url of your datafile in a web browser:<Your_SDK_Key>.json. If you get an AccessDenied (403) or Not Found (404) error and your account is new, make sure you create something in the Optimizely UI so that Optimizely is triggered to create and upload a proper datafile.
If in the console of your running application you see a 403 or 404 for the request to the datafile, ensure there are no ad-blockers, firewalls, or proxies preventing the SDK from requesting the datafile on Optimizely's CDN from the SDK.
4. Not waiting for Optimizely SDK to be ready
Even if you have the right SDK Key and the SDK can access Optimizely's CDN. If you don't give the SDK enough time for the datafile request to finish, you will be trying to use the SDK before it's ready.
In the JavaScript SDK, this can be solved by using the onReady method:
const optimizely = createInstance({
sdkKey: 'valid-sdk-key',
optimizely.onReady().then(() => {
// optimizely is ready to use, with datafile downloaded from the Optimizely CDN
If using the <OptimizelyFeature> component of the React SDK, then the <OptimizelyFeature> component will automatically wait until the <OptimizelyProvider> has successfully loaded the datafile before evaluating isFeatureEnabled.
My Firefox console error was
[OPTIMIZELY] - ERROR <timestamp> OPTIMIZELY: Optimizely object is not valid. Failing isFeatureEnabled.
One of my network failures gave me a big clue. The GET request for showed "Blocked by AdBlocker Ultimate" under the Transferred column.
I turned off my ad blocker for this site.

Authentication error "The UserNameOrEmailAddress field is required"

The last few days I have been busy making a project in ABP, yesterday I spent the whole day working on it and everything was up and running when I went home. Today I started up the project (from another location) and now I get this pop-up window error when logging in:
The UserNameOrEmailAddress field is required.
I checked in the console and it gave 2 errors:
POST http://localhost:21021/api/TokenAuth/Authenticate 400 (Bad Request)
ERROR Error: An unexpected server error occurred.
at new SwaggerException (service-proxies.ts:4308)
at throwException (service-proxies.ts:4328)
at MergeMapSubscriber.project (service-proxies.ts:1618)
at MergeMapSubscriber.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext
at MergeMapSubscriber.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._next
at MergeMapSubscriber.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/
at Observable._subscribe (service-proxies.ts:4334)
at Observable.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/Observable.js.Observable._trySubscribe
at Observable.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/Observable.js.Observable.subscribe
at MergeMapOperator.push../node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/operators/
I am logging in with the proper credentials and if I run the authenticate method with those same credentials on Swagger UI I get a 200 OK response. Perhaps this has something to do with me running the program on a different location?

when exit and enter the app again using a MasterDetailPage, it crashes after a certain amount of times

The first page of my app is a Contentpage where you login or MasterDetailPage if you are already logged in. Even when the app runs fine, if I exit tha app and enter a certain amount of times (sometimes is 2, sometimes even 10), the app crashes and I get the next error message. Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: and this appears in crashlytics:
Shutting down VM
Fatal Exception: > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x249 (unknown) for fragment FragmentContainer{bbc6fff #0 id=0x249}
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
This only happens when I am in the masterdetailpage, in the login page functions very good
The error was that I make a transition between 2 pages in the code too fast, so one of them didn't finish loading and the other was starting. That was the source of my error. Now that I fixed it I can see it in my emulator android 8.1, but have problems with 7.0 if I know why I will put it in the post.
The error in 7.1 is only when I am trying to installed it again in my phone with debug. The error is the next:
Android.View.WindowManager BadTokenException: Unable to add window token android.os.BinderProxy is not valid; is your activity running?
if you use the app normally after the installation, it works good!

MSXML2.XMLHTTP , Method 'open' of object 'IServerXMLHTTPRequest2' failed

Set objHTTPRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
With objHTTPRequest
.Open MethodName, strRequest, Asynchronous, strUserName, mstrPassword
'___________more code here___________
End with
I am trying to create a serverConnection object by getting the input parameters from the user using a visual basic form. When run the code, I am getting the following error when executing the above code part. I am working on a word add-in and this error is only occurring when I run the code through vb and the created .dll for the product is working properly with Word.
The following error occurred while submitting this request to a server: Method 'open' of object 'IServerXMLHTTPRequest2' failed
The server address() may be incorrect
in here,
strRequest= "/api/a1/Properties"
If anybody could, Please tell me why is this happening. Because of that error, I am unable to debug the code for further modifications.

Classic ASP error '800a01b6' Object doesn't support this property or method

I have an error that I cannot resolve, the server is showing this
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'SharedSession'
/includes/minicart.asp, line 183
In minicart.asp we have the following code:
(180)dim SharedSession
(181)set SharedSession = Server.CreateObject("SessionMgr.Session2")
(183)dim miniCartXML: miniCartXML = "" & SharedSession("minicart")
For some reason when the client clears their browsing history the error goes away but it will eventually come back again.... ??
The server is Windows 2008 r2 64bit. The app is running in IIS7 with 32bit enabled.
