MSXML2.XMLHTTP , Method 'open' of object 'IServerXMLHTTPRequest2' failed - vb6

Set objHTTPRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
With objHTTPRequest
.Open MethodName, strRequest, Asynchronous, strUserName, mstrPassword
'___________more code here___________
End with
I am trying to create a serverConnection object by getting the input parameters from the user using a visual basic form. When run the code, I am getting the following error when executing the above code part. I am working on a word add-in and this error is only occurring when I run the code through vb and the created .dll for the product is working properly with Word.
The following error occurred while submitting this request to a server: Method 'open' of object 'IServerXMLHTTPRequest2' failed
The server address() may be incorrect
in here,
strRequest= "/api/a1/Properties"
If anybody could, Please tell me why is this happening. Because of that error, I am unable to debug the code for further modifications.


Persits.Upload.1 error '800a0001' Request.BinaryRead failed in classic asp

We have a classic asp application running for a long time but suddenly we are not to save few pages that has option to upload image. It throws the below error:
Persits.Upload.1 error '800a0001'
Request.BinaryRead failed: Unspecified error
We have already installed the ASPUPLOAD key which does not expire.
We have also increased the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed limit also which did not work.
set upobj = server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
We are getting error on
You probably have a request.form somewhere in your code before your
You cannot access the request.form data; only the upload.form data

visual basic 6 Error "Consumer Event Handler called a not reentrant method in the provider"

I am writing a login and new operator registration code in VB6 ADO.This are two different forms.First the user register if not then he login's.
I am getting a update problem while a need user registers.
The ERROR is "Consumer Event Handler called a not reentrant method in the provider"
I tried to google it but found no proper solution.
Here is the code for update subroutine.
Private Sub btnUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo errlabel
If txtNewPassword.Text = txtConfirmPass.Text Then
MsgBox "Record Updated Sucessfully"
MsgBox "Password didnt match"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Thankyou for the help.
From: PRB: IRowsetNotify Error with ADO Data Control and ADO Recordset (OR "Consumer's event handler called a non-reentrant method in the provider" Error for Update)
1.Use a client-side cursor instead of a server-side cursor.
2.Add a call to the Recordset's Move method immediately prior to the offending line. For example:
ADODC1.Recordset.Move 0
3.Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 3 has been found to resolve this error in some scenarios.

VB6: Automation error The remote procedure call failed

In my VB6 application sometimes in some customer PC we get error like
Automation error
The remote procedure call failed.
The error comes for the code shown below
Dim WithEvents Web_popup As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set Web_popup = Nothing
Set Web_popup = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set ppDisp = Web_popup.Application
Also for the below code
Dim iE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer iE.Navigate "", 4 + 8
iE.Visible = True
What may be the reason for these errors? How to solve it?
You should include more information when asking for help. More importantly, you should point exactly which lines are causing the error. That being said, it sounds to me that you are not checking the ready state of the download of html to Explorer. Interacting with a web page before the web page has been completely download will cause this symptom.
If you are checking the ready state, the only other way I was able to produce the error was turning on protected mode in Internet Explorer. Some websites cause the error when Protected mode is on.

Visual Studio Express 2012 - Windows Service - Access URL on timer

I'm trying to create a windows service in VB.Net using visual studio express 2012. Essentially all I want is for the service to sent a HTTP GET request to a pre-determined URL every N minutes. Kind of like a heart beat, so we know that the server is running and online.
I've got as far as creating the windows server, building the project to an .EXE and then using InstallUtil to install it as a service. This appears to be working, I following the tutorial here:
I removed some of the code from the tutorial which writes to the windows system logs (or rather I think it creates a new log) as that doesn't work with my version of Visual Studio for some reason.
I am using the following code to send the HTTP request:
Dim url As String = ""
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
request.Method = "GET"
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
The PHP file simply sends me an email when it is accessed.
The code works fine when I run the project from within visual studio (if I ignore the message informing me a windows service project should not be run like this and leave it going I do start to get emails).
However, when I fire up the windows service itself I don't get any emails however I don't get any errors appearing anywhere either.
My guess is you are using a System.Windows.Forms.Timer . That timer will not work without a System.Windows.Forms.Form . The timer to use in a windows service is System.Timers.Timer
Declare it in your Service Class
Private WithEvents m_timer As System.Timers.Timer
Start it in the OnStart method:
m_timer = New System.Timers.Timer(300000) ' 5 minutes
m_timer.Enabled = True
And handle the Elapsed event of the timer
Private Sub m_timer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles m_timer.Elapsed
m_timer.Enabled = False
Dim url As String = ""
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
request.Method = "GET"
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
m_timer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Don't forget to stop the timer in the OnStop method.

Getting SetUp method failed. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException

I am running tests that needs to open a new instance of IE everytime for new test.
My first test passes and closes the IE at the end and then my next test has to open a new IE but It failing at that point and giving me following error
SetUp method failed. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800704a6.
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateNewIEAndGoToUri(Uri uri, LogonDialogHandler logonDialogHandler, Boolean createInNewProcess)
at WatiN.Core.IE..ctor()
I am currently running them using teamcity v5.1.4, nunit 2.5.5, watin 2.0 on a windows 7 machine with .net framework 3.5
Following is the code where its failing.
<TestFixtureSetUp()> _
Public Sub Setup()
_internetExplorer = New IE()
End Sub
<TestFixtureTearDown()> _
Public Sub TearDown()
End Sub
Any idea what could be reason for this
800704a6= error ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IS_SCHEDULED from win32. Is a reboot pending?
I suggest you have a look at this Q&A session. There are lots of informations concerning your problem. It can be related to the fact that updates are scheduled on your server.
