Swift 2.0 for IOS - swift2

I have a pc running windows 7 , and when i heard that apple is making swift open source , I started studying about it, but don't know how to start testing apps , is there anything else than xcode to develop apps for ios using swift , I thought it should be available since it became open source.
Xcode is only available for mac users :(
Any thoughts?

Xcode is only compatible with macOS.
The framework to built apps for iOS with Swift is only for macOS.
You can use Swift language with windows using Swift for Windows
Otherwise you must have to have an apple computer


Is it possible to install iOS 7 SDK on Xcode 6?

I have Xcode 6 installed but realise that I am only able to develop for iOS8. I am aware that this beta development kit is meant for the development of the iOS 8 beta release but I am in a position where I don't have the time yet to develop for it but wish to take advantage of some of Xcode's new features while I am developing for my current iOS 7 apps.
What can I do to get the iOS 7 SDK installed on xcode 6?
Seems like if you symlink the relevant SDK from a previous installation of Xcode to the Xcode 6 Beta directory, Xcode 6 will be able to use it. Assuming you still have Xcode 5.1.1 on your machine, try the following in terminal:
ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk /Applications/Xcode6-Beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk
This should link the iOS 7 SDK for iPhone (not sim), allowing you to select iOS 7 as the Base SDK in Xcode 6 Beta. If you want to do this for the simulator, replace iPhoneOS.platform with iPhoneSimulator.platform.
NOTE: Just because you have the iOS 7 SDK now doesn't mean it'll build. I'm personally having trouble with the fact that Xcode 6 Beta is using the Apple LLVM 6.0 compiler, which apparently isn't compatible with some of the stuff I'm trying to build.
ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11424966/2383003
Just posting so that someone might find it useful: I wanted to debug my app in iPhone running iOS 7.1, in XCode 6.0.1. The previous iOS version was not being listed in the settings page, to choose as base SDK/deployment target. (I'm using OS X 10.10 Yosemite). I installed both XCode 6.0.1 and Xcode 5.0.1 and copied
Now I'm able to run iOS 7 apps from XCode 6.0.1.
I changed the deployment target just fine and installed on my iOS7 iPhone 4s all the same. You can do all your development this way and then use 5.1.1 to make your relevant builds. I wouldn't advice to build apps for production in this beta environment even if you could.
Just repeating Christian's comment (on Ziewvater's answer) so it's more prominent:
What's strange is the fact that after adding the symbolic link to my Xcode folder, I see my device twice with the exact name and with some infos (iOS build number, model, device identifier) in the target selector in the upper left corner of Xcode. Depending on which of the both entries I chose, my app works fine or not, no matter which BASE SDK I chose. ??! Anybody experiencing the same?
This is exactly my experience also! Me and my team were tearing our hair out trying to understand why some builds seemed to be working and others were not.
It looks like Apple must be ignoring the base SDK (or target... or something) when you pick the wrong device from the list.
in Xcode 6.1.1 (Window -> Preferences - Downloads) you can install iOS 7.1 simulator. unfortunately it doesn't install iOS 7.1 SKD. if you set deployment target to 7.1 all builds without any trouble. be worry!!!! it is up to you to check the compatibility with 7.1 (SDK is still 8.1). so or so, all runtime trouble should be seen in simulator. i use this approach to build for my iPhone 4 in swift, where iOS 7.1.2 is the last available. (simply don't use any classes available only for newer devices :-))

Does Embarcadero RAD Studio / FireMonkey work with XCode 5?

Now that XCode 5 has been officially released, and I am being prompted by the App Store to upgrade to XCode 5, does anybody know if there are any problems using it with RAD Studio XE5/FireMonkey to develop Mac and iOS applications?
Also, since XCode 5 supports iOS 7, are there any problems developing for iOS 7 using RAD Studio XE5/FireMonkey?
I tested Delphi XE5 with XCode 5 this week, but only with the simulator. It all works as far as I can tell.
Thanks to Bart van Dijk's answer, I went ahead and updated to Xcode 5. I can confirm that I was able to compile and run a simple FireMonkey mobile app on both the iPhone simulator and also on a real iPad.
Also, I created a simple FireMonkey desktop app, and built and ran it on both Win32 and Max OS X 10.8.5 with no problem, and no appreciable difference from with Xcode 4.6.3
I had a little trouble updating Xcode. When the update to Xcode initially was installed, it kept crashing every time I tried to start it. The console app said that the crash log was saved in myusersfolder/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Xcode_2013-09-27-16245...
That crash log said "The bundle \U201cIDERepositoryViewer\U201d couldn\U2019t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.\". So, I went to Xcode/Contents/Plugins, found the file for IDERepositoryViewer, and renamed it by adding an "X" after IDERepositoryViewer. After that, Xcode started up without problem. I re-downloaded the Command Line Tools, and everything else seemed to work.
Of course, that doesn't guarantee that there won't be other problems, but so far, Xcode 5 seems to work with XE5 for iOS and Mac apps.
EDIT: Embarcadero has posted info about an update to cover iOS 7 at http://blogs.embarcadero.com/sarinadupont/2013/09/19/start-building-ios-7-apps-today and http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE5/en/Using_the_iOS_7_Update_for_XE5

Trying to deploy to iPhone 5 with iOS 6 SDK, on XCode 4.2

I'm running XCode 4.2 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on a Dell Mini 1010. So it's a hackintosh. Anyway I already managed to get ios 5.1 SDK installed and I can debug applications on my iPad 1st gen running 5.1 which is great. (Following this method Is it possible to get the iOS 5.1 SDK for Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard?)
Now I also installed ios 6 SDK along with the device support files for 6.0. However my iPhone is running 6.1.4 which means I require the 10B350 device support file. Does anyone know where I can get this? My iPhone shows up in the organizer panel with this message "dyld_shared_cache_extract_dylibs failed"
Now I can also develop apps with the iphone 6 sdk, which works fine. And I even have the developer certificate installed on my iPhone 5.
So it seems to be an intitialisation error within xcode?
Help or tips appreciated.

firemonkey for xcode 4.6 or a link to download Xcode 4.1

I'm using Delphi XE2- firemonkey for iOS app development. the firemonkey-ios.dmg file which is provided in the delphi directory can not be installed with Xcode 4.6. it requires Xcode 4.1 which is no longer available in apple development downloads. (trust me, i looked for it for like a million times!!!)
anybody can help me find a proper firemonkey for Xcode 4.6 or at least a link to download Xcode 4.1 please? i'm using MacOS lion.
Cheers !

App Created in XCode 4 running in Xcode 2.5?

I've to run some security tests on an App created by an external company for my work. The app they've created will have been done in XCode 4.x, though my work only has access to a Mac capable of running Xcode 2.5 (OS X 10.4.11).
Will the app open and run correctly in XCode 2.5 or will there be compatability issues?
It won't be able to open the project.
Since the mac you have access to is limited to OS X 10.4, I asssume it is a PowerPC mac - in this case, you can't use the iOS SDK (if this is an iOS app) anyway as this is limited to Intel machines.
