Configuration:Jmeter 3.0 and OS:Linux jdk:1.8
When I run a https(REST Api) request, View Results Tree shows:
Response code:Non Http Response
Response message:Connection Reset
How can I fix this issue?
Change Implementation of all your HTTP Request samplers to HttpClient4.
Add the following properties in file which located under /bin folder of your JMeter installation:
Add the next line to hc.parameters file (same location, JMeter's /bin folder)
Restart JMeter.
Additionally, Use KeepAlive checkbox in the HTTP Request Sampler/Defaults.
Also these thread#1 and thread#2 might help.
Connection reset might indicate an issue on the server side or in an intermediate component of your architecture.
I did record with blazemeter a test.
Now it is giving me this error The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. at the favicons.
Is there a way to exlude it from the jmeter script?
Or what is another solution?
If the favicon is a separate HTTP Request sampler - add a Response Assertion to it, tick Ignore status box and set the expected response code to the actual one
If the favicon comes with the "embedded resources" you could add the next line to file:
and after JMeter restart the problem should go away
JMeter HTTP Request - 404 ERROR
While I run my jmx file, It throws a 404 error for one of the HTTP Request file. Screen shot is given above.
Can anyone please suggest some solution for this issue.
There is an embedded resource call for the /favicon URL which is not found therefore the request fails.
You should raise an issue as HTTP 404 errors might cause SEO consequences so your site will rank lower
If you don't care about the embedded resources errors you can add the next line to file:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
My results tree shows a separate status for a URL connection I have absolutely no idea where it might come from:
The first result with the -0 at the end is that of the request I send willingly. The other connection with the -1 comes out of the void.
In the response body I can see that JMeter fails while trying to resolve the DNS name:
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/$PlatformNameService.lookupAllHostAddr(Unknown Source)
This is my definition of the HTTP Request:
As you can see this goes to a totally different host and protocol (http instead of https).
I checked the defined csv, it does not contain the hostname "aid". Same goes for the JMX file and any environment variables set.
I am using Apache JMeter 5.0
After I read Ubiks answer I checked if there are any redirects in the first request. There are no redirects but in the content there are several script and img resources.
It looks like JMeter parses the first request for resources it has to download. But I didn't enable this setting / don't even know where to activate this.
I guess it’s either a redirect issued from response to the first request or because JMeter tries to download embedded resources.
Check the response of first request.
If the reason is that JMeter downloads (probably missing) resources, make sure you disable Retrieve All Embedded Resources in the Advanced tab.
The error you're getting indicates the problem with the system under test, JMeter cannot resolve an embedded resource - image, script, style, font, iframe, whatever.
You need to raise an issue as not available content is not good i.e. for SEO purposes, moreover it might be essential for your application functionality of LAF
If this is a known issue which is in process of fixing (or considered as won't fix) you can turn JMeter's check for embedded resources presence by adding the next line to file:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
More information:
JMeter Properties Reference
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
I'm having trouble with the option Retrieve all embedded resource option in HTTP request Advance tab as it retrieve all resources and if there is any resource broken whole Sampler getting failed. Is there any method to avoide sample getting failed due to resource failures (Ex favi.ico).or is there any similar option as such in Loadrunner : List non critical resource errors as warnings
Failing of the parent HTTP Request sampler by the underlying embedded resource failure is controlled by httpsampler.ignore_failed_embedded_resources property.
If you want to permanently "tell" JMeter to ignore failures of the embedded resources - add the next line to file:
If you want the change to be ad-hoc - you can pass the property via -J command-line argument like:
jmeter -Jhttpsampler.ignore_failed_embedded_resources=true -n -t test.jmx ...
Miscellaneous configuration
Configuring JMeter
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
In my experience, you should be able to remove the unnecessary resource by using a GET method request with some setting like the HTTP Cookie Manager, HTTP Cache Manager and User Defined Variables.
Finished my performance test and need to make visible those test reports in my JIRA cases. Is there any efficient way to verify my JMeter test results in JIRA ?
Please add some screenshots for my reference if there is any methods to be followed to achieve this requirement.
Thanks in advance
As far as I'm aware JIRA has a set of REST APIs and looking into How to add an attachment to a JIRA issue using REST API article you should be able to upload JMeter test result into JIRA using the following command:
curl -D- -u {username}:{password} -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=#{path/to/file}" http://{base-url}/rest/api/2/issue/{issue-key}/attachments
You can upload results file even from JMeter test itself, i.e.
Add the next line to file
Add tearDown Thread Group to your Test Plan
Add HTTP Authorization Manager to the tear Down Thread Group and put your JIRA credentials there
Add HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send X-Atlassian-Token header with the value of nocheck
Add HTTP Request sampler and configure it as follows:
Protocol: your JIRA installation protocol, most likely https
Host: your JIRA installation IP address or hostname
Method: POST
Path: /rest/api/2/issue/issue-key/attachments
Tick Use multipart/form-data for POST box
In the "File Upload" tab provide full or relative path to your .jtl results file and its MIME type. Keep "Parameter Name" value as file
See Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more information on performing file uploads using JMeter.