Pass parameters in RestClient post request - ruby

I want to send parameters with a POST request using the RestClient gem (but I don't want to pass the params as JSON).
In a GET request, I would have:
url = ""
RestClient.get url
How can I pass the same params but in a POST request without passing a JSON ?

Read ReadMe file of Rest-client git, it has lots of examples showing different types of request.
For your answer, try :
url = "" url,:param1=>foo, :param2=>bar


How to get Headers from request?

I am trying to create a webhook. I am brand new to Ruby, but am setting up a very simple practice server. Each time a new issue/ticket is created for one of my github repos, a POST request is made to a URL that I have setup to grab the payload. I am loosely following this tutorial.
I am able to access all the elements that are being posted in the actual payload/body using this code:
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
post '/payload' do
payload_body =
puts payload_body
How can I grab the contents of the header? I have been scrolling through documentation, but have had no luck. I tried accessing the header through response and request.headers and received this error: NoMethodError - undefined method `headers' for #<Sinatra::Request:0x0000000006de49e0>
Please let me know if I am missing something here. Thank you.
Here is an example of the headers from my POST request:
Request URL:
Request method: POST
Accept: */*
content-type: application/json
User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/cf3e7e0
X-GitHub-Delivery: 8d7fe080-ecc2-11ea-9b34-d35efaaf3885
X-GitHub-Event: issues
X-GitHub-Hook-ID: 245792914
X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-ID: 279687508
X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Type: repository
X-Hub-Signature: sha1=ed12f9e7a31b08f9109557d6a9dd899ca85de9b5
# or
It is worth mentioning that,sinatra will process custom header:
add prefix HTTP_
capitalize every letter
gsub - to _
You can use request.env to access all headers.
For detail information about what variable will be added HTTP_ you can refer there

Sinatra, retrieve only post parameters

I know I can retrieve every parameter in Sinatra using "params".
However, How can I retrieve only post parameters? I need to verify that a parameter was sent by POST, otherwise it should be ignored.
Accessing the request object directly gives you a simple way of accessing post data, much like the php $_POST variable:
post '/' do
request.POST.inspect # instead of params.inspect
More info on the Rack request object here:

How do I extract the response code from a JSON API request?

Doing this:
#resp = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/feed/v1/offers.json?#{#params_api_string}")
I get this response in #resp:
How can I extract that OK, or No Content, Bad Request, Unathorized and so on in one variable? Is there some Net::HTTP function to get just that information?
should give you the message.
More methods of the HTTPResponse are available in the documentation.

Post request with body_stream and parameters

I'm building some kind of proxy.
When I call some url in a rack application, I forward that request to an other url.
The request I forward is a POST with a file and some parameters.
I want to add more parameters.
But the file can be quite big. So I send it with Net::HTTP#body_stream instead of Net::HTTP#body.
I get my request as a Rack::Request object and I create my Net::HTTP object with that.
req =
req.body_stream = request.body
req.content_type = request.content_type
req.content_length = request.content_length
http =, #port)
res = http.request(req)
I've tried several ways to add the proxy's parameters. But it seems nothing in Net::HTTP allows to add parameters to a body_stream request, only to a body one.
Is there a simpler way to proxy a rack request like that ? Or a clean way to add my parameters to my request ?
Well.. as i see it, this is a normal behaviour. I'll explain why. If you only have access to a Rack::Request,(i guess that) your middleware does not parse the response (you do not include something like ActionController::ParamsParser), so you don't have access to a hash of parameters, but to a StringIo. This StringIO corresponds to a stream like:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="param1"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="file1.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
... contents of file1.txt ...
What you are trying to do with the Net::HTTP class is to: (1). parse the request into a hash of parameters; (2). merge the parameters hash with your own parameters; (3). recreate the request. The problem is that Net::HTTP library can't do (1), since it is a client library, not a server one.
Therefore, you can not escape parsing some how your request before adding the new parameters.
Possible solutions:
Insert ActionController::ParamsParser before your middleware. After that, you may use the excellent rest-client lib to do something like: ('http://your_server' + request.path_info), :params => params.merge(your_params)
You can attempt to make a wrapper on the StringIO object, and add, at the end of stream,your own parameters. However, this is not trivial nor advisable.
Might be one year too late, but I had the same issue verifying Paypal IPNs. I wanted to forward back the IPN request to Paypal for verification but needed to add :cmd => '_notify-validate'.
Instead of modifying the body stream, or body, I appended it as part of the URL path, like so:
reply_request = + '?cmd=_notify-validate')
It seems a bit of a hack, but I think it's worth it if you aren't going to use it for anything else.

Creating an HTTP POST Request with Header info using Net::HTTP in Ruby

Im trying to programmatically post to an html form on the internet.I have managed to create a request with parameters in the request body but I can't figure out how to pass in Http Header attributes using the Net::Http library. Any ideas if this is possible?... Any other library that would do it for me ?
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''),
{'static'=>'1', 'entry_id'=>'23942',})
check out
especially lines like:
req =
req.add_field("X-Forwarded-For", "")
