Sinatra, retrieve only post parameters - ruby

I know I can retrieve every parameter in Sinatra using "params".
However, How can I retrieve only post parameters? I need to verify that a parameter was sent by POST, otherwise it should be ignored.

Accessing the request object directly gives you a simple way of accessing post data, much like the php $_POST variable:
post '/' do
request.POST.inspect # instead of params.inspect
More info on the Rack request object here:


Custom Sinatra route

I'm looking to make a custom route for my Sinatra blog project which shows the user the last entered post in the database.
get "/most-recent-job" do
Can anyone help? I can't find info in my curriculum for such a request.
The Sinatra documentation on routes is pretty thorough. Assuming you're just trying to call a class method of Jobs::last, and that the method returns something stringifyable, then:
get '/most-recent-job' do
should get it done. If that's insufficient for your use case, you'll have to expand your question to include code and output showing what Jobs.last is supposed to return, whatever errors you're getting from the route currently, and what you think the route's output ought to look like if you're expecting a MIME type other than text/plain.

Putting instance method results (with arguments) into active_model_serializers

I'm making a JSON API and want to serialize a recipe record from my database. In the JSON response, I want to include the output of #recipe.is_favorited_by?(current_user) along with some of the recipe's attributes.
I saw from the docs that I could call: render json: #recipe, methods: :is_favorited_by? - but I'm not sure how to pass in current_user as an argument.
What call would I need to make in order to include the results of #recipe.is_favorited_by?(current_user) in the response?
You can add current_user attribute to your model & set it before your json execute.
See stackoverflow question link Ruby to_json :methods arguments

Ruby WebMock: Getting Actual Parameters Passed Through a Method and Using Them in Spec File

I'm using WebMock to stub out HTTP requests. I have this one particular call where, instead of creating dummy data to pass through, I want to be able to capture the actual parameters I would pass into my send() method. Therefore, I need access to those actual parameters in my spec and I imagine I would need to somehow capture that context.
So, for example, in my application I'm calling this method:
send(method, uri, :body => data_file)
And in my spec file I'm stubbing the method:
Is there any way I could -- in WebMock, Rspec -- get the context of when send() is being called in the application and grab those parameters I'm passing through to use them within the spec and replace them with args?
I've looked through the documentation and I don't see much of anything on this. If there's anyone aware of this, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.
Using WebMock you could use request callbacks to capture request data:
WebMock.after_request do |request_signature, response|
puts request_signature

Checking the type of POST data received in Sinatra

In my sinatra app i have a form which is used to submit data via a POST request to a url.The url also accepts json sent in a POST request.
Is there any way to determine in the handler if json data was received in the post or the data submitted was sent from the form ?
Thank You
When you send data via a Post request you will have data in your params Hash. So if there is a key there is a value, even if it's empty. So you can check for example via params[:json] if you have received something via json (assuming you call that parameter :json). The same goes for data. But then I'm not entirely sure if that's what you're asking for. Either way all data you get is handled via the params variable.
Assuming that JSON is sent via XHR call, you can make use of request.xhr? to check if the request is xhr.

Flex 4 - Sending string (such as JSON) using HTTPService

When I use HTTPService.send(paramter) as a POST request, the web server does not appear to see variable "parameter" if it is a string. The server sees the parameter if it's an Object, but I'm looking to use something like httpservice.send(JSON.encode(object)); Is this possible?
Why not use the actual request objects.
in your service define request objects and post them or send them as get if you please.
Sample code here:
Then just call .send on the service.
on the server you can simlpy process if with request.form (Asp)
Failing which why not append it to the url with a binding expression. (you would need to encode it since you would be more or less faking a url or a get behaviour).
