How to specify custom boost directory to mgiza for moses? - shell

I downloaded mosesdecoder and compiled it successfully. Since there were a few boost errors with difference in versions, I installed boost in custom directory. I'm trying to install mgiza with custom boost install now.
In the moses additional resources page:, it says:
Compiling MGIZA requires the Boost library. If your Boost library are in non-system directory, use the script
to compile MGIZA.
But simply running it from the mgiza/mgizapp directory gave a lot of file not found errors. I found out that I had to set the SRC_DIR and BOOST_ROOT directories correctly.
Once I set that, the code
But the initial line of the file, and all the subsequent compile files are saved in the $PWD, where I'm compiling the script from.
So which directory should I compile the script from in order to run moses end-to-end smoothly?
UPDATE: I already answered the question. Thanks

I have found the location from which to compile
It is in the
mgiza/mgizapp/bin$ ../manual-compile/


Linking my CMAKE project with libpng in Windows

I'm working on a C++ project that requires libpng. So far I've worked on Linux and everything is smooth. I installed libpng, CMAKE picks it up and everything is alright. Now move to Windows.
Here I first installed zlib (required by libpng) and libpng. When I say install, I mean I downloaded the source files, and then built them and install them using msbuild.
I noticed that by doing so, I got new folders under c:\program files (x86):
c:\program files (x86)\zlib
c:\program files (x86)\libpng
Seemed all right to me. Now when I configure my project with CMAKE zlib is picked up:
-- Found ZLIB: C:/Program Files (x86)/zlib/lib/zlib.lib (found version "1.2.13")
but there's no way CMAKE finds the PNG library:
Now I tried to have a look at the FindPNG and I noticed this line:
find_path(PNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR png.h PATH_SUFFIXES include/libpng)
Does this mean that CMAKE expects the file png.h to be in a directory ending in include/libpng? If so, then it will never find it because in my case png.h is placed in libpng/include. But this is also the "official" installation from the source code just downloaded from
So now I am superconfused. How things are supposed to work in Windows? Should I "create" a folder structure with the correct files for every library so that CMAKE is happy? In a way I hoped things in Windows were similar to what happens in Linux: libraries go in a standard folder, they are detected by CMAKE.. everything is ok. But apparently this is not the case. So my question in general is: how do you ship a package like this to a Windows user so that he can builds it without having to go through all this?
Thanks so much
This would be the right one to use:
You can tell CMake to look in the location where you installed it by adding the libpng base install location to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. Without this, CMake doesn't know where you put it.
cmake "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/Program Files (x86)/libpng" ...
Note that FindPNG first looks for zlib and will fail if zlib could not be found.

Recompiling goattracker2 on Windows 10

I recently downloaded goattracker2 on Windows 10 and after making some changes to the source code, I need to recompile the program to test it.
I don't have any experience with recompiling.
I had a look at the documentation included in the readme-file:
To recompile for Win32, you need the MinGW development environment,
use the file src/ as makefile.
To recompile for Linux, use src/makefile.
In both cases you need the SDL development libraries in addition to
the SDL runtime, see
Compile first the utilities (datafile & dat2inc) from the src/bme
directory, and place them to your path.
This leaves me with several questions, like
Which programs do I need to download
How do I run or execute the makefile
Where do I need to install the SDL libraries
If anyone has experience with recompiling goattracker, can they provide a step by step tutorial for how to do it?
Get MinGW (I recommend 32bit version) and install.
Download and unpack the SDL Libraries from (depending on your version you might need SDL 1.x)
The SDL Libraries (the *.a files) have to be added in the lib directory of MinGW installation directory (this might be different from the lib dir of MinGW, see this issue)
The header files from SDL (SDL2/ directory MinGW) have to be put where MinGW can find them (this might be different from the include dir of MinGW, see this issue)
Go to the src directory of goattracker and type make -f

How to distribute gcc compiler binaries?

I want to distribute a gcc compiler within our company. I built required version from the sources, installed it in specified directory on my machine (all machines, btw, have the same architecture). I expected that I can put contents of this directory on the server and with the next update all my colleagues will get a new compiler.
But of course that doesn't work.
I tried to search for a ready solution for the linux but couldn't find anything.
Right now if I try to compile some basic program I get an error:
gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory.
But this file was build and indeed resides in one of the subfolders of main install directory. I tried to explicitly specify the path to this subprogramm using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX and COMPILER_PATH environment variables but with no luck.
Is it possible to achieve what I want?

Compile Boost on WIndows XP

I am trying to compile the Boost library for Windows (as a prerequisite for building the Bitcoin client), using the MinGW compiler toolchain to do so (rather than Visual Studio) and running into errors.
Following various guides online, I have a working bjam application, and the boost_1_55_0 source files. I have tried in the windows shell doing:
path/to/bjam.exe toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage (the instructions that Bitcoin provides), but get mingw.jam: No such file or directory errors
bootstrap mingw from a standard DOS shell runs successfully, but the .\b2 after emits a bunch of 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file errors, implying it's not really set up to use gcc/mingw, since it's calling for the Microsoft compiler. --with-toolset=mingw from the MSYS prompt (as suggested here, which creates a log file that doesn't have as many errors, but running ./b2 after leads to a mingw.jam no such file error, and mingw.init unknown error.
Downloading the compiled binaries from (boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe). After extracting and referring to the lib and header files, compiling the final executable throws a whole bunch of undefined reference to 'boost::system::generic_category()' for various boost features, implying to me the library files aren't actually containing the proper definitions? Is that because they're Visual Studio libraries?
Downloading the archives from (boost_1_55_0.7z), which the documentation implies comes with a pre-compiled lib dir, but does not in fact.
So, I'm banging my head on several walls at once. Can anyone help me get past any of these roadblocks?
I used the following steps to successfully build boost version 1.54 in a MinGW/MSYS environment:
Build bjam.exe and b2.exe:
boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine>build.bat mingw
Copy build tools to the root-directory:
cp boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine\bin.ntx86\*.exe boost_1_54_0
Run bjam.exe:
bjam --toolset=gcc --build -type=complete install > boost_build.log
I used this process with slight variations for various boost versions, so its a good guess it will work for 1.55 too

Does Boost BCP also copy the required LIB files?

This may be a no-brainer for longtime boost users, but I’m just getting into boost.
I built the full boost distribution and BCP to extract just the parts I need to put in my VisualStudio C++ project.
What I found is when I call bcp, it copies the source tree to the destination. It doesn’t copy the required compiled lib files though (for those modules that need it).
So when I build my project and include
#include "boost/program_options.hpp"
for example, I get a linker error:
*Error 1 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_program_options-vc100-mt-sgd-1_54.lib'*
So my question is this:
should BCP also copy over the compiled LIB files as necessary ?
is it standard procedure for users of BOOST to manually copy those complied library files themselves?
I recently started experimenting with BCP. It seems like any boost modules that require libraries will not be copied, but instead they need to be built using bjam.
For example, when you run bcp on your code it will output some 'INFO' statements like this:
INFO: tracking source dependencies of library date_time due to presence of BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL...
INFO: tracking source dependencies of library smart_ptr due to presence of "void sp_scalar_constructor_hook...
Notice that in addition to the generated 'boost' folder containing a bunch of copied boost header files there will be a 'libs' folder along with Jam files (Jamroot, Jamfile.v2, etc).
I think you need to cd to the directories with the Jamfiles and use bjam to build the needed libraries.
Maybe this answer will help:
Building a subset of boost in windows
