How to distribute gcc compiler binaries? - gcc

I want to distribute a gcc compiler within our company. I built required version from the sources, installed it in specified directory on my machine (all machines, btw, have the same architecture). I expected that I can put contents of this directory on the server and with the next update all my colleagues will get a new compiler.
But of course that doesn't work.
I tried to search for a ready solution for the linux but couldn't find anything.
Right now if I try to compile some basic program I get an error:
gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory.
But this file was build and indeed resides in one of the subfolders of main install directory. I tried to explicitly specify the path to this subprogramm using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX and COMPILER_PATH environment variables but with no luck.
Is it possible to achieve what I want?


Fortran include Error: Can't open included file 'fftw3-mpi.f03'

I am trying to compile a fortran program with the gnu make utility. In my program, I define a dependency to the fftw library with include 'fftw3-mpi.f03'. When I try to compile it with make <program_name>, I get the error Error: Can't open included file 'fftw3-mpi.f03' for this particular statement.
I have already tried adding the include directory at runtime as following:
make spectral -I/<path_to_my_fftw>/include/
where /<path_to_my_fftw>/include/ contains the missing fftw3-mpi.f03 file, but I still keep getting the same error.
I have another computer with a preinstalled fftw, and running make <program_name> on this computer on the exact same directory works with no problem. The makefile also does not contain any path to this file, and the result of printenv | grep fftw is also empty even though the path to fftw on the working computer contains the string fftw.
How can I effectively debug this problem to make it work on the other computer with my own fftw installation?

Cmake implicit link directory paths and how to set/override to enable building a common sandbox on different OS versions w.r.t lib dependencies

I work with a large source tree that builds with cmake (rev 3.9.6). I often check the tree
out into a common NFS mounted path, and then build the sandbox on different machines (mounted
thru a common NFS path).
I would ideally like to be able to first build the tree on a CentOS7 system, and
then log into a CentOS8 system, type make from the top of the tree, and see
there is no need to reconfigure anything (cmake) or rebuild anything (all
make dependencies satisfied).
All the binaries built on the CentOS7 system run on the CentOS8 system and it looks
like all tests pass on both CentOS7 and CentOS8. It also works to build the source tree
from scratch on a CentOS8 system as well (after dealing with how compiler warnings changed for
the newer compilers on CentOS8).
In practice I've found that building first on CentOS7 causes cmake generated files
(build.make) to end up with a CentOS7 gcc compiler specific path in them as a make dependency.
Or it looks to me like these generated cmake files from the CentOS7 build,
<top of tree>/CMakeFiles/3.9.6/{CMakeCCompiler.cmake,CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake}
set the serarch paths for the compiler and system libraries via,
set(CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5;/usr/lib64;/lib64;/usr/lib")
set(CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5;/usr/lib64;/lib64;/usr/lib")
The first path, /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5, is unique to the compiler
version on CentOS7 and so does not exist on CentOS8. A cmake generated dependency using this path (in build.make files)stops
make dead in its tracks when typing make at the top of the sandbox in NFS on a CentOS8 machine
because it can't resolve the non-existant path:
foo: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/
However, that pathname to thru the CentOS7 gcc path is a soft link,
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/ -> ../../../../lib64/
Or the same version of ( will be referenced on CentOS7 by:
Alternately, on CentOS8 is found via the paths:
I've experimented with removing the gcc specific path from the implicit link cmake
variables to instead have,
set(CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "/usr/lib64;/lib64;/usr/lib")
set(CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "/usr/lib64;/lib64;/usr/lib")
But the CentOS7 compiler specific path will still be found via the /usr/lib entry and I cannot exclude
/usr/lib as a search path altogether. I would really just like to exclude /usr/lib/gcc (?) as an implicit search path
and even then I would have to specify linking against or instead of
(BTW - I'm not sure setting those cmake variables explicitly before the project statement in the top level
CMakeLists.txt file worked, but I did not see any way to modify/change how the CMakeC[XX]Compiler.cmake files
are generated in the first place).
Now I could add a custom command to trigger PRE_BUILD on every cmake target to edit any cmake generated build.make
with that the dependency such that,
foo: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/
... edited thru custom command becomes...
foo: /lib64/
This does in fact work and allows make to finish checking (and find) all dependencies when I run it from the top
of the tree on CentOS7 or CentOS8 (after first building on CentOS7). But I would prefer not to retroactively edit
cmake generated files.
So happy to hear any suggestions or if it's just unreasonable to expect to achieve this kind
of parity when building the same NFS mounted sandbox on two revs of the OS with different compiler (revisions and paths), i.e.,
the "right" thing to do is to always re-run cmake on CentOS8 and then rebuild everything on CentOS8.

How to specify custom boost directory to mgiza for moses?

I downloaded mosesdecoder and compiled it successfully. Since there were a few boost errors with difference in versions, I installed boost in custom directory. I'm trying to install mgiza with custom boost install now.
In the moses additional resources page:, it says:
Compiling MGIZA requires the Boost library. If your Boost library are in non-system directory, use the script
to compile MGIZA.
But simply running it from the mgiza/mgizapp directory gave a lot of file not found errors. I found out that I had to set the SRC_DIR and BOOST_ROOT directories correctly.
Once I set that, the code
But the initial line of the file, and all the subsequent compile files are saved in the $PWD, where I'm compiling the script from.
So which directory should I compile the script from in order to run moses end-to-end smoothly?
UPDATE: I already answered the question. Thanks
I have found the location from which to compile
It is in the
mgiza/mgizapp/bin$ ../manual-compile/

Could not configure a C compiler (Windows)

On a Windows system, currently I'm trying a waf configure on a directory of code, and it spits out the error "could not configure a C compiler."
Now, I'm 100% certain that I have gcc and g++ installed and in my path because when I type gcc --version, it gives me the current version information. (I'm using mingw and the gcc/g++ are in the /bin subdirectory).
In the author's code directory there is a wscript file which looks like
C_COMPILER = 'gcc-4.7'
Now, I have tried changing the strings to simply gcc as well as gcc-4.8.1 (since my current version is 4.8.1), but it still says could not configure compiler.
I tried reading one solution on this same site that looks related, but the solution was on ubuntu and trying to work through those commands didn't help
could not configure a c compiler
I'm at the end of my common sense here after making sure I have gcc and g++ installed, trying different strings in the wscript file trying to get it to recognize I have them installed, and could use some help, thanks.
Edit: I've now tried simply deleting the lines in the wscript file where it changes the compiler name, and suddenly waf configure goes through, but the waf build fails saying things like it can't find really basic things like include vector. The output says it's defaulting to msvs (microsoft visual studio) whereas the author says gcc/g++ is needed; maybe this is the issue but how do I get waf configure/build to use g++/gcc as default?

ccache with MingW on Windows

I am trying to use ccache however I get this error when I try to compile my project:
ccache: FATAL: Unable to determine
cache directory
I download the file from here, How can I know the appropriate directory that ccache use.
I fix my problem with ccache version witch is depend in cygwin1.dll, I put them in bin directory under Mingw directory and now every thing work as expected.
