PayPal checkout options - session

I've been working on a secure shopping cart and checkout for a website. I'm using PayPal, and I'd read that PCI requirements aren't as much of an issue if we don't store card data on our site, so if possible I'd like to avoid that.
HTML buttons seemed like a promising option, but upon further investigation, it seems like maintaining control of active user sessions may not be possible. Below are my sources that seem to confirm this.
PayPal button return url usage
delete session variables when session id is known but not able to start session
PayPal payments pro is mentioned in the second post, but I'm wondering if it or anything else meets my 2 design constraints as they're implications for the implementation don't seem to gel very well.

If they are losing session data when returned from PayPal with a standard button then they have something else going wrong. That should not be happening.
That said, if you're comfortable working with APIs I always recommend Express Checkout and Payments Pro.
If you prefer REST APIs you can use that for PayPal payments and direct credit card payments.
If you prefer NVP / SOAP you can use the Classic API.
In any case, keeping session data alive won't be an issue, and as you mentioned, as long as you aren't storing any credit card data on your server in log files, in the database, or anywhere then you won't have to worry about PCI compliance.


PayPal integration in Laravel site

I need to implement PayPal payment in my Laravel site. I was going for the server side integration, in order to save all the data, transactions and know what they actually bought. But turns out that [the older] server-side integration method [that I was looking at] is archived, and not really the preferred method anymore. Instead, they suggest using the smart buttons, with front end integration only.
Is front end only safe? what prevents the user from messing with the JavaScript and editing the sum with whatever they want?
How do I know what they ordered if it is all front end?
What would I have to do if the payed sum does not correspond to the articles in the cart?
What should I be aware of with this system?
Smart Payment Buttons can be used with or without a server-side component.
Here is the front-end pattern that communicates with a server-side integration:
Notice the fetches to two '/demo/...' placeholder endpoints, which need to be replaced with actual routes of yours. The first should create a v2/order via API and return the orderID. The second should capture that order after the payer approves it via Smart Payment Buttons.
The answers to your questions re: a serverless (client-side only) pattern are:
Only what you program the JavaScript to tell you and which it actually successfully tells you, or what you read via email or in your PayPal account or app notifications
Refund the transaction
It's for people who don't want to do the work of implementing server-side routes and API calls.

Laravel & complete Paypal/payment solution

So I'm trying to implement a payment solution for my website and after quite a bit of research, I'm still lacking a complete solution. I'm running Laravel 5.0 and need general shopping cart payment functionality. I thought I would post this to try to create a reference to help others that may be having this issue. I got as far as getting test transactions into the Paypal sandbox and that's where the brick wall has seemed to come in, but a complete overview would be helpful. I’ll list my issues that I need to overcome in order to issues some run into.
Issues needing to be resolved to complete the payment solution implementation
My biggest issue with what I've seen has been receiving the
notification of successful payment processing back, but I'll walk
through what I've seen thus far. I'm not sure how to set up a listener or other methods of detecting a correct payment processing
Dealing with Credit Card information when I’m trying to avoid it
for the time being – I’d like that to be done on the gateway website
Potentially kicking off some of the calls to these APIs in Laravel
when the user checks out
I’m trying to move items to my server, but the development is being
done locally which creates an added issue
The options
There’s simply Paypal
I’ve taken the basic form implementation as far as getting payments into Paypal, but I can’t seem to get payments out. I’ve tried the returnURL and that doesn’t seem to work
I do not necessarily like this option because it seems to be leaving a lot of information in the form that would seem to be better kept private on the server
I’d like to use something complete on git but I seem to find the documentation incomplete
--Not sure how to implement this in laravel
--doesn’t appear to be being used
--The card information is not intuitive here as that’s what going to
paypal’s supposed to manage
It would be nice to use Paypal express but I don’t see a ton of resources specifically for that.
There's Aimeos.
I don't necessarily feel safe with manually implementing the vsrf
protection and it doesn't seem to offer that much more on the payment
front than
I’m open to others that are complete and charge similar fees to Paypal
Stripe doesn’t work for me. I’m not doing a basic subscription
Any complete thoughts would be greatly appreciated as documentation left short has caused issues in this case. Thanks!
This PayPal PHP SDK will make all of the PayPal classic API calls very quick and easy for you. It's available on Packagist/Composer and can be applied to Laravel very easily.
It supports Express Checkout, Payments Pro, Invoicing, Transaction Search, Transaction Details, Refunds, etc.
This is done in Laravel 4, but I had begun this "PayPal Glass" project a while back to show how the class library / sdk can essentially replicate everything you can do within a PayPal account. Here it is running on my local test server.
So yeah, that SDK should be able to handle everything you need to do with PayPal inside a Laravel project.

Paypal delayed chain execute payment to specific receiver?

I'm working on a Magento marketplace where the client would like to use paypal delayed chain as payment method. Here Client will hold the vendors payment for 15 days and then execute payments. The scenario is Client don't want to hold payments for highly credible vendors. He wants to pay them right away. But in delayed chain, we can't execute payments based on vendors. When the time comes to pay vendors, all vendors will be paid at once based on transaction id or pay-key which used to create payment.
I need to implement this scenario in Magento. Does anyone have solution on this potential issue?
After digging deep about this issue, I found that paypal doesn't support what I asked from their API or the API is still isn't matured to accommodate the need. So we went with another solution to overcome this problem. Solution is not efficient but it's the only working solution as of now.
We have to go with checkout by vendor, so that we can execute payment based on vendor since each order is associated with a vendor.

What are CreateToken and StoreToken in SagePay Server V3.0?

We are upgrading our SagePay protocol from v2.23 to 3.0 to support surcharge fees. In v3.0 transaction registration post there are CreateToken and StoreToken which was not in the earlier version. What is the reason for create and store tokens? I went through the document but couldn't find a clue.
The link provided in the above post links to advice by one of our Sage Pay Partners so take a look at it.
Token allows shoppers the option of storing their card details (as a token) to their account on the payment page during their first purchase instead of having to set it up manually afterwards. Single click purchases for repeat customers will become much simpler and quicker to set up.
To view the Token Guide go to here, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Download the Documents option within your preferred method of integration (server, server inframe, direct). Within the guide it explains creating and storing a token.
If this is a service you would like enabled on your Sage Pay account our New Business team are available 0900-1800 on 0845 111 4466. Prices for Token are available via here. If you have any other questions, our 24/7 Support team can assist to on 0845 111 4455.
Sage Pay Support.
I believe this is related to their token system, allowing you to store and send card details as a token.
If you don't use their token system you don't need to worry about it.
Sage Pay have destroyed their content recently so it's hard to find anything, here's a quick article on their token system -

Paypal - How to buy audio using PayPal and download the file immediately after

Perhaps someone using PayPal can advise me on the best way to implement the following situation.
I'm developing a website for a non-profit organization and right now we are already setup w/ PayPal and have a "Donate" button on the main page. The website has audio samples and we would like to provide the option for the user to buy the full audio via PayPay. This is nontraditional (at least to me) in the sense that we are providing the purchased audio files for download immediately after payment.
Also, note that there is a lot of Audio files and, if not too difficult, we would like to keep track of sales on each item purchased.
How should I design/implement this situation, while using PayPal.
(On a separate note, in the future I would like to keep track of Users and "who purchases which items", so that in case something "bad" happened during the audio download, the user would have the chance to re-retrieve the downloaded item.)
Technology: ASP.NET 4 (MVC 3)
You may want to look into Paypal Express Checkout that verifies using Paypal's IPN.
This is a long answer and it is best that I point you in the direction of the above and ask that you look up the documentation itself.
Things to keep in mind:
There are more checkout methods aside from Paypal's Express Checkout, don't get these mixed up when you are looking through the documentation.
Some of the Paypal ASP.NET code examples were out of date when I last implemented this (about 3 weeks ago)
This tutorial was quite valuable when I was going through this process.
See this post in reference to the check-out process workflow. The main idea is that you will need to verify values using Paypal's IPN. Here is the documentation.
In it's simplest form::
You're going to need to assign order id's of some sort to each transaction.
If the payment for the order is not-confirmed (your default state), do not allow download of the mp3.
If the payment for the order is confirmed, allow download of the mp3.
Keep track of all this information and more in your database and create an Admin section of your app that allows you to view / edit details of all orders.
