Paypal delayed chain execute payment to specific receiver? - magento

I'm working on a Magento marketplace where the client would like to use paypal delayed chain as payment method. Here Client will hold the vendors payment for 15 days and then execute payments. The scenario is Client don't want to hold payments for highly credible vendors. He wants to pay them right away. But in delayed chain, we can't execute payments based on vendors. When the time comes to pay vendors, all vendors will be paid at once based on transaction id or pay-key which used to create payment.
I need to implement this scenario in Magento. Does anyone have solution on this potential issue?

After digging deep about this issue, I found that paypal doesn't support what I asked from their API or the API is still isn't matured to accommodate the need. So we went with another solution to overcome this problem. Solution is not efficient but it's the only working solution as of now.
We have to go with checkout by vendor, so that we can execute payment based on vendor since each order is associated with a vendor.


How can we implement future or split payment using Braintree?

We are working on one website solution for which we require to implement future and/or split payment using the Braintree payment gateway. Is it any possible solution for the same? How can it be implemented?
We also tried to create sub-merchant for splitting a payment but we are getting the following error.
"Master merchant account ID is invalid.".
Any help would be appreciated.
Braintree does not offer a marketplace/split-payment function. You would only be able to apply for/use Braintree Direct and any funds would go directly to your bank account. There is no ability to have sub-merchants.
Similarly, PayPal has deprecated their original split-payment/pay-forwarding solution.
I suggest you go with PayPal Marketplace.
PayPal Marketplace is an entirely separate solution and you would need to speak with the PayPal team for specific details.

Laravel & complete Paypal/payment solution

So I'm trying to implement a payment solution for my website and after quite a bit of research, I'm still lacking a complete solution. I'm running Laravel 5.0 and need general shopping cart payment functionality. I thought I would post this to try to create a reference to help others that may be having this issue. I got as far as getting test transactions into the Paypal sandbox and that's where the brick wall has seemed to come in, but a complete overview would be helpful. I’ll list my issues that I need to overcome in order to issues some run into.
Issues needing to be resolved to complete the payment solution implementation
My biggest issue with what I've seen has been receiving the
notification of successful payment processing back, but I'll walk
through what I've seen thus far. I'm not sure how to set up a listener or other methods of detecting a correct payment processing
Dealing with Credit Card information when I’m trying to avoid it
for the time being – I’d like that to be done on the gateway website
Potentially kicking off some of the calls to these APIs in Laravel
when the user checks out
I’m trying to move items to my server, but the development is being
done locally which creates an added issue
The options
There’s simply Paypal
I’ve taken the basic form implementation as far as getting payments into Paypal, but I can’t seem to get payments out. I’ve tried the returnURL and that doesn’t seem to work
I do not necessarily like this option because it seems to be leaving a lot of information in the form that would seem to be better kept private on the server
I’d like to use something complete on git but I seem to find the documentation incomplete
--Not sure how to implement this in laravel
--doesn’t appear to be being used
--The card information is not intuitive here as that’s what going to
paypal’s supposed to manage
It would be nice to use Paypal express but I don’t see a ton of resources specifically for that.
There's Aimeos.
I don't necessarily feel safe with manually implementing the vsrf
protection and it doesn't seem to offer that much more on the payment
front than
I’m open to others that are complete and charge similar fees to Paypal
Stripe doesn’t work for me. I’m not doing a basic subscription
Any complete thoughts would be greatly appreciated as documentation left short has caused issues in this case. Thanks!
This PayPal PHP SDK will make all of the PayPal classic API calls very quick and easy for you. It's available on Packagist/Composer and can be applied to Laravel very easily.
It supports Express Checkout, Payments Pro, Invoicing, Transaction Search, Transaction Details, Refunds, etc.
This is done in Laravel 4, but I had begun this "PayPal Glass" project a while back to show how the class library / sdk can essentially replicate everything you can do within a PayPal account. Here it is running on my local test server.
So yeah, that SDK should be able to handle everything you need to do with PayPal inside a Laravel project.

Automating payments through paypal

I am new to e-commerce development. In my marketplace application, I have three parties involved: Me, customer(end user) and vendor. The customer pays to me for a service to be done by vendor and when the vendor completes the service, I have to transfer the payment to them. So essentially the business logic is:
Customer pays to me through paypal/credit card/apple pay etc.
I ask the vendor to serve the customer.
When customer confirms the service, I pay the vendor's share.
Customer may also ask for a cancellation.
So, I thought to use braintree to collect the payment from customer, but I am not sure how to transfer the vendor's share automatically on a certain day of week? So for example, suppose on every Monday, I want my system to go through the completed services and transfer the vendor's share. Assuming each vendor has got a paypal account, can I do it through paypal? Is there a way to transfer the vendor's share from backend without asking me for the credentials or any conformation?
Thanks in advance.
Yes you can do this programmatically through REST APIs. You can do this by using PayPal's Mass Payment system. It's called Payouts when you are using REST APIs. I'm not sure if there is a Magento extension for it. You do have to be approved for it. Just go to your REST Applications and enable Payouts.

Magento: Confusion with Recurring Profiles and ARB or CIM

The next big topic in my new start-up company is recurring billing inside Magento. We will have a few recurring products we'd like to offer alongside some standard one-time products. I've researched the best gateways and so far we think either ARB or CIM from is the way to go.
Some questions come up though such as:
If is going to handle the recurring aspect, what is the point of Magento's built-in recurring profiles system? As far as I can tell it's to integrate with the 3rd party by actually taking the user to the 3rd party site? Using would eliminate the need for recurring profiles right?
Are we limited to purchasing one of two or three $300 modules out there to get started with ARB or CIM? So far Magento only supports SIM or DPM. Or do I have to sit down and extend the built-in payment method? Basically I am trying to say we are on a start-up budget and $300 is a killer at this moment.
If we went with ARB over CIM that means if a customer came back to purchase a second item later on that they would have to re-enter their information (CC #, exp. date, etc.) whereas CIM would have this ready to that the correct explanation?
We need the flexibility to create unique payment schedules during checkout. For example: We will sell a custom website and hosting package. We want to charge the user 50% of the website cost upfront and 50% upon completion and setup a recurring payment for the hosting package all at time of checkout.
Along with question #4, currently Magento's recurring profiles limit nominal items to be purchased separately than regular products. This is not acceptable for us and a customer must be able to purchase all wanted items together in one checkout page.
Sorry for this lengthy post but I'm very curious to see what our options might be given all we want/need to do. Any advise is good advice!
The Magento recurring billing code allows customers to view and edit their subscription inside the Magento webstore, so there's no redirection to third party.
Short answer: yes, or roll your own.
I believe that is the case, but you need to check with Authorize.Net on that.
Not sure what the question is here?
Then refer to your earlier question on this topic that I answered. You can choose to override the core functionality, but you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons why Magento chose to enforce that restriction. I believe that is likely due to a restriction in the Paypal interface, and other recurring billing gateways such as Authorize.Net may be able to cope with one-off and recurring items in the same transaction.

Advice on Canadian payment gateway for VirtueMart (Joomla!)?

I'm developing a shopping cart system for a client using Joomla! 1.5 and VirtueMart and am in the market for a payment gateway provider. That said, I have a couple of unique requests:
Not PayPal -- The client sells tobacco accessories, which is against PayPal ToS.
Allows the sale of tobacco accessories/products -- my client primarily sells glass pipes and waterpipes for tobacco use only. If there's a chance a payment provider will classify these as "paraphernalia" or other things contravening their ToS, I'd prefer to avoid inquiring only to be told I can't use their service. This is why Google Checkout isn't an option, btw.
Good support for VirtueMart -- I've never really programmed a payment module before, so easy of integration with VirtueMart is important.
I'm waiting on a response from PsiGate, though I'm leaning towards Pivotal Payments given the client already uses that company for processing in-store transactions. That said, Pivotal seems to have pretty poor support for VirtueMart -- I can only find a forum post about their payment module, and it seems the people in that thread were having a really hard time implementing it.
Epic-level gratefulness for anyone with suggestions.
VM has very good support to I have also recently implemented a Link Point (now called First Data) payment module. There is a really good step by step for the Link Point module that worked perfectly for me on VM 1.1.5 here -
