Accessing the variable of a class instead of the value - xcode

Let's say I have a player class that contains the variables a, b, c and d.
Depending on certain circumstances, either one of these variables will be passed to a function, e.g. [self calculateSomethingWithVariable: player.c];
What I'm having trouble doing is trying to figure out how to do something like this:
- (void)calculateSomethingWithVariable:(Type *)Value {
Value = something;
where Value should be player.a or player.b instead of the actual value of a or b, if that makes sense.

Firstly - don't use upper case names for variables. It makes it hard to tell what's a variable and whats a type.
Secondly, you can change your code to something like this:
- (void)calculateSomethingWithVariable:(Type **)variableRef {
*variableRef = something;
Basically you pass a pointer to a variables rather than a direct reference. So when calling this you do (presuming your alb, c and d are properties of a Player class:
Type *localC = player.c:
[self calculateSomethingWithVariable: &localC];
Player.c = localC;
This is the sort of approach taken in some of Apple's APIs where the variable to be set needs to be passed rather than it's value. In your case (presuming the code is basically as simple as your example) it would be much simpler to just return the new value:
- (Type *)calculateSomethingWithVariable:(Type *)oldValue {
// Do something with old value.
return somethingBasedOnOldValue;
Player.c = [self calculateSomethingWithVariable: player.c];


For/in probem. What is the difference between object.variable and object[variable]?

Why can we use a code like this:
let student = {name:"John", surname:"Doe", index:386754};
let text = "";
let x;
for (x in student) {
text += student[x] + " "; }
And it would preview: John Doe 386754.
But when I formulated it like this:
let student = {name:"John", surname:"Doe", index:386754};
let text = "";
let x;
for (x in student) {
text += student.x + " "; }
, it returnes: undefined undefined undefined.
I suppose it's a pretty basic thing, but I had to ask because I can't find an appropriate answer.
Thank you ahead!
You should check out the data structures. You create a hash table using the variable student. So you can call inner variables (key-value pairs) by using brackets as you did student[name]. The second one means you are calling a method of a class, which you don't have.
I recommend you to check what data structures exist, and how to use them.
The usage of object.something vs object[something] varies in different languages, and JavaScript is particularly loose in this aspect. The big difference here is that in object[something], something must reference a string corresponding to a key in object. So if you had something = 'myKey', and myKey was the name of a key in something (so object = {'myKey': 'value', ...}), you would get value. If you use object.something, you are asking JavaScript to look for a key in object with the name something. Even if you write something = 'myKey', using a dot means that you are looking within the scope of the object, making variables in your program effectively invisible.
So when you write student.x, you get undefined because there is no key 'x': 'value' in student for your program to find. Defining x as a key in your for loop does not change this. On the other hand, writing student[x] means that your program is finding the value x is referencing and plugging it in. When x is 'name', the program is actually looking for student['name'].
Hope that clarifies your issue. Good luck!

Variable capture by closures in Swift and inout parameters

I noticed that when a variable is captured by a closure in Swift, the closure can actually modify the value. This seems crazy to me and an excellent way of getting horrendous bugs, specially when the same var is captured by several closures.
var capture = "Hello captured"
func g(){
// this shouldn't be possible!
capture = capture + "!"
On the other hand, there's the inout parameters, which allow a function or closure to modify its parameters.
What's the need for inout, even captured variables can already be modified with impunity??!!
Just trying to understand the design decisions behind this...
Variables from an outer scope that are captured aren't parameters to the routine, hence their mutablility is inherited from context. By default actual parameters to a routine are constant (let) and hence can't be modified locally (and their value isn't returned)
Also note that your example isn't really capturing capture since it's a global variable.
var global = "Global"
func function(nonmutable:Int, var mutable:Int, inout returnable:Int) -> Void {
// global can be modified here because it's a global (not captured!)
global = "Global 2"
// nomutable can't be modified
// nonmutable = 3
// mutable can be modified, but it's caller won't see the change
mutable = 4
// returnable can be modified, and it's caller sees the change
returnable = 5
var nonmutable = 1
var mutable = 2
var output = 3
function(nonmutable, mutable, &output)
println("nonmutable = \(nonmutable)")
println("mutable = \(mutable)")
println("output = \(output)")
Also, as you can see, the inout parameter is passed differently so that it's obvious that on return, the value may be different.
David's answer is totally correct, but I thought I'd give an example how capture actually works as well:
func captureMe() -> (String) -> () {
// v~~~ This will get 'captured' by the closure that is returned:
var capturedString = "captured"
return {
// The closure that is returned will print the old value,
// assign a new value to 'capturedString', and then
// print the new value as well:
println("Old value: \(capturedString)")
capturedString = $0
println("New value: \(capturedString)")
let test1 = captureMe() // Output: Old value: captured
println(test1("altered")) // New value: altered
// But each new time that 'captureMe()' is called, a new instance
// of 'capturedString' is created with the same initial value:
let test2 = captureMe() // Output: Old value: captured
println(test2("altered again...")) // New value: altered again...
// Old value will always start out as "captured" for every
// new function that captureMe() returns.
The upshot of that is that you don't have to worry about the closure altering the captured value - yes, it can alter it, but only for that particular instance of the returned closure. All other instances of the returned closure will get their own, independent copy of the captured value that they, and only they, can alter.
Here are a couple of use cases for closures capturing variables outside their local context, that may help see why this feature is useful:
Suppose you want to filter duplicates out of an array. There’s a filter function that takes a filtering predicate and returns a new array of only entries matching that predicate. But how to pass the state of which entries have already been seen and are thus duplicates? You’d need the predicate to keep state between calls – and you can do this by having the predicate capture a variable that holds that state:
func removeDupes<T: Hashable>(source: [T]) -> [T] {
// “seen” is a dictionary used to track duplicates
var seen: [T:Bool] = [:]
return source.filter { // brace marks the start of a closure expression
// the closure captures the dictionary and updates it
seen.updateValue(true, forKey: $0) == nil
// prints [1,2,3,4]
It’s true that you could replicate this functionality with a filter function that also took an inout argument – but it would be hard to write something so generic yet flexible as the possibilities with closures. (you could do this kind of filter with reduce instead of filter, since reduce passes state from call to call – but the filter version is probably clearer)
There is a GeneratorOf struct in the standard library that makes it very easy to whip up sequence generators of various kinds. You initialize it with a closure, and that closure can capture variables to use for the state of the generator.
Suppose you want a generator that serves up a random ascending sequence of m numbers from a range 0 to n. Here’s how to do that with GeneratorOf:
import Darwin
func randomGeneratorOf(#n: Int, #from: Int) -> GeneratorOf<Int> {
// state variable to capture in the closure
var select = UInt32(n)
var remaining = UInt32(from)
var i = 0
return GeneratorOf {
while i < from {
if arc4random_uniform(remaining) < select {
return i++
else {
// returning nil marks the end of the sequence
return nil
var g = randomGeneratorOf(n: 5, from: 20)
// prints 5 random numbers in 0..<20
Again, it’s possible to do this kind of thing without closures – in languages without them, you’d probably have a generator protocol/interface and create an object that held state and had a method that served up values. But closure expressions allow a flexible way to do this with minimal boiler plate.
A closure being able to modify the captured variable in the outer scope is pretty common across languages. This is the default behavior in C#, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Common Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk, and many others. This is also the behavior in Objective-C if the outer variable is __block, in Python 3 if the outer variable is nonlocal, in C++ if the outer variable is captured with &

Returning multiple values from a method

I have a method drive that goes like this:
public double drive(double milesTraveled, double gasUsed)
gasInTank -= gasUsed;
return totalMiles += milesTraveled;
I know I can't return multiple values from a method, but that's kind of what I need to do because I need both of these values in my main method, and as it is now it's obviously only returning the one. I can't think of anything that would work. Sorry if this is a super beginner question. What can I do to get both values to return from the method?
You can return multiple value from a function. To do this You can use structure.
In the structure you can keep required field and can return structure variable after operation.
You can also make a class for the required field if You are using OOPS supporting language but Structure is best way.
In most languages you can only return a single value from a method. That single value could be a complex type, such as a struct, array or object.
Some languages also allow you to define output parameters or pass in pointers or references to outside storage locations. These kinds of parameters also allow you to return additional values from your method.
not sure, but can you take array of your values?
array[0] -= gasUsed;
array[1] -= milesTraveled;
return array;

Why/How to use passed constants in function?

I've seen classes where constants are passed to methods, I guess its done to define some kind of setting in that function. I cant find it anywhere now to try to find out the logic, so I though I could ask here. How and why do you use this concept and where can I find more information about it?
The example below is written in PHP, but any language that handles constants would do I guess..
// Declaring class
class ExampleClass{
const EXAMPLE_CONST_1 = 0;
const EXAMPLE_CONST_2 = 1;
function example_method($constant(?)){
if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1)
// do this
else if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_2)
// do that
// Using class
$inst = new ExampleClass();
To me its more clear to pass "ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1" than to just pass "1", but it's that the only reason to pass constant?
Simply passing 1 doesn't say much. By having a constant you can have a description about the settings in the name.
constant RAIN = 1;
method setWeather(RAIN);
Atleast that's how and why I use it.
It is always a good idea to avoid literals being passed around. By assigning a name, anyone reading your code has a chance to understand what that value means - a number has no meaning. It might also help you maintaining your code: If for some requirement the value has to be changed, you can easily do it in one place, instead of checking each and every value occurrence.

How do I Extract a Method That Assigns Two Values?

Extract Method (a refactoring from Fowler's book) works great if your method doesn't assign any values. If it assigns one value, that becomes the return value of the extracted method. What if it assigns two values?
Some C# code to illustrate:
private void someBigFunction() {
// start extraction here
string first = Database.Select(...);
// ...
// next is dependent on the value of "first"
int next = Database.Select(...);
// ...
// stop extraction here
The exact code or values are not important here. The point is extracting this method. (The two values are linked, so it makes sense to have them in the same method -- and not to make two methods.)
Possible answers to this question would be "return both in an array," "return them both in a pair-like data structure," or "use out parameters (pass by reference)" -- but I'm looking for something cleaner. (The actual code is in Delphi, not C#)
Perhaps Sprout Class is what you're looking for. Make the two members instance variables of a new class and extract this method into that class, assigning the instance variables and providing getters for the caller. Or, of course, you could convert the local variables to be instance variables of the original class. That conversion frequently makes Extract Method easier, but you wind up with what is arguably an excess of instance variables. With Sprout class, you have a class whose only purpose is to retrieve and provide those values, so there's no question that they deserve to be instance variables in it.
