Opening spyder in Windows subsystem for Linux fails - windows

I've installed spyder through the Windows Subsystem for Linux system and am having problems opening the program from the command line (command line of Bash on Ubuntu on Windows application on Windows)
error given:
Spyder: cannot connect to X server
How do I fix this?

"cannot connect to X server" means you don't have running an x server. You can download one here
After installing and running VcxSrv then you can type on bash DISPLAY=:0 spyder


Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions for local administrator

I have successfully installed WSL 2 and Ubuntu on my windows machine. If I start PowerShell and type bash it successfully starts bash.
However if I run PowerShell as Administrator and type bash I get the following message:
Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions.
Distributions can be installed by visiting the Microsoft Store:
Worst part is that I'm pretty sure this worked yesterday(!)

XRDP Crashes when Sublime is run

I can connect to my Ubuntu machine from a windows machine using windows remote desktop.
But I can't run programs like sublime as it crashes the xrdp. I can open terminals and simple text editor programs on Ubuntu without crashing the xrdp.
If I run glxgears while on the xrdp session, it prints the error :
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
While I can ssh to Ubuntu and run glxgears just fine.
What could be the issue here?
Thank you!
All fixed after installing the latest version of xrdp

Run RStudio Server on Windows Subsystem for Linux

I installed RStudio Server on the Linux Subsystem on my Windows 10 machine, but my browser won't connect to http://localhost:8787. When I run sudo rstudio-server verify-installation, I get the error Unable to connect to Upstart.
I know WSL doesn't support Upstart or systemd; how can I run RStudio Server?
I can start RStudio Server without Upstart or systemd by running exec /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver at the Bash prompt.

How open ubuntu terminal in windows eclipse

I´m current using windows, but I have ubuntu installed as a subsystem. It´s possible that I open ubuntu terminal in Eclipse rather than open windows´s?

Xming window not showing (Solaris/Windows)

I am trying to launch an install wizard window from a Solaris 9 system on my Windows 7 host to install Sybase ASE but the window won't show.
I am using Putty, with X11 forwarding enabled, and Xming on my Windows host. I am getting no error from the Solaris system. It just says Running InstallShield Wizard... and on my Windows, when I try to exit Xming it says There are currently 1 clients connected.
So clearly, my Solaris is connected to Xming, but I can't see the window.
You have to allow the solaris server to connect to the XMING config file by adding the server IP Address in the file X0.hosts (XMING install folder) then restart the XMING server on your PC. If it still does not work, try running "xhosts +" from Solaris command and export DISPLAY=your_server_IP_Address:0.0.
