How open ubuntu terminal in windows eclipse - windows

I´m current using windows, but I have ubuntu installed as a subsystem. It´s possible that I open ubuntu terminal in Eclipse rather than open windows´s?


How to access anaconda prompt in ubuntu terminal installed in windows 10?

I have recently added the ubuntu terminal in my windows pc since certain packages were only supported in linux. Now for example if I were to access my packages that are present in my conda environments in my windows os through the linux terminal would it be possible? Will it still function the same way or do I have to manually install everything via the ubuntu terminal as well.
If I do have to install everything manually again, where will all the stored data be present? Which directories should I access?
How does this ubuntu terminal work exactly? Does it work in a similar manner if I were to dual boot it?
Yes, you can access all the packages from Ubuntu terminal. You don't have to install everything all-together again. WSL or Ubuntu on Windows can seamlessly integrate with windows. Even though Linux systems have different directory structure, Ubuntu terminal (or bash or WSL or Ubuntu for Windows) happen to maintain the directory structure for windows. So anything you install on Ubuntu terminal will be installed as to windows terms. But I wouldn't recommend mixing these two as it's very tricky. And also, WSL and dual-booting Ubuntu with windows are far from close. You can know more about it if you search online.
I would personally recommend installing Ubuntu as it makes programming a billion times easier. You don't have to install Ubuntu replacing windows. You can just install Ubuntu on a separate hard drive and just specify which drive to boot from on system start-up. If you use a laptop and don't have two drives, then create a new volume and use it as if it were an original drive.

XRDP Crashes when Sublime is run

I can connect to my Ubuntu machine from a windows machine using windows remote desktop.
But I can't run programs like sublime as it crashes the xrdp. I can open terminals and simple text editor programs on Ubuntu without crashing the xrdp.
If I run glxgears while on the xrdp session, it prints the error :
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
While I can ssh to Ubuntu and run glxgears just fine.
What could be the issue here?
Thank you!
All fixed after installing the latest version of xrdp

How do I open a wsl workspace in VS Code for a different distro?

I have both Ubuntu and Debian installed for WSL. When I open a WSL workspace using VS Code remote development, it always opens Ubuntu. How can I open a workspace under the Debian install using WSL in VS Code?
The VS Code Remote - WSL extension always uses the default WSL distro. You can change the default distro using the wsl command (wslconfig on earlier windows versions):
# List the available distributions
wsl --list
# Set the default version to debian
wsl --setdefault debian
After changing the default for WSL, make sure to restart VS Code
Click the "remote button" in the bottom left
Choose New Window using Distro...
Pick your distro!

How to run eclipse on bash on Ubuntu on Windows?

I have eclipse installed on my windows machine, but I can't seem to use it with bash so I installed eclipse on the bash terminal by using "sudo apt-get install eclipse". It installed fine, but I can't figure out how to launch the eclipse GUI from the linux subsystem so I can use it like the windows version. I tried using Xming and exporting DISPLAY, but that didn't work. Any ideas?
from what i understood from the link below, you require to update .bashrc to direct the GUI display to a X Server process. I installed xMing to run X Server from Windows 10. i also had to install gtk components that allowed me to run sublime text GUI from within WSL.
hope this helps
IMHO you should not install eclipse by apt but simply get your desired eclipse product from from , download and unzip it to your wanted location and just start eclipse.
I do not know any Linux distribution containing a newer eclipse bundled, so you are always having older versions being slower and having less features
You can update your eclipse installation directly inside eclipse Check for updates
You can have multiple installations at same time
If you want to get rid of a eclipse installation just remove the folder and you are done.
But of course you can also use bash directly in Windows with Eclipse.
Please look at or take a glimpse at You Tube Video about Bash Debugging with Bash Editor eclipse plugin on a Windows 10 machine
PS: I am the maintainer of the mentioned eclipse plugin

Install headless Ubuntu server to VirtualBox on windows

I have recently started using VirtualBox to get my Linux environment rather than fully using Ubuntu. For me this works well. But recently i have realized that in the Ubuntu vm the only thing I use a lot is the terminal, mostly just because I need the Linux environment and not the full desktop.
So I tried installing Ubuntu server into a VM, which worked. But as soon as I reboot the machine, it fails after the system boot logo. After BIOS and where I would log on from the command line I simply get a black screen with a non blinking cursor. So I am never fully able to boot into the vbox.
I read up on the command line version, trying to run it headless and then connecting to it from demote desktop. after starting the vbox I am able to connect to the desktop and see the grub screen but after selecting Ubuntu I get that same non-blinking cursor.
So is this really possible? I tried cygwin but it never really felt adequate to me. I like and am very comfortable with the Ubuntu/Debian command line. How could I (if possible) accomplish this? I want to be bale to start up the VBox and get the full command line for that vbox session. Any ideas?
Ubuntu version: 10.10, VirtualBox v. 4.0.4 r70112 and I am on Windows 7 Ultimate.
You didn't mention the versions of Ubuntu and Virtualbox.
I failed twice to install full Ubuntu 10.10 over the latest VirtualBox 4.0.4 over Ubuntu (problems like those you describe), so I switched to Debian 6.0.
All you require to install Ubuntu headless is to install the server version, which you already did. If you get blank screens, tweak the ioapic settings in both VB and Ubuntu. Another tweak is to switch between IDE and SATA drivers for the main disk (the Grub in my non-virtualized Ubuntu hangs if there's USB media attached at boot time).
If you can run full Ubuntu on a VM, you can try downgrading it by removing the xserver-xorg package, or changing the default runlevel.
If all you want is a Linux consule, you can install Debian 6 without any GUI components.
