Can't seem to get runningvalues to work in VS2013 Report Designer - visual-studio-2013

I have a margins report that I've created that groups by Month, Customer, Sales Type then displays the sales details. I have that basic report working well. The SALTYPE group has four options from the stored procedure that pulls the data, they are A, B, C, D. I've been asked to add grand totals at the bottom of the report for each sales type.
From my research it appears I need to use RunningValues in an expression to generate these totals but I've been unable to find any useful examples. I've tested for the Tot. Sales column using the expression =RunningValue(Fields!TOTSALES.value, sum, "SALTYPE") but it throws an error I'm not sure I'm interpreting correctly, "The Value expression for the text box 'Textbox168' has a scope parameter that is not valid for the aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a dataset". If I understand correctly it's referring to "Tablix1_SALTYPEGroup" but I'm unclear what that should be or if I'm completely off base.
Can anyone provide an example to get those grand totals or point out the flaw in my expression? I've been all through MSDN but primarily been referencing this blog.

So I may be incorrect but it appears they way I had my groups structured and the details sorted it wasn't possible to generate the totals I needed. I resolved this by simply adding a summary Tablix below my first one, using the same data but structured and sorted in a way to easily generate my totals. By sorting the details on the SALTYPE I could then just add a total and hide the details. The result is exactly what I was looking for.


Power BI. Sort a column with repeated values based on another column

For my requirement, I've got a specific layout for a report. To simplify, the series of Categories should present the Areas in a particular order (financial information).
Every Category will be present on a different Page on Power BI. However, as you can see, some areas belong to multiple Categories. Because of this, I'm getting an error message if I try to order this column by an index, and I can't modify the name of the area.
Is it possible to specify on a cross table that I do not need it to perform any alphabetic order?
I've looked for a possible answer, but so far I have not found any solution to this.

How to conditionally require 18+ fields based on selection of two dropdowns

I'm new to Sharepoint 2010 with what I would call a highschool freshman level of coding experience, though I can generally stumble and tinker my way through. I don't currently have access to Sharepoint designer, but from the searching I've done so far, it may required. Still I'm hoping to find an OOTB solution to the problem below.
I have been tasked with building a incident resolution tracking sheet on Sharepoint. My boss is very concerned with being audited by legal, and has some very specific requirements about required information. Column A contains a drop down list of 5 choices that indicate the Final Solution. Column B Contains a drop down list with 4 choices that indicate the Initial Problem. Based on The selections in A and B, different Columns in C-X are required to be blank, not blank, or contain specific entries. The only way I can find to do this is to create a list validation containing a nested if for each combination of A and B resulting in 20 nested ifs. However sharepoint is limited to 7 nested ifs, so I'm looking for any possible solutions.
*This List will primarily be accessed in Datasheet view, so "HTML in calculated column" type solutions are not viable.
You can use calculated columns to break up the validation formula into more manageable chunks.
Let's start with a simple example.
Condition 1: If the initial problem was that the user's computer was too slow and the final solution was restarting the computer, you need to fill in the [C] column.
Condition 2: If the initial problem was that the user was on fire and the final solution was dousing them with water, you need to fill in the [D] column.
You could perform that list validation all in one formula, as below:
AND([A]="Restarted Computer",[B]="Computer is slow"),
AND([A]="Doused with water",[B]="User is on fire"),
But that's long and ugly (especially when you condense it to one line).
Instead, you could add two calculated columns, one for each condition you want to check. For the sake of this example, let's say you add a column called C_is_valid and a column called D_is_valid:
C_is_valid calculated column formula:
=IF(AND([A]="Restarted Computer",[B]="Computer is slow"),NOT(ISBLANK([C])),TRUE)
D_is_valid calculated column formula:
IF(AND([A]="Doused with water",[B]="User is on fire"),NOT(ISBLANK([D]),TRUE)
Updated validation formula:
It's easy to see how this can simplify even a very complex set of validation conditions...
But even that could be simplified by consolidating some of those AND()s into multiple calculated columns, so that your final validation formula could be as simple as:
=AND([First set of conditions is valid],[Second set of conditions is valid])

SSRS sort not working

On a number of reports I have noticed that setting sort options through the tablix properties does not work. I choose the data I'd like to sort by (date) and set the option (Z to A), but the report still shows unsorted. Has anyone else seen this issue? I have read that updating the report xml to include the sort may be what needs to be done because the report builder does not preserve the changes made. Haven't gone down that road yet as I'm looking to see if there's a fix already identified.
Date Type Lead Name State distance Consultant ZIP State 1 Level Reason url
Those are the columns from the export with data filling each column. Can't give too much info because it shows phone numbers and addresses.
One option is to sort the data in your dataset. Then you can leave it and SSRS will honor that.
As the others mentioned, make sure you check the datatype so it's not trying to sort the dates as a string.
Set the sort priorities at the group level, not on the table or dataset properties.
You should never have to edit the XML to get this to work. This is a basic built-in feature that most reports use.
Do you have groups on your tablix? if yes, did you try sorting it with the Row Groups or Column Groups at bottom instead of the sorting properties of the tablix?

Crystal: Sort by multiple groups

Good afternoon all;
Currently I have a crystal report that displays as such;
{CallTtype} {Date} {SendingHospital} {Time1} {Time2}
I would like it to break down by receiving hospital then beneath that show all "Major" call types and sum them. Then Beneath that all "Moderate" call types with a sum, and then all "Minor" call types beneath that with a sum also. And, I want to keep all the associated details listed in that same order. I was thinking I could add multiple group headers and place the call type in that, but that does not seem to be working.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
first, you need to create a group for {ReceivingHospital} and then a second group for {CallType}. You can then create a group sum based on {CallType}. If it still does not work and you are working with multiple tables you should check whether you have joined your tables correctly.

Telerik Report omitting data

After performing a product evaluation by one of the managers other can change the scoring for certain categories. This changes in scoring are stored in the database for reference.
The structure of the evaluation is like this:
- Category
- Scoring point
an evaluation can have many categories which all can have many scoring points.
My problem is the following:
If I change a scoring point a few times all is entered in the database but in the reports i am only seeing the first scoring point. The rest of them with the same name are left blank but are using space just as it would if all were visible. The stored procedure that is delivering the data is working fine. It bring all data to the report which then displayes it wrong.
=Fields.CategoryName is working fine... every category name is displayed correctly
=Fields.ScoringPointName is not working... it displayes only the first and leavese all the rest blank... if for example a scoring point name is Product robustnes it would display only the first change of scoring but wouldnt display the rest
Any ideas???
Found out what the problem was. Maybe it will be helpful for other people
I was showing the data in a group header section with grouping =Fields.DefinitionText. Thus it will only repeat if the Fields.DefinitionText is distinct. About the empty space it's caused by the detail section that repeats for every data record. Thus if I want to display all of the data records I have to move the group header section textboxes to the report's detail section.
Here and Here are some usefull things about reporting.
