Numeric and orderable hashsum of a Semver - algorithm

I'm working on a system relying on pseudo semver version numbers (only using the major, minor and patch numbers) to index files.
For faster comparisons and lookup and for the fun of doing it this way, I'm trying to compute a numeric "hash" for those version numbers. This numeric hash should have the following property (extreme example following) :
Hash(1.0.500) < Hash(1.1.0) < Hash(1.3000.0) < Hash(2.0.0)
I've already tried a wide range of solutions like weighting each position or like this
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 42 + Major;
hash = hash * 42 + Minor;
hash = hash * 42 + Patch;
But all of these can quickly reach the limitation (following the multiplicator or weight) where
Hash(1.0.1500) > Hash(1.1.0)
I could have chosen a dirty way and go for a big multiplicator to avoid such collisions (and ensure a minimum number of combinations) but I'd prefer to choose a cleaner path
Is this even possible ?

If I understand correctly, what you try to do is to convert a version number with three components (lexicographically ordered) to a single natural number such that the order is preserved. This is not really a hash.
This is trivial if there is an upper bound on the size of the components. Just use a multiplicator larger than the maximum component value.
If there is no such upper bound it is not possible. Consider 0.1.0 is mapped to number N, then all versions 0.0.x must be mapped to numbers smaller N which is impossible if there are infinitely many of them.


How to create a unique hash that will match any strings permutations

Given a string abcd how can I create a unique hashing method that will hash those 4 characters to match bcad or any other permutation of the letters abcd?
Currently I have this code
long hashString(string a) {
long hashed = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
hashed += a[i] * 7; // Timed by a prime to make the hash more unique?
return hashed;
Now this will not work becasue ad will hash with bc.
I know you can make it more unique by multiplying the position of the letter by the letter itself hashed += a[i] * i but then the string will not hash to its permutations.
Is it possible to create a hash that achieves this?
Some have suggested sorting the strings before you hash them. Which is a valid answer but the sorting would take O(nlog) time and I am looking for a hash function that runs in O(n) time.
I am looking to do this in O(1) memory.
Create an array of 26 integers, corresponding to letters a-z. Initialize it to 0. Scan the string from beginning to end, and increment the array element corresponding to the current letter. Note that up to this point the algorithm has O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity (since the array size is a constant).
Finally, hash the contents of the array using your favorite hash function.
The basic thing you can do is sort the strings before applying the hash function. So, to compute the hash of "adbc" or "dcba" you instead compute the hash of "abcd".
If you want to make sure that there are no collisions in your hash function, then the only way is to have the hash result be a string. There are many more strings than there are 32-bit (or 64-bit) integers so collisions are innevitable (collisions are unlikely with a good hash function though).
Easiest way to understand: sort the letters in the string, and then hash the resulting string.
Some variations on your original idea also work, like:
long hashString(string a) {
long hashed = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
long t = a[i] * 16777619;
hashed += t^(t>>8);
return hashed;
I suppose you need a hash such that two anagrams will hash to the same value. I'd suggest you sort them first and use any of the common hash function such as md5. I write the following code using Scala:
def hash(s: String) = {
Note in scala:
scala> "hello".sorted
res0: String = ehllo
scala> "cinema".sorted
res1: String = aceimn
Synopsis: store a histogram of the letters in the hash value.
Step 1: compute a histogram of the letters (since a histogram uniquely identifies the letters in the string without regard to the order of the letters).
int histogram[26];
for ( int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++ )
histogram[a[i] - 'a']++;
Step 2: pack the histogram into the hash value. You have several options here. Which option to choose depends on what sort of limitations you can put on the strings.
If you knew that each letter would appear no more than 3 times, then it takes 2 bits to represent the count, so you could create a 52-bit hash that's guaranteed to be unique.
If you're willing to use a 128-bit hash, then you've got 5 bits for 24 letters, and 4 bits for 2 letters (e.g. q and z). The 128-bit hash allows each letter to appear 31 times (15 times for q and z).
But if you want a fixed sized hash, say 16-bit, then you need to pack the histogram into those 16 bits in a way that reduces collisions. The easiest way to do that is to create a 26 byte message (one byte for each entry in the histogram, allowing each letter to appear up to 255 times). Then take the 16-bit CRC of the message, using your favorite CRC generator.

Hashing function to distribute over n values (with a twist)

I was wondering if there are any hashing functions to distribute input over n values. The distribution should of course be fairly uniform. But there is a twist. with small changes of n, few elements should get a new hash. Optimally it should split all k uniformly over n values and if n increases to n+1 only k/n-k/(n+1) values would have to move to uniformly distribute in the new hash. Obviously having a hash which simply creates uniform values and then mod it would work, but that would move a lot of hashes to fill the new node. The goal here is that as few values as possible falls into a new bucket.
Suppose 2^{n-1} < N <= 2^n. Then there is a standard trick for turning a hash function H that produces (at least) n bits into one that produces a number from 0 to N.
Compute H(v).
Keep just the first n bits.
If that's smaller than N, stop and output it. Otherwise, start from the top with H(v) instead of v.
Some properties of this technique:
You might worry that you have to repeat the loop many times in some cases. But actually the expected number of loops is at most 2.
If you bump up N and n doesn't have to change, very few things get a new hash: only those ones that had exactly N somewhere in their chain of hashes. (Of course, identifying which elements have this property is kind of hard -- in general it may require rehashing every element!)
If you bump up N and n does have to change, about half of the elements have to be rebucketed. But this happens more and more rarely the bigger N is -- it is an amortized O(1) cost on each bump.
Edit to add an additional comment about the "have to rehash everything" requirement: One might consider modifying step 3 above to "start from the top with the first n bits of H(v)" instead. This reduces the problem with identifying which elements need to be rehashed -- since they'll be in the bucket for the hash of N -- though I'm not confident the resulting hash will have quite as good collision avoidance properties. It certainly makes the process a bit more fragile -- one would want to prove something special about the choice of H (that the bottom few bits aren't "critical" to its collision avoidance properties somehow).
Here is a simple example implementation in Python, together with a short main that shows that most strings do not move when bumping normally, and about half of strings get moved when bumping across a 2^n boundary. Forgive me for any idiosyncracies of my code -- Python is a foreign language.
import math
def ilog2(m): return int(math.ceil(math.log(m,2)))
def hash_into(obj, N):
cur_hash = hash(obj)
mask = pow(2, ilog2(N)) - 1
while (cur_hash & mask) >= N:
# seems Python uses the identity for its hash on integers, which
# doesn't iterate well; let's use literally any other hash at all
cur_hash = hash(str(cur_hash))
return cur_hash & mask
def same_hash(obj, N, N2):
return hash_into(obj, N) == hash_into(obj, N2)
def bump_stat(objs, N):
return len([obj for obj in objs if same_hash(obj, N, N+1)])
alphabet = [chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
ascending = alphabet + [c1 + c2 for c1 in alphabet for c2 in alphabet]
def main():
print len(ascending)
print bump_stat(ascending, 10)
print float(bump_stat(ascending, 16))/len(ascending)
# prints:
# 702
# 639
# 0.555555555556
Well, when you add a node, you will want it to fill up, so you will actually want k/(n+1) elements to move from their old nodes to the new one.
That is easily accomplished:
Just generate a hash value for each key as you normally would. Then, to assign key k to a node in [0,N):
Let H(k) be the hash of k.
int hash = H(k);
for (int n=N-1;n>0;--n) {
if ((mix(hash,n) % (i+1))==0) {
//put it in node n
So, when you add node node 1, it steals half the items from node 0.
When you add node 2, it steals 1/3 of the items from the previous 2 nodes.
And so on...
EDIT: added the mix() function, to mix up the hash differently for every n -- otherwise you get non-uniformities when n is not prime.

Best way to resize a hash table

I am creating my own implementation to hash a table for education purposes.
What would be the best way to increase a hash table size?
I currently double the hash array size.
The hashing function I'm using is: key mod arraysize.
The problem with this is that if the keys are: 2, 4, 6, 8, then the array size will just keep increasing.
What is the best way of overcoming this issue? Is there a better way of increasing a hash table size? Would changing my hashing function help?
NOTE: My keys are all integers!
Hash tables often avoid this problem by making sure that the hash table size is a prime number. When you resize the table, double the size and then round up to the first prime number larger than that. Doing this avoids the clustering problems similar to what you describe.
Now, it does take a little bit of time to find the next prime number, but not a whole lot. When compared to the time involved in rehashing the hash table's contents, finding the next prime number takes almost no time at all. See Optimizing the wrong thing for a description.
OpenJDK uses powers of 2 for the capacity of a HashMap, which will lead to a lot of collisions if the keys are all multiples of a power of two. It prevents this by applying another hash function on top of the key's hashCode:
* Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which defends against poor quality hash functions.
* This is critical because HashMap uses power-of-two length hash tables, that otherwise encounter collisions
* for hashCodes that do not differ in lower bits. Note: Null keys always map to hash 0, thus index 0.
static int hash(int h) {
// This function ensures that hashCodes that differ only by
// constant multiples at each bit position have a bounded
// number of collisions (approximately 8 at default load factor).
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
If you try to implement your own hash table, here is some tips:
Chose a prime number for table size if you use the mod for the hash function.
Use Quadratic Probing to find the final position for collisions, h(x,i) = (Hash(x) + i*i) mod TableSize for the ith collision.
Double the size to the nearest prime number when hash table get half full which you will merely never do if your collision function is ok for your input.
Here is an elegant implement for Quadratic Probing:
//find a position to set the key
int findPos( int key, YourHashTable h )
int curPos;
int collisionNum = 0;
curPos = key % h.TableSize;
//while find a collision
while( h[curPos] != null && h[curPos] != key )
//f(i) = i*i = f(i-1) + 2*i -1
curPos += 2 * ++collisionNum - 1;
//do the mod only use - for efficiency
if( curPos >= h.TableSize )
curPos -= h.TableSize;
return curPos;
Hashing and hash functions are a complex topic, fortunately with lots of online resources.
It is not clear how you determine the array size in the first place.
In the Java HashMap implementation, the size of the underlying array is always a power of 2. This has the slight advantage that you don't need to compute the modulo, but can compute the array index as index = hashValue & (array.length-1) (which is equivalent to a modulo operation when array.length is a power of 2).
Additionally, the HashMap uses some "magic function" to reduce the number of hash collisions for the case that several hash values only differ by a constant factor, as in your example.
The actual size of the array is then determined by a "load factor". (You can even specify this as a constructor parameter of HashMap). When the number of array entries that are occupied exceeds loadFactor * array.length, then the length of the array will be doubled.
This load factor allows a certain trade-off: When the load factor is high (0.9 or so), then it will be more likely that hash collisions will occur. When it is low (0.3 or so), then hash collisions will be more unlikely, but there will be a lot of "wasted" space, because only few entries of the array will actually be occupied at any point in time.

Lists Hash function

I'm trying to make a hash function so I can tell if too lists with same sizes contain the same elements.
For exemple this is what I want:
f((1 2 3))=f((1 3 2))=f((2 1 3))=f((2 3 1))=f((3 1 2))=f((3 2 1)).
Any ideea how can I approch this problem ? I've tried doing the sum of squares of all elements but it turned out that there are collisions,for exemple f((2 2 5))=33=f((1 4 4)) which is wrong as the lists are not the same.
I'm looking for a simple approach if there is any.
Sort the list and then:
list.each do |current_element|
hash = (37 * hash + current_element) % MAX_HASH_VALUE
You're probably out of luck if you really want no collisions. There are N choose k sets of size k with elements in 1..N (and worse, if you allow repeats). So imagine you have N=256, k=8, then N choose k is ~4 x 10^14. You'd need a very large integer to distinctly hash all of these sets.
Possibly you have N, k such that you could still make this work. Good luck.
If you allow occasional collisions, you have lots of options. From simple things like your suggestion (add squares of elements) and computing xor the elements, to complicated things like sort them, print them to a string, and compute MD5 on them. But since collisions are still possible, you have to verify any hash match by comparing the original lists (if you keep them sorted, this is easy).
So you are looking something provides these properties,
1. If h(x1) == y1, then there is an inverse function h_inverse(y1) == x1
2. Because the inverse function exists, there cannot be a value x2 such that x1 != x2, and h(x2) == y1.
Knuth's Multiplicative Method
In Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming", section 6.4, a multiplicative hashing scheme is introduced as a way to write hash function. The key is multiplied by the golden ratio of 2^32 (2654435761) to produce a hash result.
hash(i)=i*2654435761 mod 2^32
Since 2654435761 and 2^32 has no common factors in common, the multiplication produces a complete mapping of the key to hash result with no overlap. This method works pretty well if the keys have small values. Bad hash results are produced if the keys vary in the upper bits. As is true in all multiplications, variations of upper digits do not influence the lower digits of the multiplication result.
Robert Jenkins' 96 bit Mix Function
Robert Jenkins has developed a hash function based on a sequence of subtraction, exclusive-or, and bit shift.
All the sources in this article are written as Java methods, where the operator '>>>' represents the concept of unsigned right shift. If the source were to be translated to C, then the Java 'int' data type should be replaced with C 'uint32_t' data type, and the Java 'long' data type should be replaced with C 'uint64_t' data type.
The following source is the mixing part of the hash function.
int mix(int a, int b, int c)
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 13);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 8);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 13);
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 12);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 16);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 5);
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 3);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 10);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 15);
return c;
You can read details from here
If all the elements are numbers and they have a maximum, this is not too complicated, you sort those elements and then you put them together one after the other in the base of your maximum+1.
Hard to describe in words...
For example, if your maximum is 9 (that makes it easy to understand), you'd have :
f(2 3 9 8) = f(3 8 9 2) = 2389
If you maximum was 99, you'd have :
f(16 2 76 8) = (0)2081676
In your example with 2,2 and 5, if you know you would never get anything higher than 5, you could "compose" the result in base 6, so that would be :
f(2 2 5) = 2*6^2 + 2*6 + 5 = 89
f(1 4 4) = 1*6^2 + 4*6 + 4 = 64
Combining hash values is hard, I've found this way (no explanation, though perhaps someone would recognize it) within Boost:
template <class T>
void hash_combine(size_t& seed, T const& v)
seed ^= hash_value(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
It should be fast since there is only shifting, additions and xor taking place (apart from the actual hashing).
However the requirement than the order of the list does not influence the end-result would mean that you first have to sort it which is an O(N log N) operation, so it may not fit.
Also, since it's impossible without more stringent boundaries to provide a collision free hash function, you'll still have to actually compare the sorted lists if ever the hash are equals...
I'm trying to make a hash function so I can tell if two lists with same sizes contain the same elements.
[...] but it turned out that there are collisions
These two sentences suggest you are using the wrong tool for the job. The point of a hash (unless it is a 'perfect hash', which doesn't seem appropriate to this problem) is not to guarantee equality, or to provide a unique output for every given input. In the general usual case, it cannot, because there are more potential inputs than potential outputs.
Whatever hash function you choose, your hashing system is always going to have to deal with the possibility of collisions. And while different hashes imply inequality, it does not follow that equal hashes imply equality.
As regards your actual problem: a start might be to sort the list in ascending order, then use the sorted values as if they were the prime powers in the prime decomposition of an integer. Reconstruct this integer (modulo the maximum hash value) and there is a hash value.
For example:
2 1 3
sorted becomes
1 2 3
Treating this as prime powers gives
which construct
2.9.125 = 2250
giving 2250 as your hash value, which will be the same hash value as for any other ordering of 1 2 3, and also different from the hash value for any other sequence of three numbers that do not overflow the maximum hash value when computed.
A naïve approach to solving your essential problem (comparing lists in an order-insensitive manner) is to convert all lists being compared to a set (set in Python or HashSet in Java). This is more effective than making a hash function since a perfect hash seems essential to your problem. For almost any other approach collisions are inevitable depending on input.

Good hash function for permutations?

I have got numbers in a specific range (usually from 0 to about 1000). An algorithm selects some numbers from this range (about 3 to 10 numbers). This selection is done quite often, and I need to check if a permutation of the chosen numbers has already been selected.
e.g one step selects [1, 10, 3, 18] and another one [10, 18, 3, 1] then the second selection can be discarded because it is a permutation.
I need to do this check very fast. Right now I put all arrays in a hashmap, and use a custom hash function: just sums up all the elements, so 1+10+3+18=32, and also 10+18+3+1=32. For equals I use a bitset to quickly check if elements are in both sets (I do not need sorting when using the bitset, but it only works when the range of numbers is known and not too big).
This works ok, but can generate lots of collisions, so the equals() method is called quite often. I was wondering if there is a faster way to check for permutations?
Are there any good hash functions for permutations?
I have done a little benchmark: generate all combinations of numbers in the range 0 to 6, and array length 1 to 9. There are 3003 possible permutations, and a good hash should generated close to this many different hashes (I use 32 bit numbers for the hash):
41 different hashes for just adding (so there are lots of collisions)
8 different hashes for XOR'ing values together
286 different hashes for multiplying
3003 different hashes for (R + 2e) and multiplying as abc has suggested (using 1779033703 for R)
So abc's hash can be calculated very fast and is a lot better than all the rest. Thanks!
PS: I do not want to sort the values when I do not have to, because this would get too slow.
One potential candidate might be this.
Fix a odd integer R.
For each element e you want to hash compute the factor (R + 2*e).
Then compute the product of all these factors.
Finally divide the product by 2 to get the hash.
The factor 2 in (R + 2e) guarantees that all factors are odd, hence avoiding
that the product will ever become 0. The division by 2 at the end is because
the product will always be odd, hence the division just removes a constant bit.
E.g. I choose R = 1779033703. This is an arbitrary choice, doing some experiments should show if a given R is good or bad. Assume your values are [1, 10, 3, 18].
The product (computed using 32-bit ints) is
(R + 2) * (R + 20) * (R + 6) * (R + 36) = 3376724311
Hence the hash would be
3376724311/2 = 1688362155.
Summing the elements is already one of the simplest things you could do. But I don't think it's a particularly good hash function w.r.t. pseudo randomness.
If you sort your arrays before storing them or computing hashes, every good hash function will do.
If it's about speed: Have you measured where the bottleneck is? If your hash function is giving you a lot of collisions and you have to spend most of the time comparing the arrays bit-by-bit the hash function is obviously not good at what it's supposed to do. Sorting + Better Hash might be the solution.
If I understand your question correctly you want to test equality between sets where the items are not ordered. This is precisely what a Bloom filter will do for you. At the expense of a small number of false positives (in which case you'll need to make a call to a brute-force set comparison) you'll be able to compare such sets by checking whether their Bloom filter hash is equal.
The algebraic reason why this holds is that the OR operation is commutative. This holds for other semirings, too.
depending if you have a lot of collisions (so the same hash but not a permutation), you might presort the arrays while hashing them. In that case you can do a more aggressive kind of hashing where you don't only add up the numbers but add some bitmagick to it as well to get quite different hashes.
This is only beneficial if you get loads of unwanted collisions because the hash you are doing now is too poor. If you hardly get any collisions, the method you are using seems fine
I would suggest this:
1. Check if the lengths of permutations are the same (if not - they are not equal)
Sort only 1 array. Instead of sorting another array iterate through the elements of the 1st array and search for the presence of each of them in the 2nd array (compare only while the elements in the 2nd array are smaller - do not iterate through the whole array).
note: if you can have the same numbers in your permutaions (e.g. [1,2,2,10]) then you will need to remove elements from the 2nd array when it matches a member from the 1st one.
if length(arr1) <> length(arr2) return false;
for i=1 to length(arr1) {
while (j<=length(arr2) and elem<arr2[j]) j=j+1;
if elem <> arr2[j] return false;
return true;
the idea is that instead of sorting another array we can just try to match all of its elements in the sorted array.
You can probably reduce the collisions a lot by using the product as well as the sum of the terms.
1*10*3*18=540 and 10*18*3*1=540
so the sum-product hash would be [32,540]
you still need to do something about collisions when they do happen though
I like using string's default hash code (Java, C# not sure about other languages), it generates pretty unique hash codes.
so if you first sort the array, and then generates a unique string using some delimiter.
so you can do the following (Java):
int[] arr = selectRandomNumbers();
int hash = (arr[0] + "," + arr[1] + "," + arr[2] + "," + arr[3]).hashCode();
if performance is an issue, you can change the suggested inefficient string concatenation to use StringBuilder or String.format
String.format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],arr[3]);
String hash code of course doesn't guarantee that two distinct strings have different hash, but considering this suggested formatting, collisions should be extremely rare
