Has anybody managed to install Google Fuchsia (1) on a raspberry pi?
on the Raspberry Pi 3 : https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b/
(1): https://github.com/fuchsia-mirror/magenta
fuchsia kernel: magenta is possible to run on raspberry pi. I did it on Model 3b. Please find below link to run magenta on raspberry pi:
Magenta on raspberry pi
Let me know if you get stuck anywhere.
Not possible anymore.
Google removed support for RPI3 from Zircon Kernel(formally magenta). Couldn't find the exact commit but if you navigate at the target/arm64/board tree you will see that the rpi dir is no more.
So I recently purchased a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and installed the Raspbian stretch with desktop onto my SD card. The first time I booted it up, it worked great! I was having trouble installing some python libraries. I decided to start again from scratch, and reformat the SD card and put a fresh OS on it. I'm using the official SD card formatter, and did a full overwrite on the card. I rewrote the OS image to the card, but now am stuck with a solid red light on start up. No ACT light at all, no image on the screen. I swapped it with a new SD card, and downloaded the Raspbian zip file again. Still nothing. I tried using the Raspbian stretch lite, still nothing.
Has anyone run into this problem? Any suggestions? Thanks!
Has anyone tested Android Things on the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ yet?
When I attempt to boot the Pi 3 B+ with an Android Things image, it remains on the initial multi-colour boot screen and nothing further happens. Power is fine and same micro SD card works with Raspbian.
Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ is not yet officially supported by Android Things in contrast to Raspberry Pi 3 model B.
has anyone expersience with Elasticsearch on Raspberry pi.
I installed today the new version of ES 6.0 on Raspberry pi 3 and i have the problem that every time when i open Internet explorer to check ES Localhost then all the system will blocked. 100% CPU.
how can i figure it out ?
Thanks in advance
I just bought the USB Kinect adapter and realised it just works with USB 3.0. When connecting it to the USB 3.0 port of the PC everything works fine, but when I tried to connect to my Raspberry Pi3 it just won't work. I've already installed all the drivers (Openni,Sensorkinect) but when I execute the "Sample-NiSimpleRead" of OpenNI I get the following message:
One or more of the following nodes could not be enumerated:
Device: PrimeSense/SensorKinect/ The device is not connected!
Besides, when I try sudo lsusb -v|grep -i nui I get:
iProduct 2 NuiSensor Adaptor
Still, there's no way to make it work. I've seen some projects in Youtube which use Raspberry3 and Kinect, so there should be one way to solve this. Do you have any idea?
Kinect v2 is solely USB3, while RPi is USB2 (as you stated). Maybe you've seen the videos of Kinect v1, which uses USB2?
Kincect V2 needs USB-3, so if you need to plugin into a embedded device then Nvidia Jetson TK1/TX1/TX2 boards are the best bet. Here is a link that shows a demo of Kinect-V2 with Jetson TK1. I have tried the same steps for TX2 and it works fine after the successful installation of "libfreenect2".
I want to upload Arduino sketch via Raspberry pi using windows 10 IOT platform (Visual studio universal application), Has anybody any idea how to do this?
Sketch from cloud > > > > Raspberry pi ------> Arduino
In this diagram sketch download from the cloud and via Rpi upload to Arduino.
The solution is pretty straight forward as the question stated the flow.
Cloud --> RPi --> Arduino.
Step 1
Upload the sketch in the Cloud Instance (ftp or http)
Step 2
In the windows IoT Core, wget the sketch file and Install Arduino IDE
wget http://cloud-server/sketches/program1.ino
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install arduino
Step 3
Reboot the RPi
sudo reboot
Step 4
When the RPi rebooted,
open the Arduino IDE and select the port to upload the sketch
If the Step 2 wont go successful then try to install windows gnu tool chain
to compile and install piduino as follows
mkdir hardware/RaspberryPi
cd hardware/RaspberryPi
git clone https://github.com/me-no-dev/RasPiArduino piduino
It could have been use full if you have mentioned the whole problem you have. I will try to answer the best I can:
Solution One:
You can maintain a shared memory for the Raspberry pi and Arduino board. (It can be some external SD card). Get the code from the cloud using Raspberry pi and write this using file streams into the shared memory. Then read this file from the same shared memory using Arduino.
Solution Two:
If you are not worried about the exact file and your only concern in the logic, interface the Arduino to Raspberry pi as a slave device. Use the Arduino I/O ports to read the digital signals or values from raspberry pi which are generated according to the code you got from cloud using windows10 IOT platform.
I hope this could help you to some extent.