Xamarin Insights for Android - xamarin

I was wondering how can we monitor the crashes using xamarin insights for Android.
In iOS if we just add
Insights.Report(ex, Insights.Severity.Critical); in the main fun of the main class if does the trick.
Where should I add this code in android so I could capture all the crashes in Android?

FYI: Insight is deprecated
But, when we were using it, normally would set it up in main Activity's OnCreate, something like:
protected override void OnCreate(global::Android.OS.Bundle bundle)
Xamarin.Insights.Initialize(Keys.InsightsApiKey, this);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
var ex = ((Exception)e.ExceptionObject).GetBaseException();
Console.WriteLine("**SPORT MAIN ACTIVITY EXCEPTION**\n\n" + ex);
Insights.Report(ex, Xamarin.Insights.Severity.Critical);
From the Xamarin Sport Example:
Ref: https://github.com/xamarin/Sport/blob/50b5896e17b86d88df53175fea5f4b1fa99b1164/Sport.Android/MainActivity.cs#L31


Xamarin UWP : app in front/rear (method unexisting ?)

I have a app in xamarin that listen a folder and do some action when a file is created.
But the thing is that I need to be able to :
bring my app in front when a file is created
push my app in rear when acyion are finished
I have a beginning of response with
but that only work if my app is not minimize (app not in first view)
I've already tried this :
IList<AppDiagnosticInfo> infos = await AppDiagnosticInfo.RequestInfoForAppAsync();
IList<AppResourceGroupInfo> resourceInfos = infos[0].GetResourceGroups();
await resourceInfos[0].StartSuspendAsync();
but visual studio tell me
AppResourceGroupInfo don't have a definition for StartSuspendAsync()
but documentation mention it AppResourceGroupInfo.StartSuspendAsync Method
someone have an idea ?
UPDATE [2020-04-29 16:48] :
This is a pcl project
the intention is to use dependency service to have diferent comportement in function of platform (already implemented just need the front/rear
interface in pcl
public interface IWindowManager
void Minimize();
void Maximize();
in uwp
class WindowManager : IWindowManager
public async void Maximize()
catch(Exception ex)
public async void Minimize()
IList<AppDiagnosticInfo> infos = await AppDiagnosticInfo.RequestInfoForAppAsync();
IList<AppResourceGroupInfo> resourceInfos = infos[0].GetResourceGroups();
and as I say StartSuspendAsync() encounter some problem
AppResourceGroupInfo don't have a definition for StartSuspendAsync()
Derive from official document, StartSuspendAsync() available in the Windows 10 update 1803 (build 17134). So please edit the UWP project mini version to 17134.
but that only work if my app is not minimize (app not in first view)
For making the app foreground, you could use the following code.
IEnumerable<AppListEntry> appListEntries = await Package.Current.GetAppListEntriesAsync();
await appListEntries.First().LaunchAsync();
If above does not work, please try use register a protocol for UWP app and launch it with Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync method.
public async void Maximize()
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("testapp:"));
catch (Exception ex)

Embedding Xamarin Forms in Native Xamarin app with MvvmCross 6.0

I'm trying to embed Forms XAML view into Xamarin Native application with MvvmCross 6.0.
I tried to reproduce effect of this solution but I got stuck on registering IMvxFormsViewPresenter. I also followed this tutorial.
I have simple MainContainerActivity with MainFragment (with corresponding MainViewModel in Core) that contains a button to Forms SettingsActivity/SettingsViewModel.
Full source can be found in the test repository.
Currently, I struggle with an exception thrown in base.OnCreate(bundle); while navigating to SettingsViewModel:
MvvmCross.Exceptions.MvxIoCResolveException has been thrown
Failed to resolve type MvvmCross.Forms.Presenters.IMvxFormsViewPresenter
I cannot find a way to register this Forms Presenter. I tried to do it in Setup but with no success.
I also tried to resolve MvxFormsAndroidViewPresenter in SplashActivity but Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewPresenter>() as MvxFormsAndroidViewPresenter; yields null.
Do you have any idea what should I do to incorporate Forms views into MvvmCross 6.0 native application?
namespace MvvmCrossFormsEmbedding.Droid.Views
[Activity(Theme = "#style/AppTheme",
Label = "SettingsActivity")]
public class SettingsActivity : MvxFormsAppCompatActivity<SettingsViewModel>
public static SettingsActivity Instance { get; private set; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// #1 Initialize
Forms.Init(this, null);
var toolbar = FindViewById<Toolbar>(Resource.Id.layout_toolbar);
SupportActionBar.Title = "Settings";
Instance = this;
// #2 Use it
var frag = new SettingsView().CreateFragment(this);
var ft = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
ft.Replace(Resource.Id.fragment_frame_layout, frag, "main");

How to use CXCallObserver in Xamarin?

I need to subscribe an event to handle incoming phone call. Since iOS version 11.0 CTCallCenter is deprecated we have to use CXCallObserver. I successfully implemented solution for CTCallCenter, but I am not able to subscribe event for CXCallObserver. Does anyone have working solution for CXCallObserver?
Here is my code to subscribe event for CTCallCenter..
_callCenter = new CTCallCenter();
_callCenter.CallEventHandler += CallEvent;
private void CallEvent(CTCall call)
CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchSync(() =>
//Do something
Implement the delegate for CXCallObserver:
public class MyCXCallObserverDelegate : CXCallObserverDelegate
public override void CallChanged(CXCallObserver callObserver, CXCall call)
Then in your code, create a instance of CXCallObserver (maintain a strong reference to this) and then assign the delegate:
cXCallObserver = new CXCallObserver();
cXCallObserver.SetDelegate(new MyCXCallObserverDelegate(), null);

A while after I deploy my code to iOS the phone hangs up

Is there some way I can track what's happening with Xamarin? I do a debug with a target of my phone and then later it hangs up. I can't do anything, can't shut it down with the button on the side and the only way I can get the phone to work again is by pressing the button on the side and the home button. Running on iPhone 6s Plus.
Here is some code that I suspect might be causing a problem. Would also like to know if anyone can see anything that might cause the problem with the code:
public partial class App : Application
public static DataManager db;
private static Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
private const int defaultTimespan = 1;
public App()
public static DataManager DB
if (db == null)
db = new DataManager();
return db;
protected override void OnStart()
MainPage = new Japanese.MainPage();
if (!stopWatch.IsRunning)
Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () =>
if (stopWatch.IsRunning && stopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes >= defaultTimespan)
Debug.WriteLine("Checking database");
return true;
protected override void OnSleep()
protected override void OnResume()
// deductPoints();
iOS requires that everything is setup, with 17 seconds, on the initial first load. This means that you must set the MainPage in your App constructor, you can't set it in OnStart.
Or, you can place MainPage = new ContentPage(); in your App constructor, then it will be replaced in OnStart. However, you must set the MainPage, when it's constructing the Application.
Android and UWP I think, give you some freedom, and you can set it in OnStart, but definitely not iOS.
My iPhones are hangs up when I have debugger connected to running app and that connection is interrupted. For example, if you unplug lightning cable while Visual Studio is debugging - the phone will hangs.
So try to start your application from phone(without debugger attached) and check your datacable.

How to Poll For Controller Input In UWP App

I'm unsure about the best practice for obtaining and updating input received from a controller monitored using the GamePad class in UWP.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event. In Win32 applications, I would have handled input in the WinMain update/message loop, but in UWP apps I don't know of anything similar.
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps? What is the recommended protocol for polling for input from a input device (nominally a Xbox One controller)?
I'm happy to read more about UWP app development but I'm unsure of any guides that reference something like this.
Edit: It would be productive if, instead of downvoting and moving on, you shared thoughts on why this question deserved a downvote.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event
This is the right way in UWP app to read Gamepad data. A little suggestion is, move the loop reading part on UI thread if you need to update UI frequently. See the solution in this blog
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps
You may make a wrapper with custom event, see the open source implementation: XBoxGamepad
public class XBoxGamepad
private List<Gamepad> _controllers = new List<Gamepad>();
private bool _running = true;
Task backgroundWorkTask;
public event EventHandler<GamepadButtons> OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA;
public XBoxGamepad()
Gamepad.GamepadAdded += Gamepad_GamepadAdded;
Gamepad.GamepadRemoved += Gamepad_GamepadRemoved;
backgroundWorkTask = Task.Run(() => PollGamepad());
private void Start()
_running = true;
public void Stop()
_running = false;
public async Task PollGamepad()
while (true)
if (_running)
foreach (Gamepad controller in _controllers)
if (controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons == GamepadButtons.A)
OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA(controller, controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons);
await Task.Delay(50);
private void Gamepad_GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad e)
private void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e)
