Xamarin UWP : app in front/rear (method unexisting ?) - xamarin

I have a app in xamarin that listen a folder and do some action when a file is created.
But the thing is that I need to be able to :
bring my app in front when a file is created
push my app in rear when acyion are finished
I have a beginning of response with
but that only work if my app is not minimize (app not in first view)
I've already tried this :
IList<AppDiagnosticInfo> infos = await AppDiagnosticInfo.RequestInfoForAppAsync();
IList<AppResourceGroupInfo> resourceInfos = infos[0].GetResourceGroups();
await resourceInfos[0].StartSuspendAsync();
but visual studio tell me
AppResourceGroupInfo don't have a definition for StartSuspendAsync()
but documentation mention it AppResourceGroupInfo.StartSuspendAsync Method
someone have an idea ?
UPDATE [2020-04-29 16:48] :
This is a pcl project
the intention is to use dependency service to have diferent comportement in function of platform (already implemented just need the front/rear
interface in pcl
public interface IWindowManager
void Minimize();
void Maximize();
in uwp
class WindowManager : IWindowManager
public async void Maximize()
catch(Exception ex)
public async void Minimize()
IList<AppDiagnosticInfo> infos = await AppDiagnosticInfo.RequestInfoForAppAsync();
IList<AppResourceGroupInfo> resourceInfos = infos[0].GetResourceGroups();
and as I say StartSuspendAsync() encounter some problem

AppResourceGroupInfo don't have a definition for StartSuspendAsync()
Derive from official document, StartSuspendAsync() available in the Windows 10 update 1803 (build 17134). So please edit the UWP project mini version to 17134.
but that only work if my app is not minimize (app not in first view)
For making the app foreground, you could use the following code.
IEnumerable<AppListEntry> appListEntries = await Package.Current.GetAppListEntriesAsync();
await appListEntries.First().LaunchAsync();
If above does not work, please try use register a protocol for UWP app and launch it with Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync method.
public async void Maximize()
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("testapp:"));
catch (Exception ex)


How to create a never ending background service in Xamarin.Forms?

I am monitoring the user's location every 15 minutes and I just want the application to continue sending the location even if the user closes the application in the taskbar.
I tried this sample but it's in Xamarin.Android https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/app-fundamentals/services/foreground-services i have to create a dependencyservice but i don't know how.
i have to create a dependencyservice but i don't know how.
First, create an Interface in the Xamarin.forms project:
public interface IStartService
void StartForegroundServiceCompat();
And then create a new file let's call it itstartServiceAndroid in xxx.Android project to implement the service you want:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(startServiceAndroid))]
namespace DependencyServiceDemos.Droid
public class startServiceAndroid : IStartService
public void StartForegroundServiceCompat()
var intent = new Intent(MainActivity.Instance, typeof(myLocationService));
if (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.O)
public class myLocationService : Service
public override IBinder OnBind(Intent intent)
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
// Code not directly related to publishing the notification has been omitted for clarity.
// Normally, this method would hold the code to be run when the service is started.
//Write want you want to do here
Once you want to call the StartForegroundServiceCompat method in Xamarin.forms project, you can use:
public MainPage()
//call method to start service, you can put this line everywhere you want to get start
Here is the document about dependency-service
For iOS, if the user closes the application in the taskbar, you will no longer be able to run any service. If the app is running, you can read this document about ios-backgrounding-walkthroughs/location-walkthrough
You might want to have a look at Shiny by Allan Ritchie. It's currently in beta but I would still suggest using it, as it will save you a lot of trouble writing this code yourself. Here's a blog post by Allan, explaining what you can do with Shiny in terms of background tasks - I think Scheduled Jobs are the thing you're looking for.

A while after I deploy my code to iOS the phone hangs up

Is there some way I can track what's happening with Xamarin? I do a debug with a target of my phone and then later it hangs up. I can't do anything, can't shut it down with the button on the side and the only way I can get the phone to work again is by pressing the button on the side and the home button. Running on iPhone 6s Plus.
Here is some code that I suspect might be causing a problem. Would also like to know if anyone can see anything that might cause the problem with the code:
public partial class App : Application
public static DataManager db;
private static Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
private const int defaultTimespan = 1;
public App()
public static DataManager DB
if (db == null)
db = new DataManager();
return db;
protected override void OnStart()
MainPage = new Japanese.MainPage();
if (!stopWatch.IsRunning)
Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () =>
if (stopWatch.IsRunning && stopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes >= defaultTimespan)
Debug.WriteLine("Checking database");
return true;
protected override void OnSleep()
protected override void OnResume()
// deductPoints();
iOS requires that everything is setup, with 17 seconds, on the initial first load. This means that you must set the MainPage in your App constructor, you can't set it in OnStart.
Or, you can place MainPage = new ContentPage(); in your App constructor, then it will be replaced in OnStart. However, you must set the MainPage, when it's constructing the Application.
Android and UWP I think, give you some freedom, and you can set it in OnStart, but definitely not iOS.
My iPhones are hangs up when I have debugger connected to running app and that connection is interrupted. For example, if you unplug lightning cable while Visual Studio is debugging - the phone will hangs.
So try to start your application from phone(without debugger attached) and check your datacable.

Akavache crashing android app

I'm using Xamarin.Forms and have this method to fetch my user object
public static async Task<Object> GetCurrentUser()
return await BlobCache.UserAccount.GetObject<Object>("NewUser").FirstOrDefaultAsync();
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
return null;
The code works well on my iOS emulator but keeps crashing on the android with this error
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException The given key 'NewUser'
was not present in the cache.
Please I need help

Requesting Android permissions in a class (Xamarin)

I'm trying to request a permission at runtime for my app. I use a service provider to talk between the portable class and Android.
I start by calling this code on button press in the PCL:
using (new Busy(this))
var locationHelper = scope.Resolve<ILocationHelper>();
This calls my Android level service:
public class AndroidLocationHelper : ILocationHelper, ILocationListener
readonly string[] PermissionsLocation =
const int RequestLocationId = 0;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel)
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation;
if (((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt < 23) || (CheckSelfPermission(permission) == Permission.Granted))
RequestPermissions(PermissionsLocation, RequestLocationId);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error while getting Location service");
Messaging.AlertUser("There was an error with determining your location");
However, I get two errors on CheckSelfPermission and RequestPermissions. These two methods are only available to activities. The code works fine in MainActivity; however, I want to ask for permissions when the user hits a button, not in OnCreate or OnResume, etc.
Thanks for any help.
In your Android project, You can use this and use the Dependency Service to call it in Xamarin.Forms PCL project later:
var thisActivity = Forms.Context as Activity;
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(thisActivity, new string[] {
Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation }, 1);
new String[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation },
You can try with ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission, passing the application context, like this:
ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Android.App.Application.Context, permission)
In case of ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions, which requires an activity reference, you can keep track of the current activity. There is a very handy lib for that, called "CurrentActivityPlugin". You can find at https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/CurrentActivityPlugin
Rafael came up with a solution but I found another option that is a lot less effort just using MessagingCenter. In the MainActivity's OnCreate add a receiver that runs all the location code, that way you have access to all of the activities methods (and there are a bunch of tutorials on doing location services in MainActivity). Then add the Send inside of your service (the class).
To expound Rafael Steil's answer, I tried the suggested CurrentActivityPlugin and it worked on me. In my case I am trying to execute a voice call which needs CALL_PHONE permission. Here is the code snippet in your case: I used the ContextCompat & ActivityCompat so that I don't need to check the VERSION.SdkInt
using Plugin.CurrentActivity;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel){
var context = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.AppContext;
var activity = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
if (ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(context, Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation) == (int)Android.Content.PM.Permission.Granted)
//Permission is granted, execute stuff
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(activity, new string[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation }, YOUR_ASSIGNED_REQUEST_CODE);
It's dead simple
public bool CheckPermission()
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.ReceiveSms;
return ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Forms.Context, permission) == (int) Permission.Granted;

Xamarin Insights for Android

I was wondering how can we monitor the crashes using xamarin insights for Android.
In iOS if we just add
Insights.Report(ex, Insights.Severity.Critical); in the main fun of the main class if does the trick.
Where should I add this code in android so I could capture all the crashes in Android?
FYI: Insight is deprecated
But, when we were using it, normally would set it up in main Activity's OnCreate, something like:
protected override void OnCreate(global::Android.OS.Bundle bundle)
Xamarin.Insights.Initialize(Keys.InsightsApiKey, this);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
var ex = ((Exception)e.ExceptionObject).GetBaseException();
Console.WriteLine("**SPORT MAIN ACTIVITY EXCEPTION**\n\n" + ex);
Insights.Report(ex, Xamarin.Insights.Severity.Critical);
From the Xamarin Sport Example:
Ref: https://github.com/xamarin/Sport/blob/50b5896e17b86d88df53175fea5f4b1fa99b1164/Sport.Android/MainActivity.cs#L31
