Can a single sqoop job be used for multiple tables and be running at the same time - hadoop

I just started with Sqoop Hands-on. I have a question, lets say I have 300 tables in a database and I want to perform an incremental load on those tables. I understand I can do incremental imports with either append mode or last modified.
But do I have to create 300 jobs, if the only thing in job which varies is Table name , CDC column and the last value/updated value?
Has anyone tried using the same job and passing this above things as parameter which can be read from a text file in a loop and execute the same job for all the tables in parallel.
What is the industry standard and recommendations ?
Also, is there a way to truncate and re-load the hadoop tables which is very small instead of performing CDC and merging the tables later?

There is import-all-tables "Import tables from a database to HDFS"
However it will not provide way to change CDC column for each table.
Also see sqoop import multiple tables
There is no truncation but same can be achieved through following.
--delete-target-dir "Delete the import target directory if it exists"


How to transfer data & metadata from Hive to RDBMS

There are more than 300 tables in my hive environment.
I want to export all the tables from Hive to Oracle/MySql including metadata.
My Oracle database doesn't have any tables corresponding to these Hive tables.
Sqoop import from Oracle to Hive creates tables in Hive if the table doesn't exists.But Sqoop export from Hive to Oracle doesn't create table if not exists and fails with an exception.
Is there any option in Sqoop to export metadata also? or
Is there any other Hadoop tool through which I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance
The feature you're asking for isn't in Spark. I don't know of a current hadoop tool which can do what you're asking either unfortunately. A potential workaround is using the "show create table mytable" statement in Hive. It will return the create table statements. You can parse this manually or pragmatically via awk and get the create tables in a file, then run this file against your oracle db. From there, you can use sqoop to populate the tables.
It won't be fun.
Sqoop can't copy metadata or create table in RDBMS on the basis of Hive table.
Table must be there in RDBMS to perform sqoop export.
Why is it so?
Mapping from RDBMS to Hive is easy because hive have only few datatypes(10-15). Mapping from multiple RDBMS datatypes to Hive datatype is easily achievable. But vice versa is not that easy. Typical RDBMS has 100s of datatypes (that too different in different RDBMS).
Also sqoop export is newly added feature. This feature may come in future.

Import to HDFS or Hive(directly)

Stack : Installed HDP- using Ambari 2.1
The source is a MS SQL database of around 1.6TB and around 25 tables
The ultimate objective is to check if the existing queries can run faster on the HDP
There isn't a luxury of time and availability to import the data several times, hence, the import has to be done once and the Hive tables, queries etc. need to be experimented with, for example, first create a normal, partitioned table in ORC. If it doesn't suffice, try indexes and so on. Possibly, we will also evaluate the Parquet format and so on
4.As a solution to 4., I decided to first import the tables onto HDFS in Avro format for example :
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://server;database=dbname' --username someuser --password somepassword --as-avrodatafile --num-mappers 8 --table tablename --warehouse-dir /dataload/tohdfs/ --verbose
Now I plan to create a Hive table but I have some questions mentioned here.
My question is that given all the points above, what is the safest(in terms of time and NOT messing the HDFS etc.) approach - to first bring onto HDFS, create Hive tables and experiment or directly import in Hive(I dunno if now I delete these tables and wish to start afresh, do I have to re-import the data)
For Loading, you can try these options
1) You can do a mysql import to csv file that will be stored in your Linux file system as backup then do a distcp to HDFS.
2) As mentioned, you can do a Sqoop import and load the data to Hive table (parent_table).
For checking the performance using different formats & Partition table, you can use CTAS (Create Table As Select) queries, where you can create new tables from the base table (parent_table). In CTAS, you can mention the format like parque or avro etc and partition options is also there.
Even if you delete new tables created by CTAS, the base table will be there.
Based on my experience, Parque + partition will give a best performance, but it also depends on your data.
I see that the connection and settings are all correct. But I dint see --fetch-size in the query. By default the --fetch-size is 1000 which would take forever in your case. If the no of columns are less. I would recommend increasing the --fetch-size 10000. I have gone up to 50000 when the no of columns are less than 50. Maybe 20000 if you have 100 columns. I would recommend checking the size of data per row and then decide. If there is one column which has size greater than 1MB data in it. Then I would not recommend anything above 1000.

Sqoop unload from oracle table while the table is getting loaded

I am able to unload data from oracle data base using sqoop. But some times my job kicks off while the upstream load is going on. I don't have dependency set up as the upstream jobs are out side my environment.
Sqoop query:
select * from PFSIEBEL.'${TBL_NM}' where trunc(last_upd) >=(to_char(to_date('${ODATE}','YYYYMMDD')))
This is the query I am using the pull delta records from the table.
I would like to know what sqoop does while pulling data from rdbms ?
What happens when transaction is going on the records in RDBMS ?
Sqoop doesnt do dirty read means doesnt import data which is yet not committed and are being modified.
--relaxed-isolation option can be used to instruct Sqoop to use read uncommitted isolation level.
but it doesnt support for oracle.

Why we need to move external table to managed hive table?

I am new to Hadoop and learning Hive.
In Hadoop definative guide 3rd edition page no. 428 last paragraph
I don't understand below paragraph regarding external table in HIVE.
"A common pattern is to use an external table to access an initial dataset stored in HDFS (created by another process), then use a Hive transform to move the data into a managed Hive table."
Can anybody explain briefly what above phrase says?
Usually the data in the initial dataset is not constructed in the optimal way for queries.
You may want to modify the data (like modifying some columns adding columns, making aggregation etc) and to store it in a specific way (partitions / buckets / sorted etc) so that the queries would benefit from these optimizations.
The key difference between external and managed table in Hive is that data in the external table is not managed by Hive.
When you create external table you define HDFS directory for that table and Hive is simply "looking" in it and can get data from it but Hive can't delete or change data in that folder. When you drop external table Hive only deletes metadata from its metastore and data in HDFS remains unchanged.
Managed table basically is a directory in HDFS and it's created and managed by Hive. Even more - all operations for removing/changing partitions/raw data/table in that table MUST be done by Hive otherwise metadata in Hive metastore may become incorrect (e.g. you manually delete partition from HDFS but Hive metastore contains info that partition exists).
In Hadoop definative guide I think author meant that it is a common practice to write MR-job that produces some raw data and keeps it in some folder. Than you create Hive external table which will look into that folder. And than safelly run queries without the risk to drop table etc.
In other words - you can do MR job that produces some generic data and than use Hive external table as a source of data for insert into managed tables. It helps you to avoid creating boring similar MR jobs and delegate this task to Hive queries - you create query that takes data from external table, aggregates/processes it how you want and puts the result into managed tables.
Another goal of external table is to use as a source data from remote servers, e.g. in csv format.
There is no reason to move table to managed unless you are going to enable ACID or other features supported only for managed tables.
The list of differences in features supported by managed/external tables may change in future, better use current documentation. Currently these features are:
DROP deletes data for managed tables while it only deletes
metadata for external ones
ACID/Transactional only works for
managed tables
Query Results Caching only works for managed
Only the RELY constraint is allowed on external tables
Some Materialized View features only work on managed tables
You can create both EXTERNAL and MANAGED tables on top of the same location, see this answer with more details and tests:
Data structure has nothing in common with external/managed table type. If you want to change structure you do not necessarily need to change table managed/external type
It is also mentioned in the book.
when your table is external table.
you can use other technologies like PIG,Cascading or Mapreduce to process it .
You can also use multiple schemas for that dataset.
and You can also create data lazily if it is external table.
when you decide that dataset should be used by only Hive,make it hive managed table.

MapReduce & Hive application Design

I have a design question where in in my CDH 4.1.2(Cloudera) installation I have daily rolling log data dumped into the HDFS. I have some reports to calculate the success and failure rates per day.
I have two approaches
load the daily log data into Hive Tables and create a complex query.
Run a MapReduce job upfront everyday to generate the summary (which
is essentially few lines) and keep appending to a common file which is a Hive Table. Later while running the report I could use a simple select query to fetch the summary.
I am trying to understand which would be a better approach among the two or if there is a better one.
The second approach adds some complexity in terms of merging files. If not merged I would have lots of very small files which seems to be a bad idea.
Your inputs are appreciated.
Hive seems well suited to this kind of tasks, and it should be fairly simple to do:
Create an EXTERNAL table in Hive which should be partitioned by day. The goal is that the directory where you will dump your data will be directly in your Hive table. You can specify the delimiter of the fields in your daily logs like shown below where I use commas:
create external table mytable(...) partitioned by (day string) row format delimited keys terminated by ',' location '/user/hive/warehouse/mytable`
When you dump your data in HDFS, make sure you dump it on the same directory with day= so it can be recognized as a hive partition. For example in /user/hive/warehouse/mytable/day=2013-01-23.
You need then to let Hive know that this table has a new partition:
alter table mytable add partition (day='2013-01-23')
Now the Hive metastore knows about your partition, you can run your summary query. Make sure you're only querying the partition by specifying ... where day='2013-01-23'
You could easily script that to run daily in cron or something else and get the current date (for example with the shell date command) and substitute variables to this in a shell script doing the steps above.
