How to transfer data & metadata from Hive to RDBMS - hadoop

There are more than 300 tables in my hive environment.
I want to export all the tables from Hive to Oracle/MySql including metadata.
My Oracle database doesn't have any tables corresponding to these Hive tables.
Sqoop import from Oracle to Hive creates tables in Hive if the table doesn't exists.But Sqoop export from Hive to Oracle doesn't create table if not exists and fails with an exception.
Is there any option in Sqoop to export metadata also? or
Is there any other Hadoop tool through which I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance

The feature you're asking for isn't in Spark. I don't know of a current hadoop tool which can do what you're asking either unfortunately. A potential workaround is using the "show create table mytable" statement in Hive. It will return the create table statements. You can parse this manually or pragmatically via awk and get the create tables in a file, then run this file against your oracle db. From there, you can use sqoop to populate the tables.
It won't be fun.

Sqoop can't copy metadata or create table in RDBMS on the basis of Hive table.
Table must be there in RDBMS to perform sqoop export.
Why is it so?
Mapping from RDBMS to Hive is easy because hive have only few datatypes(10-15). Mapping from multiple RDBMS datatypes to Hive datatype is easily achievable. But vice versa is not that easy. Typical RDBMS has 100s of datatypes (that too different in different RDBMS).
Also sqoop export is newly added feature. This feature may come in future.


Can sqoop write data to hive and hbase together

Can we wirte sqoop data to hive and hbase together in hadoop
I want to write sqoop to hive (rdbms) and hbase (NoSql) together
No it cannot. If you want the data to show up in Hive and HBase, you will have to import it into two separate locations, Create hive table on one for use in Hive. On the second location you will have to create an External Hive table with HBase SerDe properties.
Integrating Hive and HBase. This link shall give you the steps required.

How to take database backup in hive? i mean hive database back up

Please any one suggest me how to take hive database backup. we are using mapr.
Currently I have taken backups of Hive DB by using the Import/ Export hive provided utilities. It will backup both the metadata (hive structure info) and the actual data.
EXPORT TABLE tablename [PARTITION (part_column="value"[, ...])]
TO 'export_target_path' [ FOR replication('eventid') ]
IMPORT [[EXTERNAL] TABLE new_or_original_tablename
[PARTITION (part_column="value"[, ...])]]
FROM 'source_path'
[LOCATION 'import_target_path']
But the problem with the above method is for every individual table, you need to provide this statement.
The other method is to get a list of all the available tables in the Hive DB by querying the MySQL Database which will have the metadata of all the Hive Tables. Refer to TBLS table in MySQL for the list of tables.

How to create external table in Hive using sqoop. Need suggestions

Using sqoop I can create managed table but not the externale table.
Please let me know what are the best practices to unload data from data warehouse and load them in Hive external table.
1.The tables in warehouse are partitioned. Some are date wise partitioned some are state wise partitioned.
Please put your thoughts or practices used in production environment.
Sqoop does not support creating Hive external tables. Instead you might:
Use the Sqoop codegen command to generate the SQL for creating the Hive internal table that matches your remote RDBMS table (see
Modify the generated SQL to create a Hive external table
Execute the modified SQL in Hive
Run your Sqoop import command, loading into the pre-created Hive external table
Step 1: import data from mysql to hive table.
sqoop import
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/
--username training --password training
--table --hive-import --hive-table -m 1
--fields-terminated-by ','
Step 2: In hive change the table type from Managed to External.
Alter table <Table-name> SET TBLPROPERTIES('EXTERNAL'='TRUE')
Note:you can import directly into hive table or else to back end of hive.
My best suggestion is to SQOOP your data to HDFS and create EXTERNAL for Raw operations and Transformations.
Finally mashed up data to the internal table. I believe this is one of the best practices to get things done in a proper way.
Hope this helps!!!
Refer to these links:
In the above if you want to skip directly to the point -->2.2.1 External or Internal
After referring to the 1st link then second will clarify most of your questions.

Differences between Apache Sqoop and Hive. Can we use both together?

What is the difference between Apache Sqoop and Hive? I know that sqoop is used to import/export data from RDBMS to HDFS and Hive is a SQL layer abstraction on top of Hadoop. Can I can use Sqoop for importing data into HDFS and then use Hive for querying?
Yes, you can. In fact many people use sqoop and hive for exactly what you have told.
In my project what I had to do was to load the historical data from my RDBMS which was oracle, move it to HDFS. I had hive external tables defined for this path. This allowed me to run hive queries to do transformations. Also, we used to write mapreduce programs on top of these data to come up with various analysis.
Sqoop transfers data between HDFS and relational databases. You can use Sqoop to transfer data from a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL or Oracle into HDFS and use MapReduce on the transferred data. Sqoop can export this transformed data back into an RDBMS as well. More info
Hive is a data warehouse software that facilitates querying and managing large datasets residing in HDFS. Hive provides schema on read (as opposed to schema on write for RDBMS) onto the data and the ability to query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. More info
Yes you can. As a matter of fact, that's exactly how it is meant to be used.
Sqoop :
We can integrate with any external data sources with HDFS i.e Sql , NoSql and Data warehouses as well using this tool at the same time we export it as well since this can be used as bi-directional ways.
sqoop to move data from a relational database into Hbase.
Hive: 1.As per my understanding we can import the data from Sql databases into hive rather than NoSql Databases.
We can't export the data from HDFS into Sql Databases.
We can use both together using the below two options
sqoop create-hive-table --connect jdbc:mysql://<hostname>/<dbname> --table <table name> --fields-terminated-by ','
The above command will generate the hive table and this table name will be same name in the external table and also the schema
Load the data
hive> LOAD DATA INPATH <filename> INTO TABLE <filename>
Hive can be shortened to one step if you know that you want to import stright from a database directly into hive
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://<hostname>/<dbname> --table <table name> -m 1 --hive-import

Sqooping same table for different schema in parallal is failing

We are having different data base schemas in Oracle. We are planning to sqoop some of the tables from oracle to Hive ware house. But If we put sqooping of tables of an oltp is sequential it is working. But to have a better usage we are planning to sqoop different oltps tables parallay, but it is faling to sqoop same table parallay.
It seems while sqooping a Table, one temporary table will be created in hdfs by sqoop and from there it will move the data to hive table, because of that reason we are not able to sqoop parallay.
Is there any way that we sqoop same tables parallay.
You can use parameter --target-dir to specify arbitrary temporary directory on HDFS where Sqoop will import data first. This parameter should be working in conjunction with --hive-import.
