LibGDX (Scene2D): Using Table with Labels to do a chat menu - user-interface

I am trying to do a chat menu in my game using a Table and Labels but I can't seem to get the labels to behave the way I want them to.
By default they are drawn in the middle of the table. I added this settings to fix that but now when I add new labels they expand to fill the table, which I don't want.
After adding settings:
After adding a new label:
Note: The second message is there, it's jsut very faint. Just another bug I am having :/
Also, you may notice that the "Send" button is half off screen, trying to fix that too, but one problem at a time I guess.
By the way, the table is within a ScrollPane.


how to show a field in oracle reports at the bottom of the last page which is placed outside the border

how to show a field in oracle reports at the bottom of the last page which is placed outside the border
A trivial answer is: place it outside the border.
I presume you already did that and encountered problems. It would really help if you specified which one(s).
The most usual error is that you're referencing a column at a wrong frequency, i.e. you can't just "move" it outside of its parent frame. (I guess that the frame is what you call a "border".) If that's so, well, you can't do that.
One way out is to create a new column (in the Data Model layout editor) (be it a formula or a placeholder column) which doesn't belong to any group, but is independent. Then you can place it anywhere you want.
If, on the other hand, you do have a formula (or placeholder, or summary) column and "border" you mentioned is the margin, then - while in Paper Layout editor - click the "Margin" icon in the toolbar to switch to ... well, margin layout editor. Now place that field anywhere you want.
Or, did you try to move the field but frames were resized and other fields moved along with the movement of the field you're moving? Pay attention to "Flex" and "Confine" ON/OFF buttons in the toolbar as they make the difference.
If none of above, what is your situation, then?

Eclipse scout neon whole area around check box is clickable

I noticed that whole area around check box is clickable.
Is this a intentional functionality or a GUI bug? Problem is that user don't expect that if they click outside check box that value in chack box is changed.
It is intended that the user may click on the label. But clicking on the white space right of the label should actually not change the value. We will look into this.
It is different for list boxes: Because list boxes support selection as well, we decided to make only the check box clickable instead of the whole row to prevent the user from accidentally change the checked state if he just wants to select / focus a row.

UIAlertController and stacked UIAlert Buttons

I have an Xcode project programmed in Swift. I have an alert variable:
I also have the actual code for when the alert appears:
When I click on the 'Yes' button, everything resets and I can play the game again.
If I want to play again and win, the alert now has stacked buttons.
How do I get rid of that and make it appear like the first time?
Don't keep adding new actions to your alert box.
Either create a new alert box, or use a flag to indicate you've already created the options, so you don't add them again.
It's turning into the vertical list ("Action Sheet") format, because it now thinks there are four entries and there's not enough room to add them horizontally. But two of them have blank labels, because it's not letting you duplicate the text, to avoid ambiguity for the end user.

Scroll SlickGrid only one line, when using keyboard navigation

I have implemented a slickgrid and activated keyboard navigation.
When the users is scrolling down using the down-arrow key and reaches the last of the currently visible rows, the grid loads a whole new section of rows and places the selection at the top.
My user tests have all included a complaint about this behaviour as they all find the jump jarring.
I would like to implement behaviour, so the grid scrolls just one line at a time, when I press the down arrow while the last visible row is selected.
I was wondering if there might be some setting, I have overlooked, or if anyone has some suggestions for how to approach the task of adding this behaviour.
(the "problem" is the same, when you scroll upwards - only reversed of course)
This is controlled by the doPaging argument in scrollRowIntoView(row, doPaging) ( There's no setting to control that behavior, but you could easily add one.
It was initially written this way to make keyboard navigation faster since continuously navigating down doesn't have to do as much work as it would have if we were updating the grid on every 'row down'.

What are ways to reduce the number of columns in a table/grid?

I have a datagrid with many columns. This makes it pretty wide. Now we want to add more information to the table. Aside from removing or shortening existing columns what are some ways we might be able to add additional information without adding new columnes.
The data we want to add would be one of several values. For example:
For other cases when the value was an off/on or true/false we would change the color of the row. In this case that doesn't seem to be a good option.
Another thing we considered is using an icon to indicate the information.
Any other ways this could be done?
A solution i've seen implemented with grid components is to have a column chooser - some sort of popup dialog that lists the columns and you can select which ones you would like to see in the grid. You should be able to invoke this popup by triggering it from the grid, e.g. it might appear as an option when the user right clicks and causes the context menu to appear.
Can you group related information into tabs?
an overflow area? ie a number of fields underneath the table that populate based on the selected row.
or just only show the minimum needed info and the have full details in a popup when doble clicked or something..
1) Popup on row hover
2) Drop open inline in the grid with extra info on row click
One technique I've used in the past was to create a "container" type of class that has its own labels and textboxes, and you can arrange them however you want, then insert this class into a single grid column. You still have to do some tricks on binding multiple controls that are not native "grid column" controls, but should help you along. Then, you can actually have each row a single container control in a single grid column...
You can't add completely new data to a grid without reserving a column to display it. The best solution I've seen is to provide only the essential information in the grid displaying all records, and then create a drilldown view that shows all of the data for one row. The drilldown can either be a new view in the same form, a popup for an additional window, or perhaps a mouseover popup.
I've worked on systems that use all sorts of shortcuts to display every last bit of information on a single page, and I found that it just made everything more confusing and harder to use. "Oh, that little icon there means that <insert something totally unrelated to the icon picture>."
