Makefile percent sign in rule not being recognised - makefile

I just began learning about GNU make yesterday. As the title says, it appears that the % sign in my Makefile is not being recognised. Or perhaps I am using it the wrong way. Can someone enlighten me?
CXX = clang++
EXE = Invaders
SDL = -F./lib
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
SRC = $(SRCDIR)/main.cpp $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/util/*.cpp) $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/misc/*.cpp)
OBJ = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC))
all: $(EXE)
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o bin/$# $^
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp $(SRCDIR)/%.h
$(CXX) -c -o $# $<
Console output:
make: *** No rule to make target `obj/main.o', needed by `Invaders'. Stop.
Tree view of my entire project with directories /obj and /src expanded

This rule:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp $(SRCDIR)/%.h
$(CXX) -c -o $# $<
does not fit obj/main.o, because there is no src/main.h.
(Also, please put the necessary information in the body of the question, don't rely on a link to an image.)


Makefile ignoring included rules

I'm trying to create a makefile for a very basic c++ program. I'm trying to implement the automatic generation of dependencies by running g++ with the -M flag, storing this output in a .d file, and then including those .d files in my main makefile. The makefile content is below
CPPFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -g -std=c++11
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.cpp)
DEP_FILES = $(OBJS:.o=.d)
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(CPPFLAGS)
include $(DEP_FILES)
$(OBJDIR)/%.d : $(SOURCEDIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -MM -MT $(#:.d=.o) > $#
$(OBJS): | $(OBJDIR)
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(BUILDDIR) -r
rm -f *~
rm -f $(OUTFILE)
When I run make, the directory build/objs/ is generated and a .d file is generated with rules in it. Here's main.d file:
build/objs/main.o: src/main.cpp src/main.h
And here's the myfunc.d file:
build/objs/myfunc.o: src/myfunc.cpp src/main.h
Here's the issue
Since I'm calling include on these .d files, I'd expect the .o files which they specify to then be created, and then the main outfile to be created as the main rule. However, make creates the .d files, and then skips directly to the main compilation step without creating any .o files:
g++ -o hello.out build/objs/myfunc.o build/objs/main.o -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c++11
This fails with the following error, since the .o files are never created:
g++: error: build/objs/myfunc.o: No such file or directory
g++: error: build/objs/main.o: No such file or directory
g++: fatal error: no input files
How can I use this makefile to generate the .o files necessary for g++? Thank you for any help in advance!
I saw you got your makefile working but I just wanted to add a few things you might want to consider for future projects. I recommend using the vpath variable rather than specifying $(OBJDIR)/%.o in your makefile recipes. I actually read somewhere that it's not "cannon" to build object files in a separate directory, but in the cursory search I conducted before posting, I couldn't find the document.
That being said, I wrote a makefile that does what you wanted; it builds the output folder, generates the dependencies, and compiles the program. I specifically included the $(COMPILE.cpp) definition so you could see what it's composed of. $(CC) is specifically the C compiler, and $(CFLAGS) is specifically flags for the C compiler. They're just variables, obviously, so you can change them like you did and it will work fine, but the main think to keep in mind is that whoever uses your programs will expect to be able to configure the compilation as they see fit. This means they will set the $(CXX) and $(CXXFLAGS) expecting to set the C++ compiler and flags. $(CPPFLAGS) stands for C/C++ Preprocessor flags.
It's not the cleanest makefile, and if I was to change something, I would just compile the object files in place and save myself that headache. That cuts down on unnecessary make hacking, but for the purposes of answering your question, here it is. Anyways I hope this helps you somewhat, let me know if you have any questions.
Oh yea, I almost forgot; notice I changed your make clean script. I used $(RM) instead of simply rm -f. When you use utilities in your makefiles, you want to use them as variables. Again, this is to allow your users as much freedom and flexibility as possible when they're compiling your program.
vpath %.cpp src
vpath %.hpp include
vpath %.o build/objs
vpath %.d build/objs
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .hpp .o .d
SRCDIR = src
BUILDDIR = build
SRCS = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cpp)
OBJS = $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(notdir $(SRCS)))
DEP_FILES = $(patsubst %.o, %.d, $(OBJS))
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c++11
PROGRAM = hello.out
all: $(PROGRAM)
$(PROGRAM): %: $(OBJS)
$(LINK.cpp) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $^) $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $#
%.o: %.cpp
$(COMPILE.cpp) -c -o $(OBJDIR)/$# $<
%.d: %.cpp
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(COMPILE.cpp) $^ -MM -MT $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(#:.d=.o)) > $(OBJDIR)/$#
include $(DEP_FILES)
.PHONY: clean
#echo $(RM)
$(RM) $(BUILDDIR) -r
$(RM) *~
For anyone having a similar issue, here's the correct solution is in the comments. Here for convenience: The included .d files generate dependencies but not a recipe for making the .o files, and since I'm putting things in various directories the default rule doesn't work here, so the .o files aren't created. The solution was to add in the following rule to my main makefile.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o :
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CPPFLAGS)
Thanks Matt and Renaud for your answers!

No rule to make target *, needed by *

I can't get what's wrong with my makefile:
DIST_PATH = ../dist/libs
BUILD_PATH = ../build
MKDIR_P = mkdir -p
.PHONY: all
SHELL = /bin/sh
CC = gcc
FLAGS = -std=gnu99
CFLAGS = -fPIC -pedantic -Wall -Werror
LDFLAGS = -shared
LOG_SRCS = $(shell echo log/*.c)
LOG_HEADERS = $(shell echo log/*.h)
LOG_OBJS = $(addprefix $(BUILD_PATH)/, $(notdir $(LOG_SRCS:.c=.o)))
all: dirs $(LOG_TARGET)
dirs :
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $(LDFLAGS)
I need to build a shared library from sources in log/ folder to ../dist/libs and put obj file in ../build but I am getting the error:
make: *** No rule to make target '../build/log.o', needed by '../dist/libs/'. Stop.
P.S. I know there are many similar questions but I couldn't get from these questions how to resolve my problem.
The problem is that the source and object files are supposed to be placed in different directories, and there's no implicit rule for that.
You need to add a rule for how to translate a source file to an object file:
$(BUILD_PATH)/%.o: log/%.c
Now make knows how to create the object files from the source files.
There's another problem though:
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $(LDFLAGS)
The command doesn't list any input files, you need to add all the object files to be linked:
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
# ^^
# List of all "prerequisites" (object files) to be linked

Attempt to link objects makes them recompile even if up-to-date

I have a recipe in my makefile that relies on several object files. I would like it to simply link the them, but they are always recompiling.
I've googled around and found information I did not know(marked with #) and changed it a bit, but the problem persisted.
I am led to believe make expects the name of the recipe be the name of the file, and I am failing to accomplish that. The problem is I do not what else to try and fix this. I would appreciate any help
CC = g++
#.PHONY: sfml-app
LIBS = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
APPLICATION = sfml-app
INCLUDE_DIR = -I include/
SOURCE_DIR = source
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.cpp)
OBJECTS = $(notdir $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(SOURCES)))
#bin/sfml-app: $(OBJECTS)
#sfml-app: $(OBJECTS)
%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#
rm $(OUTPUT_DIR)/*
print-% : ; #echo $* = $($*)
This rule doesn't create the file it promises to:
%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#
See that -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#? That's instructing the compiler to create a file in $(OUTPUT_DIR) instead of in the working directory.
If you really want your object files to go in $(OUTPUT_DIR), you need to make sure that your rule indicates that:
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $#
Or better, to act like the standard %.o: %.c rule (which will include CFLAGS etc):
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
I note your input files are named *.cpp - usually, that convention is for C++ files (i.e. to be compiled with $(, which will invoke $(CXX) rather than $(CC)). Check that you've not mixed up your C and C++ sources!

No rule to make target (make project in different directories)

Excuse me for asking simple questions, but I can't find where the problem is.
I have an src directory, contains makefile and obj folder. An include folder and a lib one. The codes have provided here.
IDIR =../include
LDIR =../lib
_DEPS = hellomake.h
DEPS = $(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/%,$(_DEPS))
_OBJ = hellomake.o hellofunc.o
OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(_OBJ))
$(ODIR)/%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
hellomake: $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(ODIR)/*.o *~
it gives me the following error:
gcc -c -o obj/hellomake.o hellomake.c -I../include
make: *** No rule to make target 'obj/hellofunc.o', needed by 'hellomake'. Stop.
It uses the same rule for creating .o files and hellomake file. but the last one does not work.
Thanks for any comment or guide.
You have a src directory, but you don't tell Make about it. Make is complaining that there is no hellofunc.c. (There is asrc/hellofunc.c, but Make didn't know to look there.) Try this:
SRC := src
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.c $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)

Makefile to support 2 executables

I am trying to update my Makefile to support building a binary of my project, and a binary of some Unit Tests.
My directory structure is the following
My makefile compiles the binary from code well, but is having some issues with the test. The test folder contains some unit test that tests some classes in code/src/. I have a file main.cpp in code/src/ that contains the main() function, and also another file, called test.cpp in tests/src that contains its own main() function.
This led me to this complicated Makefile:
CC = g++
FLAGS = -g -c -Wall
INCLUDEDIR = -Icode/inc -Itests/inc
BUILDDIR = build
SOURCEDIR = code/src
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.cpp,$(SOURCEDIR)))
TEMP_OBJ = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
NOT_DIR = $(notdir $(TEMP_OBJ))
OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/, $(NOT_DIR))
TEST_DIR = tests/src
TEST_SOURCES = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.cpp,$(TEST_DIR)))
mkdir -p $#
$(CC) $^ -o $#
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o : code/src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $< $(INCLUDEDIR) -o $#
#rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/main.o
$(CC) $^ -o $#
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o : tests/src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $< $(INCLUDEDIR) -o $#
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
It fails with the error:
g++: error: build/main.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [build/TestUnit] Error 1
Which is because I have the line:
#rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/main.o
but otherwise I would get the error (there is main in main.cpp and test.cpp in code/src/ and tests/code/ respectively):
/tests/src/test.cpp:7: multiple definition of `main'
code/src/main.cpp:6: first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
There is a lot of duplication in my Makefile, and I would love to get something more succinct that achieves the purpose of building 2 binaries from those 2 folders, although code is shared.
Any help would please be appreciated. Thank you very much!
There are a number of problems with this makefile.
First, there is no rule to build test object files, such as test.o. The only rule for building objects requires that the source be in code/src/; I don't know how you even get far enough to see a linker error.
Let's change the object rule to a static pattern rule:
$(OBJECTS) : $(BUILDDIR)/%.o : code/src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $< $(INCLUDEDIR) -o $#
Then we can add an additional rule for the test objects:
$(TEST_OBJECTS) : $(BUILDDIR)/%.o : tests/src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $< $(INCLUDEDIR) -o $#
(Never mind the redundancy for now-- we have to get it working first.)
Now we should see a linker error in this rule:
In that list of prerequisites are two files, main.o and test.o fighting over who gets to define main(). We want test.o, so main.o must go:
$(BUILDDIR)/$(TEST_EXECUTABLE): $(filter-out build/main.o,$(OBJECTS)) $(TEST_OBJECTS)
Try this much and tell us the result. Once it's working we can slim it down.
