How to mimic SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser using RabbitTemplate? - spring

So I've been reading about Spring Message Relay (Spring Messaging stuff) capability with a RabbitMQ broker. What I want to achieve is as follows:
Have a service (1), which acts as a message relay between rabbitmq and a browser. This works fine now. I'm using MessageBrokerRegistry.enableStompBrokerRelay to do that.
Have another service (2) on the back-end, which will send a message to a known queue onto RabbitMQ and have that message routed to a specific user. As a sender, I want to have a control over who the message gets delivered to.
Normally, you'd use SimpMessagingTemplate to do that. Problem is though, that the origin of the message doesn't actually have access to that template, as it's not acting as a relay, it's not using websockets and it doesn't hold mapping of queue names to session ids.
One way I could think of doing it, is writing a simple class on the service 1, which will listen on all queues and forward them using simp template. I fell however this is not an ideal way to do it, and I feel like there might be already a way to do it using Spring.
Can you please advise?

This question got me thinking about the same dilemma I was facing. I have started playing with a custom UserDestinationResolver that arrives at a consistent topic naming scheme that uses just the username and not the session ID used by the default resolver.
That lets me subscribe in JS to "/user/exchange/" but send via a vanilla RabbitMQ application to "/exchange/" (to a user named "me").
The latest source code is here and I am "registering" it as a #Bean in an existing #Configuration class that I had.
Here's the custom UserDestinationResolver itself:
public class ConsistentUserDestinationResolver implements UserDestinationResolver {
private static final Pattern USER_DEST_PREFIXING_PATTERN =
private static final Pattern USER_AUTHENTICATED_PATTERN =
public UserDestinationResult resolveDestination(Message<?> message) {
SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.class);
final String destination = accessor.getDestination();
final String authUser = accessor.getUser() != null ? accessor.getUser().getName() : null;
if (destination != null) {
if (SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE.equals(accessor.getMessageType()) ||
SimpMessageType.UNSUBSCRIBE.equals(accessor.getMessageType())) {
if (authUser != null) {
final Matcher authMatcher = USER_AUTHENTICATED_PATTERN.matcher(destination);
if (authMatcher.matches()) {
String result = String.format("/%s/users.%s.%s","routing"), authUser,"dest"));
UserDestinationResult userDestinationResult =
new UserDestinationResult(destination, Collections.singleton(result), result, authUser);
return userDestinationResult;
else if (accessor.getMessageType().equals(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE)) {
final Matcher prefixMatcher = USER_DEST_PREFIXING_PATTERN.matcher(destination);
if (prefixMatcher.matches()) {
String user ="name");
String result = String.format("/%s/users.%s.%s","routing"), user,"dest"));
UserDestinationResult userDestinationResult =
new UserDestinationResult(destination, Collections.singleton(result), result, user);
return userDestinationResult;
return null;


Spring boot push notification restTemplate

I have a web application using spring boot as a back end and vue.js as a front end, and I have a script python capture frames and when get information send it to server and the last add a row to database, So I need to get notification, Can I use RestTemplate ? If yes how can I do it ?
public ResponseEntity<Void> createPositionOc(#RequestParam String plate) {
LocalDateTime myDateObj =;
DateTimeFormatter myFormatObj = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
List<Car> cars = carController.getAllCars();
boolean exist = -> o.getPlate().equals(plate));
List<Car> carsIn = carController.getAllCarsIn();
boolean existIn = -> o.getPlate().equals(plate));
List<Position> free = getAllPositiosFree();
PositionOcp position = new PositionOcp(free.get(0).getId_pos(), plate,
if (exist && free.size() > 0 && !existIn) {
PositionOcp createdPositionOc =;
//send notification
return null;
You need to layer your code first.
Create a service and inject in your controller class. All the logic that you will write, should be in service layer. Not in your controller. Then you need the inject your repository layer in your service class. Thats the layering.
You created an endpoint in your Controller class..
public ResponseEntity<Plate> createPositionOc(#RequestParam String plate) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(service.createPosition(plate));
in your service layer you can easily add a row to database...
For your frontend ; you need the gave it something to use. You should return what you are gonna use in the front. Return them a model to use.
Resttemplate is for communicate the services. I cant ask a question , not quite understand phyton part.

How to mask sensitive information while logging in spring integration framework

I have requirement to mask sensitive information while logging. We are using wire-tap provided by integration framework for logging and we have many interfaces already designed which logs using wire-tap. We are currently using spring boot 2.1 and spring integration.
I hope that all your integration flows log via the mentioned global single wire-tap.
This one is just a start from another integration flow anyway: it is not just for a channel and logger on it. You really can build a wire-tapped flow any complexity.
My point is that you can add a transformer before logging-channel-adapter and mask a payload and/or headers any required way. The logger will receive already masked data.
Another way is to use some masking functionality in the log-expression. You may call here some bean for masking or a static utility:
Don't know if this is a fancy approach, but I ended up implementing some sort of "error message filter" to mask headers in case the sensitive one is present (this can be extended to multiple header names, but this gives the idea):
public class ErrorMessageFilter {
private static final String SENSITIVE_HEADER_NAME = "sensitive_header";
public Throwable filterErrorMessage(Throwable payload) {
if (payload instanceof MessagingException) {
Message<?> failedMessage = ((MessagingException) payload).getFailedMessage();
if (failedMessage != null && failedMessage.getHeaders().containsKey(SENSITIVE_HEADER_NAME)) {
MessageHeaderAccessor headerAccessor = new MessageHeaderAccessor(failedMessage);
headerAccessor.setHeader(SENSITIVE_HEADER_NAME, "XXX");
return new MessagingException(withPayload(failedMessage.getPayload()).setHeaders(headerAccessor)
return payload;
Then, in the #Configuration class, added a way to wire my filter with Spring Integration's LoggingHandler:
public void setLoggingHandlerLogExpression(LoggingHandler loggingHandler, ErrorMessageFilter messageFilter) {
loggingHandler.setLogExpression(new FunctionExpression<Message<?>>((m) -> {
if (m instanceof ErrorMessage) {
return messageFilter.filterErrorMessage(((ErrorMessage) m).getPayload());
return m.getPayload();
This also gave me the flexibility to reuse my filter in other components where I handle error messages (e.g.: send error notifications to Zabbix, etc.).
P.S.: sorry about all the instanceof and ifs, but at certain layer dirty code has to start.

How to get StateContext in StateMachineListener and how to config states to implement my statechart?

My First Question:
In my StateMachineConfiguration.class.
public StateMachineListener<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents> listener() {
return new StateMachineListenerAdapter<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents>() {
public void transition(Transition<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents> transition) {
if(transition.getTarget().getId() == CompanyStatus.COMPANY_CREATED) {"公司创建,发送消息到用户服务和菜单服务");
// how to get stateContext in there?
StateContext stateContext;
Message message = new Message.Builder<String>().messageType(CompanyStatus.COMPANY_CREATED.toString()).build();
In my service.
log.debug("Request to save Company : {}", companyDTO);
Company company = companyMapper.toCmpy(companyDTO);
company =;
.setHeader("companyId", company.getId())
return companyMapper.toCmpyDTO(company);
How I can get message header[companyId] in listener?
My Second Question:
In StateMachineListener you could use its stateContext method which gives you access to StateContext. StateContext then have access to message headers via its getMessageHeaders.
Original listener interface didn't expose that much so we had to add new method which exposes context which were introduced to machine later than listener interface were created. This because we need not to break things and we generally like to be backward compatibility.

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ

I am trying to understand why I would want to use Spring cloud stream with RabbitMQ. I've had a look at the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial 4 ( which is basically what I want to do. It creates a direct exchange with 2 queues attached and depending on the routing key a message is either routed to Q1 or to Q2.
The whole process is pretty straight forward if you look at the tutorial, you create all the parts, bind them together and youre ready to go.
I was wondering what benefit I would gain in using Sing Cloud Stream and if that is even the use case for it. It was easy to create a simple exchange and even defining destination and group was straight forward with stream. So I thought why not go further and try to handle the tutorial case with stream.
I have seen that Stream has a BinderAwareChannelResolver which seems to do the same thing. But I am struggling to put it all together to achieve the same as in the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial. I am not sure if it is a dependency issue, but I seem to misunderstand something fundamentally here, I thought something like:'key'
should to the trick.
Is there anyone with a minimal example for a source and sink which basically creates a direct exchange, binds 2 queues to it and depending on routing key routes to either one of those 2 queues like in
Below is a minimal set of code which demonstrates how to do what I asked. I did not attach the build.gradle as it is straight forward (but if anyone is interested, let me know) setup the producer
Sources.class: setup the producers channel
public interface Sources {
String OUTPUT = "output";
MessageChannel output();
StatusController.class: Respond to rest calls and send message with specific routing keys
* Status endpoint for the health-check service.
public class StatusController {
private int index;
private int count;
private final String[] keys = {"orange", "black", "green"};
private Sources sources;
private StatusService status;
public StatusController(Sources sources, StatusService status) {
this.sources = sources;
this.status = status;
* Service available, service returns "OK"'.
* #return The Status of the service.
public String status() {
String status = this.status.getStatus();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello to ");
if (++this.index == 3) {
this.index = 0;
String key = keys[this.index];
builder.append(key).append(' ');
String payload = builder.toString();;
// add kv pair - routingkeyexpression (which matches 'type') will then evaluate
// and add the value as routing key
Message<String> msg = new GenericMessage<>(payload, Collections.singletonMap("type", key));
// return rest call
return status;
consumer side of things, properties:
public interface Sinks {
String INPUT = "input";
SubscribableChannel input();
String INPUTER = "inputer";
SubscribableChannel inputer();
ReceiveStatus.class: Receive the status:
public class ReceiveStatus {
public void receiveStatusOrange(String msg) {"I received a message. It was orange number: {}", msg);
public void receiveStatusBlack(String msg) {"I received a message. It was black number: {}", msg);
Spring Cloud Stream lets you develop event driven micro service applications by enabling the applications to connect (via #EnableBinding) to the external messaging systems using the Spring Cloud Stream Binder implementations (Kafka, RabbitMQ, JMS binders etc.,). Apparently, Spring Cloud Stream uses Spring AMQP for the RabbitMQ binder implementation.
The BinderAwareChannelResolver is applicable for dynamically binding support for the producers and I think in your case it is about configuring the exchanges and binding of consumers to that exchange.
For instance, you need to have 2 consumers with the appropriate bindingRoutingKey set based on your criteria and a single producer with the properties(routing-key-expression, destination) you mentioned above (except the group). I noticed that you have configured group for the outbound channel. The group property is applicable only for the consumers (hence inbound).
You might also want to check this one: as I see some discussion around using routing-key-expression. Specifically, check this one on using the expression value.

JMeter WebSockets Publish/Subscribe - scripting aschronous responses

We have built a publish/subscribe model into our application via WebSockets so users can receive "dynamic updates" when data changes. I'm now looking to load test this using JMeter.
Is there a way to configure a JMeter test to react to receipt of a WebSocket "published" message and then run further samplers i.e. make further web requests?
I have looked at plugin samples, but they appear focused on request/reply model (e.g. rather than publish/subscribe.
I have progressed a solution for this using the WebSocketSampler - an Example JMX file can be found on BitBucket which uses STOMP over WebSockets and includes Connect, Subscribe, Handle Publish Message and Initiate JMeter Samplers from that.
It is a misunderstanding that the plugin only supports request-response model conversations.
Since version 0.7, the plugin offers "single read" and "single write" samplers. Of course, it depends on your exact protocol, but the idea is that you could use a "single write" sampler to send a WebSocket message that simulates creating the subscription and then have a (standard JMeter) While loop in combination with the "single read" samplers, to read any number of messages that are being published.
If this does not satisfy your needs, let me know and i'll see what i can do for you (i'm the author of this plugin).
I had the system with STOMP. So the clients executed the HTTP messages and they got the actual state via asynchronous WebSockets with this subscribe model. To emulate this behaviour I wrote a class which via JMeterContext variable could exchange data with Jmeter threads (import part you can find by yourself import org.springframework.*):
public class StompWebSocketLoadTestClient {
public static JMeterContext ctx;
public static StompSession session;
public static void start(JMeterContext ctx, String wsURL, String SESSION) throws InterruptedException {
WebSocketClient transport = new StandardWebSocketClient();
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(transport);
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler threadPoolTaskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
stompClient.setDefaultHeartbeat(new long[]{10000, 10000});
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new ByteArrayMessageConverter());
StompSessionHandler handler = new MySessionHandler(ctx);
WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders = new WebSocketHttpHeaders();
handshakeHeaders.add("Cookie", "SESSION=" + SESSION);
stompClient.connect(wsURL, handshakeHeaders, handler);
The messages were handled in this class:
private static class MySessionHandler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter implements TestStateListener {
private String Login = "";
private final JMeterContext ctx_;
private MySessionHandler(JMeterContext ctx) {
this.ctx_ = ctx;
public void afterConnected(StompSession session, StompHeaders connectedHeaders) {
this.Login = ctx_.getVariables().get("LOGIN");
//System.out.println("CONNECTED:" + connectedHeaders.getSession() + ":" + session.getSessionId() + ":" + Login);
session.subscribe("/user/notification", new StompFrameHandler() {
public Type getPayloadType(StompHeaders headers) {
Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String header =;
//System.out.println(header + ":" + headers.get(header));
return byte[].class;
public void handleFrame(StompHeaders headers, Object payload) {
NotificationList nlist = null;
try {
nlist = NotificationList.parseFrom((byte[]) payload);
JMeterVariables vars = ctx_.getVariables();
Iterator it = nlist.getNotificationList().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Notification n = (Notification);
String className = n.getType();
//System.out.println("CLASS NAME:" + className);
if (className.contains("response.Resource")) {
///After getting some message you can work with jmeter variables:
vars.putObject("var1", var1);
//Here is "sending" variables back to Jmeter thread context so you can use the data during the test
n = null;
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StompWebSocketLoadTestClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
In Jmeter testplan, after Login stage I just added a Beanshell sampler with login/password and session strings and Jmeter thread context:
import jmeterstopm.StompWebSocketLoadTestClient;
StompWebSocketLoadTestClient ssltc = new StompWebSocketLoadTestClient();
String SERVER_NAME = vars.get("SERVER_NAME");
String SESSION = vars.get("SESSION");
String ws_pref = vars.get("ws_pref");
ssltc.start(ctx,ws_pref+"://"+SERVER_NAME+"/endpoint/notification- ws/websocket",SESSION);
Further is possible to use all incoming via Websockets data with simple vars variable:
Object var1= (Object) vars.getObject("var1");
Basically, JMeter is not suited well for async type of interaction with system under test.
Though (virtually) everything is possible with Scripting components (post processors, timers, assertions, perhaps samplers, seems to look most useful in your case) and JMeter Logic Controllers.
Like, you may line up your "further samplers", covered in If blocks, analyze the "receipt of a WebSocket published message" and set the flag variables/other parameters for If blocks.
And you may even sync threads, if you need it, check this answer.
But tell you what - that pretty much looks like a lot of handwritten stuff to be done.
So it make sense to consider the whole custom handwritten test harness too.
