JMeter WebSockets Publish/Subscribe - scripting aschronous responses - websocket

We have built a publish/subscribe model into our application via WebSockets so users can receive "dynamic updates" when data changes. I'm now looking to load test this using JMeter.
Is there a way to configure a JMeter test to react to receipt of a WebSocket "published" message and then run further samplers i.e. make further web requests?
I have looked at plugin samples, but they appear focused on request/reply model (e.g. rather than publish/subscribe.
I have progressed a solution for this using the WebSocketSampler - an Example JMX file can be found on BitBucket which uses STOMP over WebSockets and includes Connect, Subscribe, Handle Publish Message and Initiate JMeter Samplers from that.

It is a misunderstanding that the plugin only supports request-response model conversations.
Since version 0.7, the plugin offers "single read" and "single write" samplers. Of course, it depends on your exact protocol, but the idea is that you could use a "single write" sampler to send a WebSocket message that simulates creating the subscription and then have a (standard JMeter) While loop in combination with the "single read" samplers, to read any number of messages that are being published.
If this does not satisfy your needs, let me know and i'll see what i can do for you (i'm the author of this plugin).

I had the system with STOMP. So the clients executed the HTTP messages and they got the actual state via asynchronous WebSockets with this subscribe model. To emulate this behaviour I wrote a class which via JMeterContext variable could exchange data with Jmeter threads (import part you can find by yourself import org.springframework.*):
public class StompWebSocketLoadTestClient {
public static JMeterContext ctx;
public static StompSession session;
public static void start(JMeterContext ctx, String wsURL, String SESSION) throws InterruptedException {
WebSocketClient transport = new StandardWebSocketClient();
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(transport);
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler threadPoolTaskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
stompClient.setDefaultHeartbeat(new long[]{10000, 10000});
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new ByteArrayMessageConverter());
StompSessionHandler handler = new MySessionHandler(ctx);
WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders = new WebSocketHttpHeaders();
handshakeHeaders.add("Cookie", "SESSION=" + SESSION);
stompClient.connect(wsURL, handshakeHeaders, handler);
The messages were handled in this class:
private static class MySessionHandler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter implements TestStateListener {
private String Login = "";
private final JMeterContext ctx_;
private MySessionHandler(JMeterContext ctx) {
this.ctx_ = ctx;
public void afterConnected(StompSession session, StompHeaders connectedHeaders) {
this.Login = ctx_.getVariables().get("LOGIN");
//System.out.println("CONNECTED:" + connectedHeaders.getSession() + ":" + session.getSessionId() + ":" + Login);
session.subscribe("/user/notification", new StompFrameHandler() {
public Type getPayloadType(StompHeaders headers) {
Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String header =;
//System.out.println(header + ":" + headers.get(header));
return byte[].class;
public void handleFrame(StompHeaders headers, Object payload) {
NotificationList nlist = null;
try {
nlist = NotificationList.parseFrom((byte[]) payload);
JMeterVariables vars = ctx_.getVariables();
Iterator it = nlist.getNotificationList().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Notification n = (Notification);
String className = n.getType();
//System.out.println("CLASS NAME:" + className);
if (className.contains("response.Resource")) {
///After getting some message you can work with jmeter variables:
vars.putObject("var1", var1);
//Here is "sending" variables back to Jmeter thread context so you can use the data during the test
n = null;
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StompWebSocketLoadTestClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
In Jmeter testplan, after Login stage I just added a Beanshell sampler with login/password and session strings and Jmeter thread context:
import jmeterstopm.StompWebSocketLoadTestClient;
StompWebSocketLoadTestClient ssltc = new StompWebSocketLoadTestClient();
String SERVER_NAME = vars.get("SERVER_NAME");
String SESSION = vars.get("SESSION");
String ws_pref = vars.get("ws_pref");
ssltc.start(ctx,ws_pref+"://"+SERVER_NAME+"/endpoint/notification- ws/websocket",SESSION);
Further is possible to use all incoming via Websockets data with simple vars variable:
Object var1= (Object) vars.getObject("var1");

Basically, JMeter is not suited well for async type of interaction with system under test.
Though (virtually) everything is possible with Scripting components (post processors, timers, assertions, perhaps samplers, seems to look most useful in your case) and JMeter Logic Controllers.
Like, you may line up your "further samplers", covered in If blocks, analyze the "receipt of a WebSocket published message" and set the flag variables/other parameters for If blocks.
And you may even sync threads, if you need it, check this answer.
But tell you what - that pretty much looks like a lot of handwritten stuff to be done.
So it make sense to consider the whole custom handwritten test harness too.


I want to connect the Spring application with the external bukkit server through the REST API method

I want to control the bukkit server through the spring web application.
For example, send a command to the console, receive his response, etc
I'm trying to figure out a way, but I can't find a good one.
How shall I do it?
Even if third-party plugins are imported through the database, I want to find a way to do basic bukkit control.
First, you need to decide how to send the request to the server. It seems to me that in your case, the easiest is run the built-in java web server (HttpServer) to receive commands, and then process them.
If you need synchronous actions, then you can always do callSyncMethod
To receive command output, simply create your own implementation of CommandSender with overridden sendMessage methods
For example, how do command execution endpoint
JavaPlugin plugin = /** get plugin **/;
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8001), 0);
server.createContext("/executeCommand", exchange -> {
if (!exchange.getRequestMethod().equals("POST")) {
exchange.getResponseBody().write("Method not supported".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// In this example body is command
String body = new String(exchange.getRequestBody().readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
// You also need override many another methods to compile code,but just leave it empty
CommandSender sender = new CommandSender() {
public void sendMessage(#NotNull String message) {
public void sendMessage(#NotNull String... messages) {
for (String message : messages) {
builder.append(message + "\n");
public boolean isOp() {
return true;
public boolean hasPermission(#NotNull String name) {
return true;
public #NotNull String getName() {
return "WebServerExecutor";
// Waiting command execute finish
Bukkit.getScheduler().callSyncMethod(plugin, () -> Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, body)).get();
byte[] response = builder.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Propagate thread context when using vertx EventBus

I'm trying to get context propagation working when using event bus. I've created a simple flow following this guide
The code looks something like this:
EventBus bus;
#ManagedExecutorConfig(propagated = "SLF4J_MDC")
ManagedExecutor managedExecutor;
public Uni<String> hello(String name) {
MDC.put("key", "someValue");
Context context = Vertx.currentContext();
ContextLocals.put("key", "Local Context");
return bus.<String>request("greeting", name)
.emitOn(managedExecutor) // I also tried with - context::runOnContext
#ConsumeEvent(value = "greeting")
#CurrentThreadContext(propagated = {"SLF4J_MDC"})
public String greeting(String name) {"MDC2 ->>> {}", MDC.get("key")); // null"from Context Local {}", ContextLocals.<String>get("key")); // null
return "Hello " + name.toUpperCase();
SLF4J_MDC is a simple ThreadContextProvider implementation that I have registered in order to propagate the MDC values. I already tested this mechanism with regular async code and it worked, but not with eventBus.
Endpoint works as expected, but the values I am trying to log are null.
What is the right way to use context propagation in this scenario? Is it possible or is it not intended to be used in conjunction with event bus requests?

How do I throttle the amount of data sent to Stomp queue (handling websockets) so that I can guarantee that I don't overflow the buffer?

I have two Java processes and I am connecting them using a websocket in spring boot. One process acts as the client and connects like this:
List<Transport> transports = new ArrayList<Transport>(1);
transports.add(new WebSocketTransport(new StandardWebSocketClient()));
WebSocketClient client = new SockJsClient(transports);
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(client);
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new MappingJackson2MessageConverter());
StompSessionHandler firstSessionHandler = new MyStompSessionHandler("Philip");
stompClient.connect("ws://localhost:8080/chat", firstSessionHandler);
The session handler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter and provides these methods (I am subscribing by username so each client can receive its own messages):
public void afterConnected(
StompSession session, StompHeaders connectedHeaders) {
session.subscribe("/user/" + userName + "/reply", this);
session.send("/app/chat", getSampleMessage());
public void handleFrame(StompHeaders headers, Object payload) {
Message msg = (Message) payload;
// etc.....
On the server side I have a Controller exposed and I am writing data by calling the endpoint from a worker thread.
private SimpMessagingTemplate template;
public void send(
Message message)
throws Exception {
In the websocket config I am overriding the method to set the limits:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
config.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/user");
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.setMessageSizeLimit(500 * 1024);
registration.setSendBufferSizeLimit(1024 * 1024);
My question is this, if the load on the server gets high enough and I overrun the limit, the websocket fails catastrophically, and I want to avoid this. What I would like to do is for the controller to have the ability to ask the message broker "will this message fit in the buffer?", so that I can throttle to stay under the limit. I searched the API documentation but I don't see any way of doing that. Are there any other obvious solutions that I am missing?
Actually I found a solution, so if anyone is interested, here it is.
On the server side configuration of the websockets I installed an Interceptor on the Outbound Channel (this is part of the API), which is called after each send from the embedded broker.
So I know how much is coming in, which I keep track of in my Controller class and I know how much is going out through the Interceptor that I installed, and this allows me to always stay under the limit.
The controller, before accepting any new messages to be queued up for the broker first determines if enough room is available and if not queues up the message in external storage until such time as room becomes available.

Spring Boot with CXF Client Race Condition/Connection Timeout

I have a CXF client configured in my Spring Boot app like so:
public ConsumerSupportService consumerSupportService() {
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean jaxWsProxyFactoryBean = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
WSAddressingFeature wsAddressingFeature = new WSAddressingFeature();
ConsumerSupportService service = (ConsumerSupportService) jaxWsProxyFactoryBean.create();
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(service);
AddressingProperties addressingProperties = new AddressingProperties();
AttributedURIType to = new AttributedURIType();
AttributedURIType action = new AttributedURIType();
client.getRequestContext().put("", addressingProperties);
return service;
private void setClientTimeout(Client client) {
HTTPConduit conduit = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
HTTPClientPolicy policy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
This same service bean is accessed by two different threads in the same application sequence. If I execute this particular sequence 10 times in a row, I will get a connection timeout from the service call at least 3 times. What I'm seeing is:
Caused by: Timed out waiting for response to operation {}SearchConsumer.
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.waitResponse( ~[cxf-core-3.2.0.jar:3.2.0]
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.processResult( ~[cxf-core-3.2.0.jar:3.2.0]
If I change the sequence such that one of the threads does not call this service, then the error goes away. So, it seems like there's some sort of a race condition happening here. If I look at the logs in our proxy manager for this service, I can see that both of the service calls do return a response very quickly, but the second service call seems to get stuck somewhere in the code and never actually lets go of the connection until the timeout value is reached. I've been trying to track down the cause of this for quite a while, but have been unsuccessful.
I've read some mixed opinions as to whether or not CXF client proxies are thread-safe, but I was under the impression that they were. If this actually not the case, and I should be creating a new client proxy for each invocation, or use a pool of proxies?
Turns out that it is an issue with the proxy not being thread-safe. What I wound up doing was leveraging a solution kind of like one posted at the bottom of this post: Is this JAX-WS client call thread safe? - I created a pool for the proxies and I use that to access proxies from multiple threads in a thread-safe manner. This seems to work out pretty well.
public class JaxWSServiceProxyPool<T> extends GenericObjectPool<T> {
JaxWSServiceProxyPool(Supplier<T> factory, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
super(new BasePooledObjectFactory<T>() {
public T create() throws Exception {
return factory.get();
public PooledObject<T> wrap(T t) {
return new DefaultPooledObject<>(t);
}, poolConfig != null ? poolConfig : new GenericObjectPoolConfig());
I then created a simple "registry" class to keep references to various pools.
public class JaxWSServiceProxyPoolRegistry {
private static final Map<Class, JaxWSServiceProxyPool> registry = new HashMap<>();
public synchronized <T> void register(Class<T> serviceTypeClass, Supplier<T> factory, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
if (!registry.containsKey(serviceTypeClass)) {
registry.put(serviceTypeClass, new JaxWSServiceProxyPool<>(factory, poolConfig));
public <T> void register(Class<T> serviceTypeClass, Supplier<T> factory) {
register(serviceTypeClass, factory, null);
public <T> JaxWSServiceProxyPool<T> getServiceProxyPool(Class<T> serviceTypeClass) {
return registry.get(serviceTypeClass);
To use it, I did:
JaxWSServiceProxyPoolRegistry jaxWSServiceProxyPoolRegistry = new JaxWSServiceProxyPoolRegistry();
Where buildConsumerSupportServiceClient uses a JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to build up the client.
To retrieve an instance from the pool I inject my registry class and then do:
JaxWSServiceProxyPool<ConsumerSupportService> consumerSupportServiceJaxWSServiceProxyPool = jaxWSServiceProxyPoolRegistry.getServiceProxyPool(ConsumerSupportService.class);
And then borrow/return the object from/to the pool as necessary.
This seems to work well so far. I've executed some fairly heavy load tests against it and it's held up.

How to mimic SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser using RabbitTemplate?

So I've been reading about Spring Message Relay (Spring Messaging stuff) capability with a RabbitMQ broker. What I want to achieve is as follows:
Have a service (1), which acts as a message relay between rabbitmq and a browser. This works fine now. I'm using MessageBrokerRegistry.enableStompBrokerRelay to do that.
Have another service (2) on the back-end, which will send a message to a known queue onto RabbitMQ and have that message routed to a specific user. As a sender, I want to have a control over who the message gets delivered to.
Normally, you'd use SimpMessagingTemplate to do that. Problem is though, that the origin of the message doesn't actually have access to that template, as it's not acting as a relay, it's not using websockets and it doesn't hold mapping of queue names to session ids.
One way I could think of doing it, is writing a simple class on the service 1, which will listen on all queues and forward them using simp template. I fell however this is not an ideal way to do it, and I feel like there might be already a way to do it using Spring.
Can you please advise?
This question got me thinking about the same dilemma I was facing. I have started playing with a custom UserDestinationResolver that arrives at a consistent topic naming scheme that uses just the username and not the session ID used by the default resolver.
That lets me subscribe in JS to "/user/exchange/" but send via a vanilla RabbitMQ application to "/exchange/" (to a user named "me").
The latest source code is here and I am "registering" it as a #Bean in an existing #Configuration class that I had.
Here's the custom UserDestinationResolver itself:
public class ConsistentUserDestinationResolver implements UserDestinationResolver {
private static final Pattern USER_DEST_PREFIXING_PATTERN =
private static final Pattern USER_AUTHENTICATED_PATTERN =
public UserDestinationResult resolveDestination(Message<?> message) {
SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.class);
final String destination = accessor.getDestination();
final String authUser = accessor.getUser() != null ? accessor.getUser().getName() : null;
if (destination != null) {
if (SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE.equals(accessor.getMessageType()) ||
SimpMessageType.UNSUBSCRIBE.equals(accessor.getMessageType())) {
if (authUser != null) {
final Matcher authMatcher = USER_AUTHENTICATED_PATTERN.matcher(destination);
if (authMatcher.matches()) {
String result = String.format("/%s/users.%s.%s","routing"), authUser,"dest"));
UserDestinationResult userDestinationResult =
new UserDestinationResult(destination, Collections.singleton(result), result, authUser);
return userDestinationResult;
else if (accessor.getMessageType().equals(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE)) {
final Matcher prefixMatcher = USER_DEST_PREFIXING_PATTERN.matcher(destination);
if (prefixMatcher.matches()) {
String user ="name");
String result = String.format("/%s/users.%s.%s","routing"), user,"dest"));
UserDestinationResult userDestinationResult =
new UserDestinationResult(destination, Collections.singleton(result), result, user);
return userDestinationResult;
return null;
