Unable to disconnect Heroku app from GitHub Account - heroku

We're using Heroku Pipeline and GitHub integration:
Staging app was manually deployed with git push heroku master.
Production app was automatically deployed upon commit to Master on GitHub repo.
I want to change this workflow so that:
Staging app is automatically deployed upon commit to Master on GitHub repo.
Production app is the result of a Staging app being promoted.
Thus, I need to unlink the Production App from the GitHub Account/Repo. The instructions are here:
GitHub Integration | Heroku Dev Center
But, in my case, there's no "Disconnect" button:
How can I disconnect it?

Go to Manage Account: https://dashboard.heroku.com/account/applications
Click Applications tab
In Third-party Services: these are 2 options:
Re-authorize or Revoke access
click Revoke access
Remember to clear cookie or use incognito mode to re-login by another Github account

Go to Github and under your personal settings revoke access BUT THEN go back to Heroku, logout, login and you will see a warning from Heroku on the dashboard saying that access has been revoked from your GitHub account.
Click on Disconnect on that app.
Then reauthorize the others.

You can also revoke access of heroku dashboard from your github account.
Login Github
Go To Settings
revoke the connected heroku dashborad that will automatically disconnect your heroku from your github account.

This was a bug in Heroku's Dashboard.
Whenever the app was part of a Pipeline, it was impossible to disconnect it from the original github deploy hook.
Now the "disconnect" button is also available within pipelined apps.


Heroku: cannot login to my hosted app using metamask

I want to deploy my blockchain based decentralized application on heroku.
It has been deployed but when I try to login using my metamask account the account shows as null. It works on my local machine but not on heroku.
I do not want to clutter my question with code so I am sharing a link to the code
Code that is deployed on heroku
Finally figured it out. I was documenting the code for github and realized that I did not whitelist the app url in the metamask settings.

Delete one of the two app on the heroku account

I'm new to Heroku. I've mistakenly created second app on my account and now I can't execute heroku open command to see my app running on the server. I'm posting the screen of the error message. I need only the one named guarded-wildwood-67162. How can I delete other app - shielded-sea-53572?
To permanently destroy a Heroku app you can use heroku apps:destroy --app <app-name> or use the Heroku web interface. Note that this doesn't just disconnect the app; it completely destroys it.

Don't See Pull Requests on Heroku Pipelines Page

I'm an admin for our Heroku account and can see Review Apps on the Heroku pipelines page however I don't see open pull requests with the Create Review App option. I'm an admin of the account so I'm not sure what it is. Any ideas? Thanks!
Found it. I had to give Heroku access to my github account, even though it already had access to the corporate account I was a part of.

Connecting Heroku app to private GitHub repository for deploying on Heroku

I have an organization's private GitHub repository that I am trying to connect a Heroku app to, using the Heroku Dashboard from a browser. In the settings of my GitHub account (that is linked to Heroku), under OAuth Applications, I can see Heroku Dashboard, and under Permissions, it says Full control of private repositories.
However, when I navigate to the Heroku app page and select this GitHub repo from the select-list and click Connect, I get the message:
Item could not be modified:
Admin access to repository required
On GitHub, my account has Write access for the repo. Moreover, as mentioned above, Heroku Dashboard has Full control of private repositories. Can anybody help me figure out what access needs to be granted where? I would really appreciate that.
Never mind. That private GitHub repo had been created by someone else who had since left the company. I had Write access but that is not enough. When I created a new GitHub repo and an app on Heroku myself, I could connect them without any issues.
We had the same problem when someone without admin access to the github repo requested the github access in Heroku. He had to revoke his access in github before we could log back into Heroku with an account that had admin access in github and properly connect the accounts.

How to git push heroku master by using hubot on hipchat?

I installed hubot, heroku and hipchat. I deployed Hubot to Heroku and I tested on hipchat, I typed some command line example: #hubot help, #hubot image me "hubot".... and It worked fine.
But in my project, I need use hipchat to deploy my project to heroku. Example when I type on hipchat is: #hubot deploy app, then my project will be deployed to heroku (instead of tying: "git push heroku master" on Terminal). Please help me, I really thank you so much!
This is a very broad questions. There is no single answer.
For sure, you need a deployment service that performs the deployment. Hubot should ping the deployment service when you send the deploy command.
The deployment service should have access to your repository and Heroku account and perform the git push command for the deploy. The deployment service may have a local clone of your project, or download it from some centralized location (E.g. GitHub) and perform a push to Heroku.
The deployment service can be a server you control, a third party service such as this one, the server where Hubot is running (not ideal).
Heroku also offers Dropbox sync and is experimenting deploy from GitHub. In this case, the deploy doesn't require a deployment service (or to be more correct, the deployment service is in fact Heroku). Hubot would simply trigger a new synchronization at Heroku, as long as Heroku is connected to either GitHub or Dropbox (depending on where the app is stored).
