Yammer API: return topics of a particular group - yammer

I am using embedded Yammer feed to get the feeds from a particular group.
Using embedded Yammer I want to retrieve all topics of that particular group.

The API (embedded or REST) doesn't surface which topics are frequently used in a particular group. The closest thing in the API is Search, which allows you to search a group for topic names.


What's the recommended API to use for querying Conversations for Google Groups?

According to Get Google Group emails with Gmail API (and threads far in the past), there wasn't any main method to support querying conversations directly for Google Groups within a domain after listing existing Google Groups (https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/groups/list). Has this changed, or is the recommended method still to:
List the existing groups via the Directory API above
Query emails for messages with filter "to:<google_group>"
To my knowledge, this also doesn't cover a variety of edge cases, such as Google Group Conversations that may have been deleted from inboxes, tracking emails sent to the Google Group that might have failed the send (from message not being approved or sender not having permissions), etc.

How can I search in a specific group with the Yammer API?

There is a Yammer Search API, but it only returns results from all group in a Yammer network. Is there a way to search only a specific group?
You need to specify an additional undocumented parameter search_group=GROUP_ID. This isn't documented and therefore isn't officially supported, so your mileage may vary.

Dynamics Web Api - Get / Read Activities

Is it even possible to get or read activities from an account using the web api? I can't find much related documentation.
Yes, it is possible to fetch activities belonging to a specific account.
The activities associated with an account are called Account_ActivityPointers. After fetching a specific account, you can then $expand on the relevant entities:

I have to create a group in yammer using JavaScript

I have to create a group in yammer using JavaScript or using any other services so we can call that service from AJAX. For that group i can give my own name,number of users and mainly i can get that group ID.
Please Help Me.
Like atmd said there doesn't seem to be any API for creation of Yammer-groups.
There are, however, endpoints for joining/leaving groups;
POST https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/group_memberships.json?group_id=:group_id
DELETE https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/group_memberships.json?group_id=:group_id
wich in turn are joining and leaving.

List users that have posted to a Yammer group

Is it possible (via the Yammer REST API or otherwise) to programmatically retrieve a list of all unique users who have posted to a specific Yammer group?
The network in question is a free Yammer network, therefore the data export approach is not available.
There's currently no way to directly get a list of contributors to a group. What you could do is use the messages api to crawl through all of the messages in a group and get the users who sent them. If it's a group with a reasonable number of messages, this shouldn't be that big of a problem. Just don't forget about the rate limits on making api calls.
The message endpoint for a group looks like this.
