Dynamics Web Api - Get / Read Activities - dynamics-crm

Is it even possible to get or read activities from an account using the web api? I can't find much related documentation.

Yes, it is possible to fetch activities belonging to a specific account.
The activities associated with an account are called Account_ActivityPointers. After fetching a specific account, you can then $expand on the relevant entities:


How to get the get API path and parameters of Google play developer API?

I have added a non-renewable subscription for one of my projects. We also started implementing the Google play developer API to get the subscription latest status from the Play Store. For that we have done the below steps as per this blog:
Linked the developer account to a new Google Cloud Project.
Enabled the Google Play Developer API for the Google Cloud Project.
Created a service account and created a key for the service account.
I have below clarifications related to this implementation:
I tried to Grant Access for the following permissions: But the corresponding checkmark is not clickable.
View financial data, orders, and cancellation survey responses
Manage orders and subscriptions
The 3rd step as per the blog is to Authorize an API key, but I didn't get a clear idea of that.
We are going to implement this API on the back end side as a corn job, do we need to generate a JWT token for accessing this API? Is this possible to call without a Token? I found 2 types of implementations from this blog, which one is easy and secure?
"Your application can complete these tasks either by using the Google APIs client library for your language or by directly interacting with the OAuth 2.0 system using HTTP."
From where we get the get API path and other details. I found a similar get API from AppStore like this. Is the play store providing a similar kind of get API?
We need the latest purchase status API and for that what parameters do we need to pass?

What is Timeline in MS Dynamics CRM?

Which entity does represent it? How to get data from it using WEB API?
I do not find any information about how to fetch data from 'Timeline' window on account and contact entities. Is it possible to query all necessary info using /api/data?
Timeline is not an entity and not expose via web api endpoint. It's a custom PCF control (maybe) and all about a placeholder for showing all activities, Notes, Posts for that particular record in chronological order. Btw, Timeline can be added to Dashboard also. Read more
You can pull all the activities, Notes (annotation), Post feed & display in the same fashion if you build a portal separately.

contacts count and users count are different between Graph API and outlook website

Firstly, I used Microsoft Graph API /me/contacts to get all contacts, and I got 6000+ contacts' info. But when I login https://outlook.office.com/owa/?path=/people and visited [Your Contacts] page to compared the contact number, there are only 5000+ contacts.
Secondly, same problem in users count, I used Microsoft Graph API /users to get all users' info, and I got 5000+. But when I go to https://outlook.office.com/owa/?path=/people and visited [Directory > All Users], the number is only 4000+
I guessed outlook had filter some contacts, but I don't know the the filtering rules.
I wanted to solve this problem, but I don't know how.
So can someone tell me the filtering rules or can I use Microsoft Graph API token to fetch datas from Outlook API directly?
So can someone tell me the filtering rules or
This answer need the guy from outlook team. Ignore now.
can I use Microsoft Graph API token to fetch data from Outlook API
No. Graph API token not the same as the pure Outlook API.
For the count issue, based on your project requirement to decide which to use. In other words, you can use your own filtering rules. In my opinion, use the data have more records, and then filter.

Getting reviews of newly associated place with Google Business

We have a platform in which we are integrating Google Business API and before that we were just using Google Places API.
We kinda have similar scenario like the one below
I have followed the instruction of first answer by "Terry".
I have done following steps
Used OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization
Created a new, unverified location
Found all of the possible locations that are a match to the unverified location
Upon the user’s selection and approval, associated the unverified location to a specified place ID
I am getting the reviews of approved/published business locations.
Here's the issue:
I want to get the reviews of that newly associated business location.
How can i achieve that?
Second question is, is it possible to associate a place Id with businesses location which is not returned by Google Business API Find Matches endpoint?
So finally this is what i get from GMB team.
"In the Google My Business API, the review operation is only valid if the specified location is verified, the only boolean field of the "LocationState object" in a location you should check for is "isVerified".
Ref: https://www.en.advertisercommunity.com/t5/Google-My-Business-API/Google-Places-API-and-My-Business-API/m-p/1605702#M7933

QnAMaker bot archiving conversations?

I'm a user of the Bot Framework, and of the sample QnAMaker also. As the owner of the bot, I would like all the conversations to be archived, so I can browse through them afterwards to learn about the expectations of my bot's users, what conversations went well, went bad, etc.
Is there a built-in mechanism in either the bot framework or the QnAMaker sample to archive conversations and give access to the bot's owner?
At this time, I'm unaware of a built-in feature that accomplishes that. However, you could always extract whatever necessary information (text, timestamp, etc.) and then store it in a database entry indexed by the user's channel id or some other identifying value.
Then you could make an endpoint for a REST API that serves the information back to the user, or just serve a web page that displays the information via HTML.
You can declare variables to store specific information in session and prompt the user for the specific information. Like asking for the users name and invoking session.userData[userNameKey] = results.response;
You can setup a database in Microsoft Azure and add .set('storage', tableStorage); to your bot object if you are using the Azure Table Service.
Check out https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bot-framework/nodejs/bot-builder-nodejs-state
For QnAMaker, there is a recordQnAFeedback object that you should be able to use to store the dialog in a database as well.
Hope that helps.
