How can I access a maven repository from a vultr server? - maven

My cloud server on vultr seems to be blocked by Maven so I cannot install some software.
For example,
results in HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden. However, I can run this fine on my local computer, so it seems that my cloud server's IP is blocked. Is there any good solution to get around this?
The server is using IPV6

I have the same problem with you when using VPS in Tokyo. So I opened a ticket in vultr, but the supporter said "This is something which is being blocked on the repository's end, not on our end. We have no control over it." I recommend switching to a VPS in Los Angeles, that is working for me


How to resolve cloudflare not displaying my website on my phone

I keep having this error when I try to access my website that is hosted on aws and using cloudflare CDN.
But the surprising thing is that it is loading correctly on another person's phone.
What can be the issue and how can I resolve it?
Cloudflare error
This error specified a connection error between Cloudflare and your Origin server.
There are a couple ways this could be occurring on your device but not another's -
If you recently added Cloudflare, the DNS may still be resolving to your Origin server (for the person who it is working for). You can check this by doing a ping on their device to your domain, and seeing if it resolves to your Origin IP. Or you can check the response headers for any with CF- prefix (which means it is likely routing through Cloudflare).
Another possibility is that your Origin server is blocking some Cloudflare servers but not others. For instance when you request the site, it may be routing through Cloudflare 'Server A', while when the other person requests your site, it is routing through 'Server B'. If 'Server A' requests are failing / being blocked, this would explain the behavior you are seeing. You can check your Origin server's access logs to see if this is occurring. If it is a blocking situation, you'll want to ensure all Cloudflare's IP are whitelisted -
More troubleshooting information from the Cloudflare forums -

Mailgun emails work on local but not server

I am using the same setup as on the server. I have an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, then I am using Docker to host an Ubuntu image with runs my Laravel project on nginx and php7. My local is setup up the exact same, I use the same Docker image and everything.
When I test my emails on my local they work seamlessly, no errors or problems but as soon as I test it on my EC2 I get the following error in Laravel:
Swift_TransportException: Connection to tcp:// Timed Out in /app/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:404
I have tried using ports 25, 2525 and 465 butt he exact same result. Here are my env variables:
MAIL_FROM_NAME="placeholder Team"
The secret and password is fake data
On Mailgun's dashboard I have verified my domain (locally I use pointing to and all checks are green except for and because we are using gmail for our emails. Not sure if this is the source but I cannot risk disabling the emails just for a test.
If I telnet to Mailgun using telnet 25 (or any other port) I get a connection, so I do get access.
I also applied to relieve the email sending throttling on my server that Amazon puts onto EC2 servers. Not sure when this will actually be in effect so not sure if it will help or not (It might)
I am not sure why I only get a timeout on my server and it works on my local but any advice would be appreciated!
I did try searching around for answers but did not succeed.
WORKAROUND If anyone is struggling with this same issue, it is not worth the effort, rather just implement the Mailgun API, this way you do not have to put up with these issues, it is what I have now done which, had I known about the issues I would have faced, would have done from the start. So still no solution from my side, just avoided it and also why I am not updating with an answer and instead just updating with an edit. Not sure if this is the correct way.

Cross-Origin Failure with Express Node Server

My code works perfectly on localhost but when I get it uploaded to my Debian VPS server it will not fire. However a cURL -H -origin request works perfectly... I've tried everything PLEASE HELP!! lol
Here is my Firefox-Firebug error:::
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:10005/threadpreview. (Reason: CORS request failed).
This is really a HUGE problem for me. I've tried just about EVERY Access-Control-Allow-Headers/Methods/Origin combination possible. Truly at a loss. I've also tried all the preflight requests. It shouldn't need one but I've still tried to no avail.
Could it be server security? I am working off of a VPS Debian Squeeze server.... Their firewall maybe?
This is my portfolio I need to get online so I can get myself employed.... sigh! Please help and thanks!!
When you are accessing your webpage on a remote server you can't use local host.
You want to make the request against your vps IP address. Or domain name if you have it.
Calling local host on a browser client is going to request resources from the client computer as opposed to your server

Heroku error 503, webSockets on multiple domains

I'm experiencing a 503 error with heroku on my project using WebSockets and a custom domain.
Connecting on (That point with CNAME on my heroku app)
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503
Connecting on
Everything goes allright with adress ws:// Everything is also good in my local setup.
Is there any cross-domain issue I'm not aware off ? I'm using play!2 as server side fwk, but I don't think there is any relation to this problem.
If I can only connect within my own domain then it would be fine. Cause this would be the address I'd like people to use.
I'm assuming you already enabled heroku labs:enable websockets since your herokuapp domain is working properly.
I have a hunch your DNS query is hitting a Heroku endpoint that doesn't support websockets, i.e. it's cached from before you enabled the websockets functionality.
If this behavior only happens on a single client, try flushing your DNS cache and trying again. Alternatively, make sure the DNS records for both of your domains are resolving to the same IP.

how to setup a SVN server with collabnet subversion edge on windows server, and how to connect to it remotely using Xcode on Mac?

I am a newbie about SVN server. I've certainly used SVN to check in/out codes before, but never learned how to setup a Subversion server it up from ground up.
What I have:
Server | Windows Server 2012 Standard, Activated:
Installed Collabnet Subversion Edge,
Created a repository,
Created users and also started the server, using start button at GUI on localhost:4434/csvn/.
Client | MacOSX Mountain, with Xcode 4.5 Installed:
I have tried to add repository by using the external IP address and the repository name
like, but as expected, it does not work and says "Host is unreachable".
I have tried to use the local hostname, no luck either. Although I did notice in their documentation, they mentioned IP address setting, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I would like to make it so that users can access and use the SVN repository remotely and locally.
I have no idea what to do, please help me. Thanks for your time!
Go back to the server for a minute. When you are configuring it, are you only using the local web browser? Have you tried accessing the server using web browser from your Mac? I would see if the Mac can reach the web gui first. Maybe you have network issues you have to resolve, such as DNS, routing or firewall.
In terms of using XCode, or any SVN Client, the URL you must enter is the URL to your repository. That will not be:
It will be something like:
In the Subversion Edge web GUI if you go to the list of repositories, you will see an example checkout command next to each repository. This command shows you the URL to enter in a SVN client to reach the root of the repository. Example screenshot here:
I think I have sloved the problem. I knew I have to access the repo using my external IP address somehow, but when I tried something like, for example my IP is, when I typeed, I got a no response message.
I figured that since there are more than 1 computers on my local network, the router has to somehow direct the request to my server only, not some other machine. After some reaserch I found that port forwarding does the trick. Since apache server uses port 80 as default, just get the default gateway ip using ipconfig from CMD, then enable port forwarding for port 80, to the server's local ip address. At least I can access it using my external ip on my local network. I will try to access it remotely and see.
