How to resolve cloudflare not displaying my website on my phone - caching

I keep having this error when I try to access my website that is hosted on aws and using cloudflare CDN.
But the surprising thing is that it is loading correctly on another person's phone.
What can be the issue and how can I resolve it?
Cloudflare error

This error specified a connection error between Cloudflare and your Origin server.
There are a couple ways this could be occurring on your device but not another's -
If you recently added Cloudflare, the DNS may still be resolving to your Origin server (for the person who it is working for). You can check this by doing a ping on their device to your domain, and seeing if it resolves to your Origin IP. Or you can check the response headers for any with CF- prefix (which means it is likely routing through Cloudflare).
Another possibility is that your Origin server is blocking some Cloudflare servers but not others. For instance when you request the site, it may be routing through Cloudflare 'Server A', while when the other person requests your site, it is routing through 'Server B'. If 'Server A' requests are failing / being blocked, this would explain the behavior you are seeing. You can check your Origin server's access logs to see if this is occurring. If it is a blocking situation, you'll want to ensure all Cloudflare's IP are whitelisted -
More troubleshooting information from the Cloudflare forums -


503 and 1001 error when proxy is turned on

I have changed my DNS provider for my tech business right now. I set up the DNS, and it is working fine. However whenever I try to turn on proxy I get a 503 error on the browser and 503(1001) on built-in speed test. What might be the issue, it happened to same site with two different hosting providers. Only happening to this domain name weirdly.
Domain is

Request forbidden by administrative rules error for Heroku custom domain

I create a Heroku Java web application. I added pointDNS account to forward * domain to my custom domain. Forwarding is succesful and I can open my heroku application by using my custom domain. and are working. But sometimes when I open it gives this error :
"message": "Request forbidden by administrative rules",
"__type": "CloudSearchException"
Cannot GET /
Also I can see H27 error in Heroku account. But at this time if I open it is working.
I check ip from chromium developer tools and I see that and is going to a different IP address. I used google dig for all ip for and try all of them in browser. some of ip gives same error. Is this heroku bug or because of I set wrong rules for DNS? How can I resolve "Request forbidden by administrative rules" error?
This doesn't seem to be a configuration error, but more of a firewall kind of rule triggering which is blocking the access.
Check if you are not making too many requests, which is considered as fake or aggressive crawling and the ip getting blocked.
pointDNS resolved my issue. I am using pointDNS to set dns rules for my custom domain. I asked them about issue. They said that there are some outdated record in my account. issue was fixed when they removed them

Cross-Origin Failure with Express Node Server

My code works perfectly on localhost but when I get it uploaded to my Debian VPS server it will not fire. However a cURL -H -origin request works perfectly... I've tried everything PLEASE HELP!! lol
Here is my Firefox-Firebug error:::
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:10005/threadpreview. (Reason: CORS request failed).
This is really a HUGE problem for me. I've tried just about EVERY Access-Control-Allow-Headers/Methods/Origin combination possible. Truly at a loss. I've also tried all the preflight requests. It shouldn't need one but I've still tried to no avail.
Could it be server security? I am working off of a VPS Debian Squeeze server.... Their firewall maybe?
This is my portfolio I need to get online so I can get myself employed.... sigh! Please help and thanks!!
When you are accessing your webpage on a remote server you can't use local host.
You want to make the request against your vps IP address. Or domain name if you have it.
Calling local host on a browser client is going to request resources from the client computer as opposed to your server

Heroku error 503, webSockets on multiple domains

I'm experiencing a 503 error with heroku on my project using WebSockets and a custom domain.
Connecting on (That point with CNAME on my heroku app)
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503
Connecting on
Everything goes allright with adress ws:// Everything is also good in my local setup.
Is there any cross-domain issue I'm not aware off ? I'm using play!2 as server side fwk, but I don't think there is any relation to this problem.
If I can only connect within my own domain then it would be fine. Cause this would be the address I'd like people to use.
I'm assuming you already enabled heroku labs:enable websockets since your herokuapp domain is working properly.
I have a hunch your DNS query is hitting a Heroku endpoint that doesn't support websockets, i.e. it's cached from before you enabled the websockets functionality.
If this behavior only happens on a single client, try flushing your DNS cache and trying again. Alternatively, make sure the DNS records for both of your domains are resolving to the same IP.

Subdomain caching issue

I have set up a subdomain to point a specific IP on another server. I did this by creating the following A records:
abc 300 in A and 300 in A
My host confirms that this was done correctly, however (3 days later) the domain still resolves intermittently. That is, sometimes it resolves to the correct IP and I see the correct page and other times I see a 404 error or a default website page from cpanel.
My host suggests that it is a caching issue and if I perform a flushdns and clear my browser cache, this fixes the problem. But i am puzzled as to why it reoccurs.
Could there by something on the other server triggering it? Or is it just a matter of waiting a little longer for propagation?
Forgive me if the problem isn't clear. This stuff is not my forte.
A 404 error indicates an error on the webservers side - not on the DNS level. That means, that if you see a 404 error or the cPanel default site, DNS is working fine but the web server does not respond.
Check the web server logs and/or speak to your provider about the issue.
What was the TTL before you made your changes? I've seen 86,400 seconds (one day) and 604,800 (one week) as common choices in the past. (The important number is what the TTL was set to before you made your change, as that dictates how long stale data is held in DNS caches.)
