Xpath simplification: extract text of self and child node - xpath

Having this HTML-snippet
<td class="info">self-text
I would like to extract self-text and child-text.
So far i am using this regex:
.//td[contains(#class, 'info')]/text() | .//td[contains(#class, 'info')]/b/text()
Is there any simpler way to do this?

You can use the following XPath expression which will return all non-empty text nodes anywhere within the outer td element :
.//td[contains(#class, 'info')]//text()[normalize-space()]


Scrapy: How do I select the next `td` in this `tr`?

I want to select the next sibling of a td tag in a tr element.
The tr element is this:
<td>Created On:</td>
<td>06/28/2018 06:32 </td>
My Scrapy code looks like this: response.xpath("//text()[contains(.,'Created On:')]/following-sibling::td"). But that gives me an empty list [].
How do I select the next td?
Try this XPath expression:
//text()[contains(.,'Created On:')]/../following-sibling::td
You were trying to use the following-sibling axis from the wrong context node. Going back one level fixes this problem.
An alternative is matching the td element in the first place like in this expression:
//td[contains(text(),'Created On:')]/following-sibling::td

Xpath to select next parent of the current node

if tr contains class="productnamecolor colors_productname" i want to select next tr which contains the price details. so i use :
.//a[#class="productnamecolor colors_productname"]/parent::node()/following-sibling::tr
But didn't work. What is wrong with this expression?
<td valign="top" width="100%">
Trouser Suspenders
thanx in advance.
The parent of your <a> element is a td element, and the td element doesn't have a following-sibling - certainly not a following sibling that is a tr. If you want the next row in the table, use
If you want to select just next tr after <a class="productnamecolor colors_productname"> simply use following two ways :-
using following axis :
(.//a[#class="productnamecolor colors_productname"]/following::tr)[1]
using preceding axis :
(.//tr[preceding::a[#class="productnamecolor colors_productname"])[1]
Hope it helps...:)

Selenium IDE with XPath to identify cell in table based on other column

Please take a look at the snippet of html below:
<tr class="clickable">
<td id="7b8ee8f9-b66f-4fba-83c1-4cf2827130b5" class="clickable">
<a class="editLink" href="#">Single</a>
<td class="clickable">£14.00</td>
I'm trying to assert the value of td[2] when td[1] contains "Single". I've tried assorted variants of:
I've used similar notation elsewhere successfully - but to no avail here... I think it's down to td[1] having the nested element, but not sure.
Can someone enlighten as to what I'm getting wrong? :)
What about:
//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2]
First select the <tr> containing the <td> matching the text, and then select td[2].
contains(//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2], "£14.00")
should return True.
Or, closer to the expression you tried, you could test if this matches:
//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2][contains(., "£14.00")]
See #JensErat's answer to find xth td with td contains in same tr xpath python .
Why not make it simple on yourself, do the if statement in your code. Psuedocode:
Select the top level tr.
Find first td within tr, check to see if it contains Single.
If it does, assert that it contains £14.00
Alternatively, you could just get the text of the top level tr and perform the checks on that text.

XPath - Locate node using its flattened descendant text

I got this html :
and more
I need to locate my td element with this text Some text and more. I know that I can get this text with this XPath expression :
But I can not find a solution to locate td element. I try this :
//td[//text()='Some text and more']
but I get errors. Do you know a working XPath expression for that ?
Firstly, XPath uses forward slashes, never backslashes.
Secondly, I believe this may be the XPath you need:
//td[normalize-space(.) = 'Some text and more']
Could you give that a try?

xpath nearest element to a given element

I am having trouble returning an element using xpath.
I need to get the text from the 2nd TD from a large table.
<label for="PropertyA">Some text here </label>
<td> TEXT!! </td>
I'm able to find the label element, but then I'm having trouble selecting the sibling TD to return the text.
This is how I select the label:
You are looking for the axes following-sibling. It searches in the siblings in the same parent - there it is tr. If the tds aren't in the same tr then they aren't found. If you want to it then you can use axes following.
From the label element, it should be:
And then use the DOM method from the hosting language to get the string value.
Or select the text node (something I do not recommend) with:
Or if there's going to be just this one only node, then you could use the string() function:
You can also select from the common ancestor tr like:
Getting ANY following element:
