Configuration file default.doxygen for Visual studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to install doxygen plugin for visual studio 2010 in windows. Followed the steps given in this article
But when I click on doxygen under windows it says configuration file default.doxygen not found.

You probably missed one step in the guide where you should download and place mentioned file, but apparently, this file is missing in a guide. Place an alternative file to your project's folder and rename it to "default.doxygen".


How to generate vcvarsall.bat

My visual Studio 2015 installed without vcvarsall.bat.
This is not about how to find this file and I am also not a python developer.
MSDN states at the bottom of this page:
The vcvarsall.bat file can vary from computer to computer. Do not
replace a missing or damaged vcvarsall.bat file by using a file from
another computer. Rerun Visual Studio Setup to replace the missing
I am running the installation through our local IT department so I only get a fixed version of the setup. It looks like this setup does not install the batch file.
I wonder what other means of generating this "file" (actually it is several files and a folder structure) there are - how does the visual studio setup generate this file and is that generation possible without running the whole setup?
You have some option to "install" vcvarsall.bat.
The obvious to rerun VS setup and add c++ features (maybe your IT dep is kind enough and...)
Install visual c++ build tools
Install windows sdk (select c++ related components)

Install opencv on visual studio 2013

I have installed open cv and have configured all the path variables as mentioned in step by step procedure.
I tried a sample program to verify whether my installations are correct. I have mentioned all the path for include files, library files and additional path variables in visual studio 2013.
I am getting error "Cannot open opencv2/core.hpp no such file or directory"
When i check the location of the include file under opencv2 folder there is no such file. But i can see the same in github. If i branch out and download the same from github again in my local I cannot see the core.hpp.
Got answer for this issue... This is because from version 3 openCV needs only couple of lib files to be associated with additional library dependency.. Earlier we need to have multiple lib files for the same...

configure openCV Qt new functions

I'm struggling with the step from the official documentation
Extract it into a nice and short named directory like D:/OpenCV/dep/qt/ . Then you need to build it. Start up a Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) by using the start menu search (or navigate through the start menu All Programs ‣ Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ‣ Visual Studio Tools ‣ Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)).
The Visual Studio command prompt
Now navigate to the extracted folder and enter inside it by using this console window. You should have a folder containing files like Install, Make and so on. Use the dir command to list files inside your current directory. Once arrived at this directory enter the following command:
configure.exe -release -no-webkit -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-script -no-scripttools
-no-qt3support -no-multimedia -no-ltcg
My issue is that in this document Qt 4.7.3 was used, now, I dont know about that version because I wasn't able to find it but in the newer one there is not Install, Make files...
which ones should I use instead?
does anyone has any step for more recent version of Qt and VS that I can follow to get this done
I turns out I wasn't using the source file, which you can find here found the folder which contains the configuration and INTALLS files on the new version in a folder called qtbase continued with the steps from there on the OPENCV guide and everything worked alright on MSVS2012

Building Qt for Visual Studio 2010 - cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'

I'm trying to start a C++ Qt application and have it run and compile in Visual Studio 2010.
Doing some googling, I found that there was a Visual Studio Qt Add-in, and so I installed this. I already had a MinGW Qt binary installed, and when this did not work, I found that you have to compile the source for Visual Studio 2010 (the VS 2008 binary will cause deployment issues).
Using this as a guide: How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010, I compiled the open source version, and added it to the PATH, along with a QTDIR env variable. Hoping that I got it finally working, I created a "Qt Application" using the New Project Wizard in Visual Studio 2010. Once I finished, I tried to build the program, only to see the following error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
I looked in the C:\QT\lib folder, and found that I only have a qtmaind.prl, but no clue as to why there is no qtmaind.lib.
I am able to echo the QMAKESPEC environmental variable to get a 'win32-msvc2010' output.
I've tried several different combinations of flags for the configure step, including the one in the link, and even tried manually setting the -platform flag.
If anyone can offer any help, it would be greatly appreciated! :D
Just ran across this same problem. I changed the "-release" flag from the linked guide to "-debug-and-release", and then it built the qtmaind.lib library (presumably, that "d" suffix stands for debug).
I encountered this issue when running a project whose settings were hardcoded for a particular machine setup.
I could see that the vcxproj file had something like:
I could not find this lib file in my machine. I replaced the line by:
It looks like the names of library files are different across Qt versions.Or, maybe the library files were renamed.
Also, the 'd' denoted debug. If you cannot find any lib file post-fixed by 'd', it is likely that you did not 'make' a debug version of Qt.
You can cross check this by opening the .Sln file created by configure. Mine was named Projects.sln. You can open this in notepad and see if win32-debug configurations are present.
This might be a QMAKESPEC issue. Try setting your QMAKESPEC environment variable to
and rebuild Qt like that. This should give you .lib files in your Qt folder
in QT 5.3 with vs 2013
in properties -> linker -> input
remove ANY path for qt libraries such qtmaind.lib
this is known BUG

Can't open the VSVim project

I have a clean install of Visual Studio 2010 with C# and F# installed and I am getting the following error when I try to open the solution cloned from github.
D:\projects\VsVim\VsVim\VsVim.csproj :
error : The project file
cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by
this installation.
Is there a way to get more information about what exactly I am missing so that I can install the components?
You probably need to install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK.
Noah is correct that the most likely problem is you need to install the Visual Studio SDK. The full steps to getting VsVim to open and compile are the following (taken from the README.txt file in the enlistment).
Install the Visual Studio SDK
Run the script Populate-References.ps1 from the enlistment root directory
Open the Solution.
