What does obj_$(variable_name) do in a makefile? - makefile

I have encountered the following line in a make file:
What does the command obj_$(TARGET) do?
Unfortunately this command is not listed in the GNU make manual:

This is just normal variable expansion. Say that the TARGET variable has value foo, e.g. somewhere before that line you have:
TARGET := foo
Then obj_$(TARGET) will be expanded to obj_foo, which is equivalent to:
OBJECTDIR = obj_foo
I suggest you look up how to use variables in the Make manual (the expansion will work differently depending on the flavor of TARGET).


Is there a way to print all variables defined/visible within a makefile?

let's assume the following Makefile:
#echo "helloworld"
Is there a way it can show me variables like this (\n or \s) ?
bonus question:
if it is possible, is there a way to also get external variables?
make target BLABLAH=toto or export BLABLAH=toto; make target
You don't say so specifically but because of the syntax I'll assume you're using GNU make. In that case you can use the .VARIABLES special variable:
$(info Variables: $(.VARIABLES))
Note, that make target BLABLBAH=toto does not create an "external variable" (that term is not well-defined so I'm just guessing that by this you mean variables that are inherited from the environment and not set in the makefile). Setting a variable on the command line creates a real make variable and it will be shown in the list above.
Variables obtained from the environment are imported into make as makefile variables and will also appear in the above list.

In makefile, how to store multi-line shell output in variable

I have a shell command where it outputs multiple lines. I want to store it in a variable in makefile for later processing in the target.
A simplified example:
I have this file called zfile1
some text
$echo 123
more text
more text
The makefile:
#$(eval v1 = $(shell cat zfile1))
# need to process the variable here, example:
#echo "$(v1)"
# I want to prevent expansion of values in the file and print in multi-line
If you have GNU make 4.2 or above you can use the $(file <zfile1) function. See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/File-Function.html
If you don't have a new-enough version of GNU make, you can't do it. Of course in your example there's no real need to put the contents of the file into a make variable at all: you can just have your recipe use the file itself. But maybe your real use-case isn't so simple.
You should never use either the make function eval or the make function shell in a recipe [1].
You can just write:
v1 := $(file <zfile1)
#echo "$(v1)"
You must have the .ONESHELL because otherwise each line of the recipe (after it expands into multiple lines) is considered a separate recipe line. Note that .ONESHELL is in effect for the entire make process so could cause other recipes to break if they rely on each line being invoked in a different shell.
Another option is to export the result into the environment, and use a shell variable like this:
export v1 := $(file <zfile1)
#echo "$$v1"
There are probably better ways to do it but since you've only given us this example and not what you really want to do, that's about all we can say.
[1] There are times where it can be useful but if you have a sufficiently sophisticated requirement to need this you'll probably know how to use it.
I think you're making things too complicated.
Start by writing your recipes as proper self-contained shell scripts.
You can then either store the whole script in a file and run it from make, or you can include it directly in your makefile as a single logical line, as in the following:
#v1=$$(< zfile1); \
echo $$v1
Note the need to "escape" the dollar sign by repeating it.
You could also use global make variables, depending on the actual logic of your real-world use.

Make variable that is only passed from the command line

I know that I can pass variables to a Makefile in two ways:
make <target> FOO=bar
export FOO=bar
make <target>
and that both of these will make a variable FOO available in the makefile with value bar.
However, is there a way to require that the variable only comes from the command line? I want the passing of variables to be explicit in order to avoid certain potential overlaps of environment variables, so I want to ensure make only receives the variable if passed from the command line, and to disregard it if it's only set in the environment so that the value it uses must be defined by the user when calling make.
EDIT: I realize after researching it a bit more that environment variables are not actually accessed the way I thought they are, they're actually used within make as ${FOO} so as long as I don't define FOO at any point in the makefile, its only set value will be from the command line (as noted in this answer).
These methods to pass variables to GNU make aren't equivalent.
Variables that come from the environment don't override the assignments in makefile, unless make is invoked with -e option. See variables from the environment. This is because depending on environment variables is poor practice in terms of build reproducibility (someone forgets to set the environment variable and the build is different):
It is not wise for makefiles to depend for their functioning on environment variables set up outside their control, since this would cause different users to get different results from the same makefile. This is against the whole purpose of most makefiles.
Variables that come from make command line do override assignments in makefile, unless override is specified. See the override directive.
Hence, the recommended practice is to explicitly set all your variables to their default values in the makefile unconditionally, so that only the assignments from the command line override them.
As far as I know, there's no difference between ${FOO} and $(FOO), regardless of the way FOO is defined.
If you're using GNU make, there's a function origin that allows you to make the distinction: it will return command line for a variable defined on the command line and environment for a variable exported by the environment (more info in the manual)
with the following Makefile:
foo ?= foo
#echo ${foo}, comes from $(origin foo)
make prints foo, comes from file
make foo=bla prints bla, comes from command line
(export foo=bar; make) prints bar, comes from environment
expanding on #Virgile answer, you could add the following kind of check at the start of the makefile. It is a lot to repeat for each variable you wish to check, although all such checks could reside in a dedicated makefile that is then included from main makefile
foo ?= foo
# check origin
ifdef foo
ifneq "$(origin foo)" "command line"
$(error foo: must come from command line)
$(error foo not defined)
#echo ${foo}, comes from $(origin foo)

How to save make argument in a variable

I am working on a (GNU) Makefile and need to save arguments in a variable.
Like if I give the command make projectX, then I need to assign projectX to some variable.
I tried to assign projectX like this, assuming that argument 1 would be projectX.
PRODUCT := "$1"
But this does not work.
What is the best way to assign make arguments in a variable?
From the GNU make manual:
Make will set the special variable MAKECMDGOALS to the list of goals you specified on the command line. If no goals were given on the command line, this variable is empty. Note that this variable should be used only in special circumstances.
And note that usually you would/should/must use $# to refer to the target of a rule.
You can also assign variables in make command line:
make PRODUCT=bla
Which is often used for debug/release builds:
make # builds debug version
make MODE=release # builds release version

Overwrite variable from makefile

In my makefile I have a variable FOO:
FOO = /path/to/bar
Is it possible to overwrite this variable during the makefile call? Somthing like the following:
FOO=/path/to/foo make all
Specify them as Var=Value before you specify the target, like make FOO=/path/to/foo all.
$ cat Makefile
Foo = asdf
echo $(Foo)
$ make all
echo asdf
$ make Foo=bar all
echo bar
The ways that variables get assigned values is specified in the How Variables Get Their Values section of the GNU make Manual.
Variables can get values in several different ways:
You can specify an overriding value when you run make. See Overriding Variables.
You can specify a value in the makefile, either with an assignment (see Setting Variables) or with a verbatim definition (see Defining Multi-Line Variables).
Variables in the environment become make variables. See Variables from the Environment.
Several automatic variables are given new values for each rule. Each of these has a single conventional use. See Automatic Variables.
Several variables have constant initial values. See Variables Used by Implicit Rules.
So, as Colonel Thirty Two indicates, you can override variables set in the makefile on the command line.
You can also, if you expect this to be a variable that you want to set persistently, use the ?= assignment and then environment values for that variable will be used.
