Unity build closing with permission problems - macos

I'm making a game for mac on unity with my mac but when I play the build it immediately closes. It has worked before, but the only major change I have made since it was working is reinstalling and updating unity.
This is what my console printed when it closed:
I've looked up the errors but everything I've found relates to mac specific apps and I couldn't find anything that helped. Anyone know what the problem is? Any help at all is greatly appreciated.
Some of the stuff I looked up points toward this being a permissions problem, so there might be a problem with folder access? I've been going through most of the folders and running chmod 755 in terminal but so far no luck.


Why isn't Xcode Cloning making any progress?

It was stuck at this moment.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I've tried
forced quit,
shut down the system,
deleted the Xcode and downloaded it again.
Did you try to make space on your disk? It may be by that. Although it should shows a message of why. Also, contact the support team of iOS if it is not your space on disk.

Unity game compiled in Windows doesn’t open in Mac

I created an Unity game in Windows and I wanted to pass it to a Mac computer. I built it for Mac and I uploaded the .app folder to Google Drive as a .rar. Then, I downloaded it in a Mac and I unzipped it. When I try to open it, it shows the error message “Someapp.app can’t be opened”. It doesn’t explain why. I think the problem isn’t from Unity because the log file is empty after the error. Can anyone help me?
I needed to make the actual executable in the .app folder, well, “executable”.
Please try:
Open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:
cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/
This folder contains the actual executable file which Windows apparently didn’t make executable. Let’s add the executable flag:
chmod +x <APP_NAME>
Afterwards I could start the app.
I made the Build for my project for both PC and Mac, however I had massive issues getting the Mac one to actually work. Here is the tutorial I used to make the builds which was suppppper helpful, but it didn't help fix my issue:
I just figured out how to make the Mac build work with a friend and it was a bit of work. Once you follow the video's directions exactly for the Mac version, you can send the file to your Mac but when you do it will be labeled MacOS and then when you try to open it it will most likely fail and say missing application to open.
From what I have learned, this is because the compression actually corrupts the executable file to open it on the Mac. To fix this, you have to use Terminal to navigate your way into the file and unlock the permission settings that were changed due what we believe is from the compression.
I honestly can't remember where I found this code but the navigation part I got from the other answer here, but you need to open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:
cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/
and add the following:
chmod -R 777 [applicationName].app
This unlocked the permissions on the application but when the app was opened, we had to allow permission through the Mac firewall to let it run on the computer. Once we approved permission, the app ran no problem.
I hope this helps and I'm by no means a professional with this so but my friend and I can try to help in anyway possible.

How to debug/investigate issues with YouCompleteMe for Windows

This question seeks help with tooling - "how do I debug my problem." As I type this, there has been no answers. I did end up stumbling on the solution for the actual problem I was trying to solve and have provided the solution as an answer.
I still would be more than happy to hear any answers on the tooling question though, and if somebody comes up with a workable answer, I'll be more than happy to transfer the checkmark
Original Question
I initially opened an issue with YouCompleteMe https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe at https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/issues/1345. It immediately got closed because there's no official support for Windows. Ok, fine.
I'm now asking the Stackoverflow community, hopefully there are people who are messing with YCM for Windows (there is a "unofficial YCM for Windows" page, so there MUST be SOMEBODY hacking on this thing).
Below is the original content of the issue that I opened.
If somebody actually has an answer that works, great! At this point, I'm looking more for procedures that I can use to run the YCM server under a debugger to see where exactly it's choking
I'm trying to get YCM to work on my Windows 7 machine. I have a few
other XP, Win7, Win8 machines that have no problems with YCM. I've
tried building the support stuff using MinGW, Visual Studio 2010, both
on the target machine as well as the other machines where I have YCM
When I open a Python or C++ file, a message immediately appears that
YCM has crashed and I should restart with :YcmRestartServer. It
mentions that I should set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles in order to see
the log messages. I have done that, but I still don't have any
logfiles and the "set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles" message is still
I also get ('Connection aborted.', error(10061, 'No connection could
be made because the target machine actively refused it'))
I looked in python\ycm\youcompleteme.py and saw that the "logfiles
deleted" message comes up because of an exception in trying to open
the file specified by self._server_stderr (IOError). Right now I'm
suspecting that this is because the server never actually gets far
enough in its startup sequence to actually create the stdout and
stderr files.
What are the steps that I could do to investigate why the server (?)
fails to start properly.
I also had a vague idea that there was a firewall rule blocking
connections, I looked through Windows Firewall, but didn't really see
anything that would point to localhost connections being blocked or
I'm okay with doing debugging, would appreciate advice on the
procedure that I would need to do in order to get Visual Studio 2010
to step into the server process and poke around stuff.
Oh, dunno if this factoid means anything, but I'm able to use
Rip-Rip's clang_complete without issues, but I would very much rather
use YCM.
I never really did get an answer or solution to the central question of "how do I debug YCM under Windows" but I did solve the underlying problem of why YCM wasn't working for me, so for posterity (and other fellow despairing YCM users who may end up here via Google)
For me, YCM immediately crashed and burned. I figured the problem out by seeing a Windows system that had been working fine for me start exhibiting the symptoms.
The change: I had installed Python 3.x and switched it to being the system preferred python (by messing with paths, what do you expect with Windows?).
As it turns out (duh), YCM depends on Python 2.x and falls over when it can't find any of the libraries that it was trying to open.
I started going down the path of trying to locate exactly what the files YCM was trying to access and provide them locally in the YCM directory, but after spending five minutes on it, I decided that I wanted something simpler.
Since I still wanted Python 3.x to be the 'system' version, I settled for manipulating the path WITHIN Vim, so I added this before the YCM load,
if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
let $PATH = 'C:\Python27;' . $PATH
Hope that this saves somebody else some pain

How to solve Xcode's crash?

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode so it should behave normally but it keep open up with my last project and crash. No matter how many times i uninstall and reinstall. Is there a fix for this?? Please help i need to get this thing fix soon.
At the time of crash it says internal logic error. I read somewhere that i should restart my system after installing the new Xcode of it will crash again but as it gets installed it reopen automatically.
This might not be the optimal solution but I have talked to other people who have had problems like this and the solution they ended up doing was to create a new user on the Macintosh where they were having trouble and then Xcode worked perfectly fine.
Try that and see if you have any good luck.
I suspect there's some cached settings that aren't being cleared out with uninstalls & reinstalls.

Titanium Developer Crashes on Startup (was fine)

Closed my laptop when I left work. When I got home and opened it, it had restarted. Now when I go to open Titanium Developer it instantly crashes.
So I can't even open it now. Any ideas on how to debug this or figure out what is going wrong?
Thoughts of even trying to see a message or any detailed error report would be helpful. I'm pretty new to the Mac world, I'm not even sure why my computer restarted - is there a place to see events or what may have triggered that. Couldn't find anything on their forums about this issue.
I experienced the same instant crash problem and found a post on http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/21121/titanium-crashing-on-startup-on-mac that suggests running this chmod -R g+u /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium - so far so good.
Solved this awhile back, just realized I didn't tie up this loose end. I actually had to reinstall the OS. One of the Os files must have been corrupted or locked. With OS X you can reinstall the OS without reinstalling over your apps or data. So took about 30 minutes to reinstall and everything was fixed!
For anyone experiencing this in 2017 and beyond:
Quit Appcelerator
Load Terminal
appc logout
The Dashboard was attempting to load my cached user stats but appcelerator was rejecting my expired session. Logging out of appc solved my issue.
