Runtime of following algorithm (example from cracking the coding interview) - algorithm

One of problem in cracking the coding interview book asks the run-time for following algorithm, which prints the powers of 2 from 1 through n inclusive:
int powersOf2(int n) {
if (n < 1) return 0;
else if (n == 1) print(1); return 1;
int prev = powersOf2(n/2);
int curr = prev * 2;
return curr;
The author answers that it runs in O(log n).
It makes perfect sense, but... n is the VALUE of the input! (pseudo-sublinear run-time).
Isn't it more correct to say that the run-time is O(m) where m is the length of input to the algorithm? (O(log(2^m)) = O(m)).
Or is it perfectly fine to simply say it runs in O(log n) without mentioning anything about pseudo- runtimes...
I am preparing for an interview, and wondering whether I need to mention that the run-time is pseudo-sublinear for questions like this that depend on value of an input.

I think the term that you're looking for here is "weakly polynomial," meaning "polynomial in the number of bits in the input, but still dependent on the numeric value of the input."
Is this something you need to mention in an interview? Probably not. Analyzing the algorithm and saying that the runtime is O(log n) describes the runtime perfectly as a function of the input parameter n. Taking things a step further and then looking at how many bits are required to write out the number n, then mentioning that the runtime is linear in the size of the input, is a nice flourish and might make an interviewer happy.
I'd actually be upset if an interviewer held it against you if you didn't mention this - this is the sort of thing you'd only know if you had a good university education or did a lot of self-studying.

When you say that an algorithm takes O(N) time, and it's not specified what N is, then it's taken to be the size of the input.
In this case, however, the algorithm is said to to take O(n) time, where n identifies a specific input parameter. That is also perfectly OK, and is common when the size of the input isn't what you would practically want to measure against. You will also see complexity given in terms of multiple parameters, like O(|V|+|E]) for graph algorithms, etc.
To make things a bit more confusing, the input value n is a single machine word, and numbers that fit into 1 or 2 machine words are usually considered to be constant size, because in practice they are.
Since giving a complexity in terms of the size of n is therefore not useful in any way, if you were asked to give a complexity without any specific instructions of how to measure the input size, you would measure it in terms of the value of n, because that is the useful way to do it.


Can the efficiency of an algorithm be modelled as a function between input size and time?

Consider the following algorithm (just as an example as the implementation is obviously inefficient):
def add(n):
for i in range(n):
n += 1
return n
The program adds one number with itself and returns it. Now the efficiency of an algorithm is sometimes modelled as a function between the size of the input and the number of primitive steps the algorithm has to compute. In this case, the input is an integer, n, and as n gets increased the number of steps necessary to complete the algorithm also increase (in this case linearly). But is it true that the size of the input increases? Let's assume that the machine where the program is running is representing integers in 8 bits. So if I increase the hypthetical input 3 for example to 7, the number of bits involved remains the same: 00000011 -> 00000111. However, the steps necessary to compute the algorithm increase. So it seems like that it's not always true that algorithmic efficiency can be modelled as a relation between input size and steps to compute. Could somebody explain to me where I go wrong or if I don't go wrong, why it still makes sense to model the efficiency of an algorithm as a function between the size of the input and the number of primitive steps to be computed?
Let S be the size of the input n. (Normally we'd use n for this size, but since the argument is also called n, that's confusing). For positive n, there's a relation between S and n, namely S = ceil(ln(n)). The program loops n times, and since n < 2^S, it loops at most 2^S times. You can also show it loops at least 1/2 * 2^S times, so the runtime (measured in loop iterations) is Theta(2^S).
This shows there's a way to model the runtime as a function of the size, even if it's not exact.
Whether it makes sense. In your example it doesn't much, but if your input is an array for sorting, taking size as the number of elements in the array does makes sense. (And it's typically what's used for example to model the number of comparisons done by different sort algorithms).

Does O(1) mean an algorithm takes one step to execute a required task?

I thought it meant it takes a constant amount of time to run. Is that different than one step?
O(1) is a class of functions. Namely, it includes functions bounded by a constant.
We say that an algorithm has the complexity of O(1) iff the amount of steps it takes, as a function of the size of the input, is bounded by a(n arbirtary) constant. This function can be a constant, or it can grow, or behave chaotically, or undulate as a sine wave. As long as it never exceeds some predefined constant, it's O(1).
For more information, see Big O notation.
It means that even if you increase the size of whatever the algorithm is operating on, the number of calculations required to run remains the same.
More specifically it means that the number of calculations doesn't get larger than some constant no matter how big the input gets.
In contrast, O(N) means that if the size of the input is N, the number of steps required is at most a constant times N, no matter how big N gets.
So for example (in python code since that's probably easy for most to interpret):
def f(L, index): #L a list, index an integer
x = L[index]
return x + y
then even though f has several calculations within it, the time taken to run is the same regardless of how long the list L is. However,
def g(L): #L a list
return sum(L)
This will be O(N) where N is the length of list L. Even though there is only a single calculation written, the system has to add all N entries together. So it has to do at least one step for each entry. So as N increases, the number of steps increases proportional to N.
As everyone has already tried to answer it, it simply means..
No matter how many mangoes you've got in a box, it'll always take you the same amount of time to eat 1 mango. How you plan on eating it is irrelevant, there maybe a single step or you might go through multiple steps and slice it nicely to consume it.

searching through a vast collection of potential solutions

I have a quite difficult problem (perhaps even a NP-hard problem ^^) with looking for a solution in a massive collection of results. Perhaps there is an algorithm for it.
Below exercise is artificial but is a perfect example to illustrate my issue.
There is a big array with integers. Lets say it has 100.000 elements.
int numbers[] = {-123,32,4,-234564,23,5,....}
I want to check in a relatively quick way if a sum on any 2 numbers from this array is equal to 0. In other words, if the array has "-123" I want to find is there also a "123" number.
The easiest solution would be brute force - check everything with everything. That gives 100.000 x 100.000 a big number ;-) Obviously brute force method can by optimised. Order numbers and check negatives against positive only. My question is - is there something better then optimised brute force to find a solution?
First, sort the array by magnitude of the value.
Then, if the data contains a pair which satisfies the conditions you're after, it contains such a pair adjacent in the array. So just sweep through looking for adjacent pairs whose sum is 0.
Overall time complexity is O(n log n) for the sort, could be O(n) if you use "cheating" sorts not based solely on comparisons. Clearly it can't be done in less than linear time, because in the worst case you can't do it without looking at all the elements. I think n log n is probably optimal in the decision tree model of computing, but only because it "feels a bit like" the element uniqueness problem.
Alternative approach:
Add the elements one at a time to a hash-based or tree-based container. Before adding each element, check whether its negative is present. If so, stop.
This is likely to be faster in the case where there are lots of suitable pairs, because you save the cost of sorting the whole data. That said, you could write a modified sort that exits early by checking for adjacent pairs as soon as any subset of the data is in its final order, but that's effort.
Brute force would be an O(n^2) solution. You can certainly do better.
Off the top of my head, first sort it. Heap sort will have a complexity of O(nlogn).
Now, for the first element, say a, you know you need to find an element b, such that a+b = 0. This can be found using binary search (since your array is now sorted). Binary search has a complexity of O(logn).
This gives you an overall solution of O(nlogn) complexity.
The example you provided can be brute-force solved in O(n^2) time.
You can start ordering the numbers (O(n·logn)) from smaller to bigger. If you place one pointer at the beginning (the "most negative number") and other at the end (the "most positive"), you can check if there is such pair of numbers in an additional O(n) steps by following the next procedure:
If the numbers at both pointers have the same module, you have the solution
If not, move the pointer of the number with bigger module towards "zero" (this is, increase if it is the pointer on the negative side, decrease if it is the positive-side one)
Repeat until finding a solution, or the pointers cross.
Total complexity is O(n·logn)+O(n) = O(n·logn).
Sort your array using Quicksort. After this happened, use two indexes, let's call them positive and negative.
positive <- 0
negative <- size - 1
while ((array[positive] > 0) and (array(negative < 0) and (positive >= 0) and (negative < size)) do
delta <- array[positive] + array[negative]
if (delta = 0) then
return true
else if (delta < 0) then
negative <- negative + 1
positive <- positive - 1
end if
end while
return (array[positive] * array[negative] = 0)
You didn't say what should the algorithm do if 0 is part of the array, I've supposed that in this case true should be returned.

Is there a Sorting Algorithm that sorts in O(∞) permutations?

After reading this question and through the various Phone Book sorting scenarios put forth in the answer, I found the concept of the BOGO sort to be quite interesting. Certainly there is no use for this type of sorting algorithm but it did raise an interesting question in my mind-- could their be a sorting algorithm that is infinitely impossible to complete?
In other words, is there a process where one could attempt to compare and re-order a fixed set of data and can yet never achieve an actual sorted list?
This is much more of a theoretical/philosophical question than a practical one and if I was more of a mathematician I'd probably be able to prove/disprove such a possibility. Has anyone asked this question before and if so, what can be said about it?
[edit:] no deterministic process with a finite amount of state takes "O(infinity)" since the slowest it can be is to progress through all possible states. this includes sorting.
[earlier, more specific answer:]
no. for a list of size n you only have state space of size n! in which to store progress (assuming that the entire state of the sort is stored in the ordering of the elements and it really is "doing something," deterministically).
so the worst possible behaviour would cycle through all available states before terminating and take time proportional to n! (at the risk of confusing matters, there must be a single path through the state - since that is "all the state" you cannot have a process move from state X to Y, and then later from state X to Z, since that requires additional state, or is non-deterministic)
Idea 1:
function sort( int[] arr ) {
int[] sorted = quicksort( arr ); // compare and reorder data
while(true); // where'd this come from???
return sorted; // return answer
Idea 2
How do you define O(infinity)? The formal definition of Big-O merely states that f(x)=O(g(x)) implies that M*g(x) is an upper bound of f(x) given sufficiently large x and some constant M.
Typically when you talking about "infinity", you are talking about some sort of unbounded limit. So in this case, the only reasonable definition is saying that O(infinity) is O(function that's larger than every function). Obviously a function that's larger than every function is an upper bound. Thus technically everything is "O(infinity)"
Idea 3
Assuming you mean theta notation (tight bound)...
If you impose the additional restriction that the algorithm is smart (returns when it finds a sorted permutation) and every permutation of the list must be visited in a finite amount of time, then the answer no. There are only N! permutations of a list. The upper bound for such a sorting algorithm is then a finite over finite numbers, which is finite.
Your question doesn't really have much to do with sorting. An algorithm which is guaranteed never to complete would be pretty dull. Indeed, even an algorithm which would might or might not ever complete would be pretty dull. Much more interesting would be an algorithm which would be guaranteed to complete, eventually, but whose worst-case computation time with respect to the size of the input would not be expressible as O(F(N)) for any function F that could itself be computed in bounded time. My hunch would be that such an algorithm could be devised, but I'm not sure how.
How about this one:
Start at the first item.
Flip a coin.
If it's heads, switch it with the next item.
If it's tails, don't switch them.
If list is sorted, stop.
If not, move onto the next pair ...
It's a sorting algorithm -- the kind a monkey might do. Is there any guarantee that you'll arrive at a sorted list? I don't think so!
Yes -
If IsSorted(collectionOfNumbers){
return SortNumbers(collectionOfNumbers)
Input: A[1..n] : n unique integers in arbitrary order
Output: A'[1..n] : reordering of the elements of A
such that A'[i] R(A') A'[j] if i < j.
Comparator: a R(A') b iff A'[i] = a, A'[j] = b and i > j
More generally, make the comparator something that's either (a) impossible to reconcile with the output specification, so that no solution can exist, or (b) uncomputable (e.g., sort these (input, turing machine) pairs in order of the number of steps needed for the machine to halt on the input).
Even more generally, if you have a procedure that fails to halt on a valid input, the procedure is not an algorithm which solves the problem on that input/output domain... which means you don't have an algorithm at all, or that what you have is only an algorithm if you appropriately restrict the domain.
Let's suppose that you have a random coin flipper, infinite arithmetic, and infinite rationals. Then the answer is yes. You can write a sorting algorithm which has 100% chance of successfully sorting your data (so it really is a sorting function), but which on average will take infinite time to do so.
Here is an emulation of this in Python.
# We'll pretend that these are true random numbers.
import random
import fractions
def flip ():
return 0.5 < random.random()
# This tests whether a number is less than an infinite precision number in the range
# [0, 1]. It has a 100% probability of returning an answer.
def number_less_than_rand (x):
high = fractions.Fraction(1, 1)
low = fractions.Fraction(0, 1)
while low < x and x < high:
if flip():
low = (low + high) / 2
high = (low + high) / 2
return high < x
def slow_sort (some_array):
n = fractions.Fraction(100, 1)
# This loop has a 100% chance of finishing, but its average time to complete
# is also infinite. If you haven't studied infinite series and products, you'll
# just have to take this on faith. Otherwise proving that is a fun exercise.
while not number_less_than_rand(1/n):
n += 1
print n

Are there any worse sorting algorithms than Bogosort (a.k.a Monkey Sort)? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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My co-workers took me back in time to my University days with a discussion of sorting algorithms this morning. We reminisced about our favorites like StupidSort, and one of us was sure we had seen a sort algorithm that was O(n!). That got me started looking around for the "worst" sorting algorithms I could find.
We postulated that a completely random sort would be pretty bad (i.e. randomize the elements - is it in order? no? randomize again), and I looked around and found out that it's apparently called BogoSort, or Monkey Sort, or sometimes just Random Sort.
Monkey Sort appears to have a worst case performance of O(∞), a best case performance of O(n), and an average performance of O(n·n!).
What is the currently official accepted sorting algorithm with the worst average sorting performance (and there fore beeing worse than O(n·n!))?
From David Morgan-Mar's Esoteric Algorithms page: Intelligent Design Sort
Intelligent design sort is a sorting algorithm based on the theory of
intelligent design.
Algorithm Description
The probability of the original input list being in the exact order
it's in is 1/(n!). There is such a small likelihood of this that it's
clearly absurd to say that this happened by chance, so it must have
been consciously put in that order by an intelligent Sorter. Therefore
it's safe to assume that it's already optimally Sorted in some way
that transcends our naïve mortal understanding of "ascending order".
Any attempt to change that order to conform to our own preconceptions
would actually make it less sorted.
This algorithm is constant in time, and sorts the list in-place,
requiring no additional memory at all. In fact, it doesn't even
require any of that suspicious technological computer stuff. Praise
the Sorter!
Gary Rogers writes:
Making the sort constant in time
denies the power of The Sorter. The
Sorter exists outside of time, thus
the sort is timeless. To require time
to validate the sort diminishes the role
of the Sorter. Thus... this particular
sort is flawed, and can not be
attributed to 'The Sorter'.
Many years ago, I invented (but never actually implemented) MiracleSort.
Start with an array in memory.
Check to see whether it's sorted.
Yes? We're done.
No? Wait a while and check again.
end loop
Eventually, alpha particles flipping bits in the memory chips should result in a successful sort.
For greater reliability, copy the array to a shielded location, and check potentially sorted arrays against the original.
So how do you check the potentially sorted array against the original? You just sort each array and check whether they match. MiracleSort is the obvious algorithm to use for this step.
EDIT: Strictly speaking, this is not an algorithm, since it's not guaranteed to terminate. Does "not an algorithm" qualify as "a worse algorithm"?
Quantum Bogosort
A sorting algorithm that assumes that the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct:
Check that the list is sorted. If not, destroy the universe.
At the conclusion of the algorithm, the list will be sorted in the only universe left standing.
This algorithm takes worst-case Θ(N) and average-case θ(1) time. In fact, the average number of comparisons performed is 2: there's a 50% chance that the universe will be destroyed on the second element, a 25% chance that it'll be destroyed on the third, and so on.
Jingle Sort, as described here.
You give each value in your list to a different child on Christmas. Children, being awful human beings, will compare the value of their gifts and sort themselves accordingly.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned sleepsort yet... Or haven't I noticed it? Anyway:
function f() {
sleep "$1"
echo "$1"
while [ -n "$1" ]
f "$1" &
example usage:
./ 5 3 6 3 6 3 1 4 7
./ 8864569 7
In terms of performance it is terrible (especially the second example). Waiting almost 3.5 months to sort 2 numbers is kinda bad.
I had a lecturer who once suggested generating a random array, checking if it was sorted and then checking if the data was the same as the array to be sorted.
Best case O(N) (first time baby!)
Worst case O(Never)
There is a sort that's called bogobogosort. First, it checks the first 2 elements, and bogosorts them. Next it checks the first 3, bogosorts them, and so on.
Should the list be out of order at any time, it restarts by bogosorting the first 2 again. Regular bogosort has a average complexity of O(N!), this algorithm has a average complexity of O(N!1!2!3!...N!)
Edit: To give you an idea of how large this number is, for 20 elements, this algorithm takes an average of 3.930093*10^158 years,well above the proposed heat death of the universe(if it happens) of 10^100 years,
whereas merge sort takes around .0000004 seconds,
bubble sort .0000016 seconds,
and bogosort takes 308 years, 139 days, 19 hours, 35 minutes, 22.306 seconds, assuming a year is 365.242 days and a computer does 250,000,000 32 bit integer operations per second.
Edit2: This algorithm is not as slow as the "algorithm" miracle sort, which probably, like this sort, will get the computer sucked in the black hole before it successfully sorts 20 elemtnts, but if it did, I would estimate an average complexity of 2^(32(the number of bits in a 32 bit integer)*N)(the number of elements)*(a number <=10^40) years,
since gravity speeds up the chips alpha moving, and there are 2^N states, which is 2^640*10^40, or about 5.783*10^216.762162762 years, though if the list started out sorted, its complexity would only be O(N), faster than merge sort, which is only N log N even at the worst case.
Edit3: This algorithm is actually slower than miracle sort as the size gets very big, say 1000, since my algorithm would have a run time of 2.83*10^1175546 years, while the miracle sort algorithm would have a run time of 1.156*10^9657 years.
If you keep the algorithm meaningful in any way, O(n!) is the worst upper bound you can achieve.
Since checking each possibility for a permutations of a set to be sorted will take n! steps, you can't get any worse than that.
If you're doing more steps than that then the algorithm has no real useful purpose. Not to mention the following simple sorting algorithm with O(infinity):
list = someList
while (list not sorted):
Bogobogosort. Yes, it's a thing. to Bogobogosort, you Bogosort the first element. Check to see if that one element is sorted. Being one element, it will be. Then you add the second element, and Bogosort those two until it's sorted. Then you add one more element, then Bogosort. Continue adding elements and Bogosorting until you have finally done every element. This was designed never to succeed with any sizable list before the heat death of the universe.
You should do some research into the exciting field of Pessimal Algorithms and Simplexity Analysis. These authors work on the problem of developing a sort with a pessimal best-case (your bogosort's best case is Omega(n), while slowsort (see paper) has a non-polynomial best-case time complexity).
Here's 2 sorts I came up with my roommate in college
1) Check the order
2) Maybe a miracle happened, go to 1
1) check if it is in order, if not
2) put each element into a packet and bounce it off a distant server back to yourself. Some of those packets will return in a different order, so go to 1
There's always the Bogobogosort (Bogoception!). It performs Bogosort on increasingly large subsets of the list, and then starts all over again if the list is ever not sorted.
for (int n=1; n<sizeof(list); ++n) {
while (!isInOrder(list, 0, n)) {
shuffle(list, 0, n);
if (!isInOrder(list, 0, n+1)) { n=0; }
1 Put your items to be sorted on index cards
2 Throw them into the air on a windy day, a mile from your house.
2 Throw them into a bonfire and confirm they are completely destroyed.
3 Check your kitchen floor for the correct ordering.
4 Repeat if it's not the correct order.
Best case scenerio is O(∞)
Edit above based on astute observation by KennyTM.
The "what would you like it to be?" sort
Note the system time.
Sort using Quicksort (or anything else reasonably sensible), omitting the very last swap.
Note the system time.
Calculate the required time. Extended precision arithmetic is a requirement.
Wait the required time.
Perform the last swap.
Not only can it implement any conceivable O(x) value short of infinity, the time taken is provably correct (if you can wait that long).
Nothing can be worse than infinity.
Segments of π
Assume π contains all possible finite number combinations.
See math.stackexchange question
Determine the number of digits needed from the size of the array.
Use segments of π places as indexes to determine how to re-order the array. If a segment exceeds the size boundaries for this array, adjust the π decimal offset and start over.
Check if the re-ordered array is sorted. If it is woot, else adjust the offset and start over.
Bozo sort is a related algorithm that checks if the list is sorted and, if not, swaps two items at random. It has the same best and worst case performances, but I would intuitively expect the average case to be longer than Bogosort. It's hard to find (or produce) any data on performance of this algorithm.
A worst case performance of O(∞) might not even make it an algorithm according to some.
An algorithm is just a series of steps and you can always do worse by tweaking it a little bit to get the desired output in more steps than it was previously taking. One could purposely put the knowledge of the number of steps taken into the algorithm and make it terminate and produce the correct output only after X number of steps have been done. That X could very well be of the order of O(n2) or O(nn!) or whatever the algorithm desired to do. That would effectively increase its best-case as well as average case bounds.
But your worst-case scenario cannot be topped :)
My favorite slow sorting algorithm is the stooge sort:
void stooges(long *begin, long *end) {
if( (end-begin) <= 1 ) return;
if( begin[0] < end[-1] ) swap(begin, end-1);
if( (end-begin) > 1 ) {
int one_third = (end-begin)/3;
stooges(begin, end-one_third);
stooges(begin+one_third, end);
stooges(begin, end-one_third);
The worst case complexity is O(n^(log(3) / log(1.5))) = O(n^2.7095...).
Another slow sorting algorithm is actually named slowsort!
void slow(long *start, long *end) {
if( (end-start) <= 1 ) return;
long *middle = start + (end-start)/2;
slow(start, middle);
slow(middle, end);
if( middle[-1] > end[-1] ) swap(middle-1, end-1);
slow(start, end-1);
This one takes O(n ^ (log n)) in the best case... even slower than stoogesort.
Recursive Bogosort (probably still O(n!){
if (list not sorted)
list1 = first half of list.
list 2 = second half of list.
Recursive bogosort (list1);
Recursive bogosort (list2);
list = list1 + list2
while(list not sorted)
Double bogosort
Bogosort twice and compare results (just to be sure it is sorted) if not do it again
This page is a interesting read on the topic:
My personal favorite is Tom Duff's sillysort:
* The time complexity of this thing is O(n^(a log n))
* for some constant a. This is a multiply and surrender
* algorithm: one that continues multiplying subproblems
* as long as possible until their solution can no longer
* be postponed.
void sillysort(int a[], int i, int j){
int t, m;
sillysort(a, i, m);
sillysort(a, m+1, j);
if(a[m]>a[j]){ t=a[m]; a[m]=a[j]; a[j]=t; }
You could make any sort algorithm slower by running your "is it sorted" step randomly. Something like:
Create an array of booleans the same size as the array you're sorting. Set them all to false.
Run an iteration of bogosort
Pick two random elements.
If the two elements are sorted in relation to eachother (i < j && array[i] < array[j]), mark the indexes of both on the boolean array to true. Overwise, start over.
Check if all of the booleans in the array are true. If not, go back to 3.
Yes, SimpleSort, in theory it runs in O(-1) however this is equivalent to O(...9999) which is in turn equivalent to O(∞ - 1), which as it happens is also equivalent to O(∞). Here is my sample implementation:
/* element sizes are uneeded, they are assumed */
simplesort (const void* begin, const void* end)
for (;;);
One I was just working on involves picking two random points, and if they are in the wrong order, reversing the entire subrange between them. I found the algorithm on, which says that the average case is is probably somewhere around O(n^3) or O(n^2 log n) (he's not really sure).
I think it might be possible to do it more efficiently, because I think it might be possible to do the reversal operation in O(1) time.
Actually, I just realized that doing that would make the whole thing I say maybe because I just realized that the data structure I had in mind would put accessing the random elements at O(log n) and determining if it needs reversing at O(n).
Given an array of n elements, choose each element with probability 1/n, randomize these elements, and check if the array is sorted. Repeat until sorted.
Expected time is left as an exercise for the reader.
