Is elastic4s 2.3.0 supporting Update By Query Api? - elasticsearch

I have a question regarding with the Update By Query Api in Elastic Search. I'm using sksamuel.elastic4 2.3.0 library.
As i know this library supports "update" api but i couldn't find the update by query functionality. To be sure i would like to ask. Thanks.

Update by query is supported in version 5.0.0


delete by query in jest elastic search 5.5

I am looking to delete a document by query using jest client. In elastic search 2.0 it can be done by adding delete by query plugin and by writing the code
DeleteByQuery deleteAllUserJohn = new DeleteByQuery.Builder("{\"user \":\"john\"}")
But this is not supporting in elastic 5.5. There should be solution for this but I am not getting it after lots of searching. Please suggest how to do this or if there any link for that please let me know.
Thank you

Mailchimp API 3.0 equivalent of older export API campaignSubscriberActivity

I'm looking for the equivalent of the older campaignSubscriberActivity export options. Specifically, I need to get all activity for campaign since a certain date. Is that possible in 3.0?
As I see in the 3.0 API References You cant filter the date. So you have to filter the response.
You can use
GET /reports/{campaign_id}/email-activity
Use the since parameter on your requests to API 3.0.
Like Sergey Shushert said, you can use the reports endpoint to get open, click, and other activity for a campaign. The since parameter lets you filter by date. For instance,

Which javascript/node module is best for Elastic search Query DSL

Hi started using elasticsearch in my node app, from the elasticsearch document,
elastic.js, esq, or bodybuilder can be used to make building query
bodies easier.
I am not sure which is the best module to use, both modules have not been updated since a while.Bodybuilder does not support all the filters/queries, elastic.js looks like it supports most of the filters/queries, but its documentation is inaccessible. Can somebody suggest me a good module.
The official js library is the best, I would say.
For the query, I create my own, concatenating values.
This is the most complete example for using it: Link.
That and do previous to that one in the same page.

NEST adding context information to suggestions

does NEST support adding context information to suggestions in the current version (1.0.2)? According to this article (
I didn't found a way how to achieve this by using fluent API.
Not yet. I just opened #927 to add support for this. We'll try and get to it as soon as we can.

Windows Update Agent API - search update by name

I would like to use the Windows Update Agent API to search Update for Root Certificate (KB931125), but I have no idea to search specific Update from Catalog. Could you please advise me how to search a specific update based on the name(KB931125) by Windows Update Agent API?
The IUpdateSearcher::Search method doesn't support searching based on the name, or at least not according to the documentation. You could search for the relevant update IDs (although these might change if the update is later re-released) or you could search for all updates of the appropriate type and then filter the results yourself.
