Windows Update Agent API - search update by name - windows

I would like to use the Windows Update Agent API to search Update for Root Certificate (KB931125), but I have no idea to search specific Update from Catalog. Could you please advise me how to search a specific update based on the name(KB931125) by Windows Update Agent API?

The IUpdateSearcher::Search method doesn't support searching based on the name, or at least not according to the documentation. You could search for the relevant update IDs (although these might change if the update is later re-released) or you could search for all updates of the appropriate type and then filter the results yourself.


Adding CodeableConcept element to FHIR resource 'extension'

I am new to FHIR and HL7.
I need to add a new element to ChargeItemDefinition resource and this element data type is CodeableConcept.
I think we need to create a new StructureDefinition with a CodeableConcept field and then register it on the server and make an extension in ChargeItemDefinition.
I tried a tool like Forge to make a custom profile, but creating a new profile or extension is disabled.
But I can't make it after days of trying, does anyone have an example of this or is anyone able to help me?
Forge should perfectly allow you to create a profile based on ChargeItem, if you want to add extensions to that profile. With Forge for FHIR STU3 or R4 (depending on what version you want to use): Open a project folder > New > New Profile > Select Charge Item.
However, without knowing your use case it is hard to judge whether this is what you need. If you share a good description of the use case on in the 'implementers' channel people can generally quickly advise you on the best way.

Is there any Common Way for updating status using c# in Dynamics CRM

I want to update the status using single common way in c#.
For now I know about SetStateRequest but it did not change its status to any of status. e.g. If i want to change status to fulfilled for order or canceled for order then it requires FulfillSalesOrderRequest and CancelSalesOrderRequest .Like wise different different class for quote's status and others.
So I want some common way for change status.If is there any solution please suggest me.
If you are on CRM 2015 Update 1 or later, SetStateRequest has been deprecated in favor of a normal UpdateRequest, as seen on MSDN:
Before Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1, specialized
messages were required to update certain entity attribute values. Now,
UpdateRequest can now be used to set these attributes. The following
table identifies the specialized deprecated message requests and the
related message attributes that can be updated using UpdateRequest.
With that being said, FulfillSalesOrderRequest (and the corresponding Requests for quotes) have not been deprecated, so you still need to use them going forward. The common reqeust you are looking for does thus not exist.

Mailchimp API 3.0 equivalent of older export API campaignSubscriberActivity

I'm looking for the equivalent of the older campaignSubscriberActivity export options. Specifically, I need to get all activity for campaign since a certain date. Is that possible in 3.0?
As I see in the 3.0 API References You cant filter the date. So you have to filter the response.
You can use
GET /reports/{campaign_id}/email-activity
Use the since parameter on your requests to API 3.0.
Like Sergey Shushert said, you can use the reports endpoint to get open, click, and other activity for a campaign. The since parameter lets you filter by date. For instance,

How to delete index in custom java connector

I have build a custom connector to get the data from a web service and then index it. The web service response returns only the data to be indexed.
I want to delete the documents from index which are not part of the web service response during the crawl but were added to the index in the last crawl.
Is there any way to achieve the above or can I flush the full index programmatically in the connector code and then add the recent content to the index.
Marged is correct. A feed (which is what the connector can send to the GSA) of type full will purge the existing feed and replace it. Otherwise, your connector is going to have to manage state and prune out documents as you decided.
Thanks Marged and Michael for the help.. I guess i have to write the custom logic in connector to delete the data from index.
What you're trying to achieve is exactly what happens when you send a "full" content feed. This is from the documentation:
When the feedtype element is set to full for a content feed, the system deletes all the prior URLs that were associated with the data source. The new feed contents completely replace the prior feed contents. If the feed contains metadata, you must also provide content for each record; a full feed cannot push metadata alone. You can delete all documents in a data source by pushing an empty full feed.
Marged is correct that v4.x is the way to go in the future, but if you've already started this with the 3.x connector framework and you're happy with it there's no need to rush to upgrade it. All the related code is open source and 3.x won't disappear any time soon, there are too many 3rd party connectors based on it.

How entity edit URL from within plug-in in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

I would like to have a workflow create a task, then email the assigned user that they have a new task and include a link to the newly created task in the body of the email. I have client side code that will correctly create the edit URL, using the entities GUID and stores it in a custom attribute. However, when the task is created from within a workflow, the client script isn't run.
So, I think a plug-in should work, but I can't figure out how to determine the URL of the CRM installation. I'm authoring this in a test environment and definitely don't want to have to change things when I move to production. I'm sure I could use a config file, but seems like the plug-in should be able to figure this out at runtime.
Anyone have any ideas how to access the URL of the crm service from within a plug-in? Any other ideas?
There is no simple way to do this. However, there is one.
The MSCRM_Config is the deployment database that handle physical deployment properties, like the URL from which users are accessing the CRM deployment. The url that you might want is the one stored in "ADWebApplicationRootDomain", in the MSCRM_CONFIG.dbo.DeploymentProperties table. You may need some permission to access this database.
Note that this doesn't work in a deployment that is an Internet Facing Deployment.
Another way could be to query the discovery service to retrieve the same information (in the case that you are on the Online edition of MSCRM4).
What do you mean by "change things"?
If you create a custom workflow assembly, you can give it a server url input. Once you register it with CRM, you can simply type in the server url when you configure the workflow. You'll have to update the url for any workflows that use the custom workflow assembly once you move to production, but you'll only have to do that once.
My apologies if this is what you meant you wanted to avoid.
Edit: Sounds like you may be able to use the CustomConfiguration attribute when you register the plugin. Here's some more info.
String Url = ((string)(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
).Replace("MSCRMServices", "");
