Android studio use tab character but it show with space still - settings

This is my setting:
but my code still show white space not the upper style:

I have solve this question.This is my steps:
First,open your Editor->Code Style,then uncheck the Detect and using existing file indents for editing option;
Second,open your Editor->Code Style->java , check the use tab character option.
You can try.


Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate: Caret goes to wherever the mouse clicked

my VS2013 is configured at C# layout. Whenever I click an empty space in a file, say somewhere far right to a line of code that has ended well before, the caret moves where I click and spaces are inserted between the last character of the current line and the caret, regardless the fact that the indent settings are at "Keep tabs".
This is annoying to me. Could anyone tell me how to fix this? When I click an empty space after a line, I expect the caret goes to the right of the last character of the line.
Sounds like Virtual Space. Turn it off using Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages (or your chosen language) and uncheck Enable Virtual Space.

Inserting a tab when XCode is set to "Indents in leading whitespace"

As part of my XCode project, I have a tab-delimited text file that I'd like to be able to edit from within XCode.
The tab key is set to "Indents in leading whitespace" under Preferences->Text Editing->Indentation, and I'd rather leave it as is given that the project is well underway (as discussed here).
Is there a way to insert a tab somehow (besides copying and pasting) despite this setting? (Not "\t" but an actual chunk of whitespace.) Thanks for reading.
Turns out there was a very simple solution sitting right in the File Inspector (⌘-⌥-1 to show):
Just toggle the Indent Using option (under "Text Settings") to Tabs

Changing all my indents to 3 spaces. Code::Blocks

I have to submit an assignment and they want all the indents to be 3 spaces. I don't know how to change the settings of Astyle.dll so that it will change them 3 spaces instead of the default 4. Any ideas?
Also, Astyle seems to like having no indent between switch() and its cases, and I need there to be an indent there. Any ideas?
All of Astyle's settings are exposed in the Code::Blocks editor settings dialog. To access them, open the Settings menu, click Editor, and scroll through the sidebar to find the Default code entry.
I have to submit an assignment and they want all the indents to be 3 spaces.
Switch to the Indentation tab, found under Source Formatter in the sidebar, and change Indentation size (in spaces): to 3.
Also, Astyle seems to like to have no indent between switch() and its cases, and i need there to be an indent there.
If I understand what you need correctly, check the box that says Indent switches (keyword case:) and check the box that says Indent case: statement in switches (commands under case:).
You can change any other settings you want as well. When you're done, hit OK, then reformat your code and make sure the settings are set the way you want them.

Clarification of Xcode's Indentation Options?

Xcode offers the following options under
Preferences > Text Editing > Indentation > Tab key:
In leading white space: Pressing Tab inserts an indentation only at the beginning of a line or following a space.
Never: Pressing Tab never causes an indentation.
Always: Pressing Tab always causes an indentation.
I checked the documentation for these options (that's what is to the right of the colons) but I still don't understand. What is "an indentation"? What I'd really like is if Xcode wouldn't act like it knows better than me and try reindenting lines of code that were already perfectly indented (I find it often does this inside of blocks - I'll have my code nested one level more than the line before it, and for whatever reason it tries aligning with the colon that starts the block argument, leading to unwieldy long lines, as if Obj-C doesn't have enough of those.)
Can anyone give me examples of how Xcode's behavior will change if I choose each of those options? Will one of those options make Xcode behave/autoindent the way I want it to?
If what you want is:
if Xcode wouldn't act like it knows better than me and try reindenting lines of code that were already perfectly indented
then the "Tab key" indentation setting has nothing to do with what you want.
Instead, try unchecking "Automatically indent based on syntax" and Xcode will stop changing your indentation level.
Alternatively, uncheck { and } under "Automatic indent for:".
See also: Xcode Text Editing Preferences Help: Setting Source Editing and Indenting Preferences

How to disable seemingly random syntax higlight in Notepad++

Can anyone suggest:
Why does it higlight like this? I don't seem to do anything to activate it:
How to disable it?
This is old, but I ran into the same problem and just figured out an easy fix.
From the file menu: Language > N > Normal Text
I'm not sure if this is the same issue as mine, but I wanted to keep the language setting enabled but remove the highlighting.
I did this by going to Settings --> Preferences --> Highlghting
Removed the Enable check mark for Highlight Matching Tags.
1) Go to settings -> Style Configurator.
2) Select the language that Notepad++ has chosen, usually based on filename extension. You can also change this manually under the Language menu setting.
3) Go through the Styles until you find the style that applied the highlighting. You can tell because the Background colour will match the highlighted color.
4) Change Background colour to white.
I do not have an answer for your first question
For your second question do the following steps
Inside Notepad++ press ctrl A( select all)
Right click for context menu.
select Remove style and click on Clear all Styles
This will clear all the highlights.
FYI. You may also see this sort of behavior when using a vertical edge in background mode. Switching to line mode will eliminate the highlighting of lines that run over the set character count for the vertical edge.
