No main class in manifest with maven - maven

I have my IntelliJ maven project and I am trying to build the jar but whenever I run it it throws no main manifest attribute, in Project.jar
Here is my pom.xml build. I am trying to set the main class in the manifest with Maven I read online to do it in the maven-compiler-plugin. When I open the jar in WinRar the manifest is generated by Apache Maven but has not got the main class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

Add the maven-jar-plugin and make sure you use the maven directory structure (src/main/java) for your java files.


Maven project how run from cmd line passing argument

I want to run my mavn project from cmd line passing the argument ""
This is the pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
The code compiles okay but now I want to run from command line passing the one argument. How can I do this ?
You can set -D argument with the goals of your plugin.
mvn -DskipTests=true, where skipTests is a goal and =True is it's value.

Maven: How do I mark a jar as sealed?

This sounds so simple, so why an I struggling?
Is there a POM entry I can use to seal all the packages?
Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
Jeff Porter
> Or do I provide a manifest with value 'Sealed: true'?
As explained in "Manifest Customization":

Maven multimodules w. assembly options per module?

I've a multimodule maven setup, where I'd like to pack one of the jars with their dependencies and all others could stay as they are. My configuration looks like this:
Module (Bar1):
<name>Foo - Bar1</name>
With that running mvn package would give me all jar/war files for the modules. But to generate the jar with dependencies I have to switch into the module and trigger the assembly in addition cd Bar1; mvn assembly:single.
Is there any chance to change the setup so that after mvn package one of the jars is build with dependencies included?
Include the assembly plugin to the execution of the package phase:
As described on maven assembly page
You need to define an execution for the assembly plugin. Otherwise it won't be executed. The site of the plugin may be a bit misleading as there is a section on configuration which looks like yours. But if you want the execution to actually happen, you need to define it.

maven embed dependency artifact code in jar

I have a multi-module maven project. I have a main "base-code" module which creates a jar of all the compiled source code in my project.
I have another module, "executable", which creates an executable jar from the same source code. To avoid duplication I want to pull the classes in from the "base-code" module.
I thought that all I had to do was make the "base-code" module a dependency of the "executable" module to do this. But I just get an empty jar. What am I doing wrong?
(my "executable" pom is below)
What you are looking for is probably uber-jar: a single jar file with all embedded jar dependencies, the newly version of maven-assembly-plugin support this as one of the 4 pre-defined descriptor, check out here.
Try using maven-assembly-plugin replace your maven-jar-plugin like this:
<!-- Create single executable jar with all dependencies unpacked and embedded -->
Alternatively, you can also use maven-shade-plugin to do this.
Hope that helps.

Maven - Build with Dependencies [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I create an executable/runnable JAR with dependencies using Maven?
(33 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I've downloaded a source code from internet and I'm trying to build it with maven. Here is the pom.xml file that came with the source code:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The mvn install command is generating the jar file but I'm unable to execute this file because of the missing dependencies (class not found exception related to postgresql dependency in this example).
I've noticed that maven has downloaded the dependencies correctly (the jar libraries are all at the local maven repository directory) but mvn install is not copying these libraries into the generated jar file. How can I do this?
Remove the descriptorRefs and archive tag from your maven-compiler-plugin section.
In order to generate a JAR with all the dependencies self contained. You need to put this into the build plugins section of your pom.xml:
Create the JAR file by running the following at the command prompt:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
