laravel lvs and create *blade.php by java service - laravel

I now have nginx clusters, many php server, I want java services to manage laravel template file, database storage, and then generate php files, stored in the ceph server configuration template path laravel for path ceph service, I tried it, Could not load, but through shared folders or FTP way to work normally
Database management laravel template file, dynamically generated, stored in the resource server ceph
How should I do? Is there any way? If not, the only choice ftp

There are several packages that allow the storage of Laravel templates in the database.
Here is one:


Need advice for dynamically changing linux conf/yaml files via API or tool like Consul

I am looking for tools/software for dynamically changing Linux conf/YAML files via API or tool like Consul.
If you have any experience on consul, please give feedback about creating templates for conf/YAML files, and without using service can it be done via consul?
Consul Template or Gomplate can be used to template configuration files based on changes in a backend data source. provides a basic example of a template which regenerates file contents when keys are added to Consul's key-value store.

Which is better Redis on Lumen or Laravel?

I just learned about Redis and I want to try create a scalable Web Application, to achieve this I'm going to use Laravel as the main and Lumen as the microservice (API). So after I learned about Redis, I want to add it to my project, but I confused and tried to get a explanation from google, but no luck. I still confused after read a lot of tutorials.
My questions are:
Should I make it separated from the server? (because I saw it on
Docker, redis will be on separated container)
Should I append it to the Laravel? (because it's the main)
Thank you
To connect redis to Laravel see laravel official document
To connect lumen to redis see this links:
lumen doc for cache
lumen doc for queue
You can put your redis in any server you want and connect it to laravel or lumen with (in your .env file):
REDIS_Host="yout server"
REDIS_port="port of your server to connect redis"
REDIS_password="password which set in redis"
NOte: You are not force append redis to laravel if you need it in lumen just!
First of all, Redis is an in-memory data structure that is used as a database, cache and message broker What is Redis. It is similar to the database (DB) you would connect to but not something you can include in your app.
It sits somewhere, running as a daemon and you connect to it for the purposes of caching or message brokering, etc.
Now that you know you cannot append to it, do you want faster caching or session management? do you have the resources to support it? If yes, then you should connect to Redis.
Kindly take notice of something however, if you are going to run both Lumen and Laravel on the same system, you have to make certain changes to both environment files for the two applications.
eg. .env (Laravel app), you can change things like REDIS_HOST to REDIS_HOST_LARAVEL while you maintain it for .env (Lumen app). Another example is DB_HOST to something else like MY_DB_HOST and change them accordingly in the config/ files.
For some reason they can behave weird running to Lumen or Laravel apps on the same server connecting to Redis for cache or session management.

Files not updating on google cloud platform instance

i am using google cloud platform and i have created an instance from compute engine. i installed apache server and then fresh laravel installation using ssh. All my laravel files exist on this path
but now when i am trying to edit any file its not reflecting. When i access my site using this link
it only display a fresh laravel installation. not reflecting new changes.
I am using filezilla to update files.
The link you have provided is the URL format used by App Engine applications, not a Compute Engine instance. I believe you may be confusing the two.
To view the changes you have done to the files in a Compute Engine instance, you have to access the external IP of said instance, just as you would with a regular machine or VM.
Therefore, navigate to the Compute Engine section of the Cloud Console and look for the external IP of the Compute Engine instance where you have installed Laravel.

Running Laravel's migration command on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I'm having a hard time deploying a Laravel app for test purposes on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Followed all sources i could find in web including AWS documentation.
Created a Elastic Beanstalk environment and uploading an application is straightforward as long as i do not include .ebextensions and the .yaml file in it.
Based on Maximilian's tutorial i created init.config file inside .ebextensions with contents:
command: "php artisan migrate"
Environment gets to a degraded state as it finishes to update and i get the following logs:
[2018-11-20T23:14:08.485Z] INFO [7969] : Command processor returning results:
{"status":"FAILURE","api_version":"1.0","results":[{"status":"FAILURE","msg":"(TRUNCATED)...y exists\")\n/var/app/ondeck/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:458\n\n2 PDOStatement::execute()\n/var/app/ondeck/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:458\n\nPlease use the argument -v to see more details. \ncontainer_command 01initdb in .ebextensions/init.config failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI","returncode":1,"events":[]}],"truncated":"true"}
I have been trying different .config files from other instruction resources but none of them seems to work.
I'm running:
Laravel Framework 5.7.5
EB Platform uses PHP 7.2 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.8.4
RDS uses MySQL 5.6.40
I really do not know what is going on and would appreciate if you could give any suggestion.
I finally found my way out. Providing some documentation for anyone that hits the same issue.
What I was trying to do...
My main objective was to test a Laravel 5.7 application on a live AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB) server. I was also in need of a way to visualize data using phpMyAdmin, a tool that fits my need. This is a very simple CRUD app just for learning the basics of both technologies.
What I did (worked)
Followed the normal workflow of creating an EB application mainly using the web console.
Name the application
Chose PHP as a platform
Start off with a base application (do not upload code yet)
Hit configure more options
In security card select your key pair and save. (This is valuable for SSH'ing on your server)
In the database, the card creates an RDS instance. Select whatever options that fit your needs and set a username/password.
Create environment.
After a while, you should have all resources created by EB (EC2 and RDS instances, security group, EIP, Buckets, etc) in the app environment.
Preparing your Laravel application is a straight forward process. You must not forget to change config/database.php to read server variables. My approach was to define them at the start of the file.
The main sources of troubles reside in configuring your server instance to include all software and configuration needed by your app and specific needs. This is done by including a .yaml file inside .ebextensions folder. This folder should reside in the root directory of your Laravel application. It's also a good idea to check your syntax before submitting another app version to EB. As per my needs, I used this script which basically installs phpMyAdmin as I deploy a new version. Specifically for this startup script, environment variables should be defined, namely $PMA_VER, $PMA_USERNAME, $PMA_PASSWORD for phpMyAdmin to work. You can create more environment variables in the software tab of your EB configuration page. Read the docs.
Another detail that might cause issues in running commands at startup using YAML script (specifically migration) is caused by Laravel and MySql versions. As for example, I am using Laravel 5.7 and the default MySQL version option in EB RDS creation wizard is something like 5.6.x. This will throw issues of the type:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (SQL: alter table `users` add unique `users_email_unique`(`email`))
If this is your scenario, despite you should have already googled and sorted out that adding the line of code Schema::defaultStringLength(191); to the boot function of your app/Providers/AppServiceProviders.php file will do the trick.
You can do a typical migration passing the script:
"php artisan migrate:fresh"
"php artisan migrate"
This will drop existing tables avoiding conflicts and create a new one based on your code. You can read more logs from your server by SSH'ing and getting content of /var/log/eb-activity.log.

Bluemix and CMS (Joomla) and CF Push

I have installed a Joomla site with CF on bluemix.
As you know Joomla as other CMS allows to install components for adding functionalities.
This uploads the php code needed for the component and add additional tables/entries in the Database.
My issue is that when I CF PUSH, the new component script is removed from the joomla folders on bluemix, and the database still contains component's tables/entries.
I guess this is the situation for all CMS (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Vbulletin, etc..).
How could I get a kind of CF PULL (?) to keep the modified CMS code including the new component locally on the computer side ?
So when i will redo the CF PUSH the installed component will not be erased.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Best regards
There is no cf pull command in Cloud Foundry. The closest you would have is the cf files app-name command that you can navigate the directory structure of your cloud application and get specific files as needed, but this would be really tedious if you have multiple files to copy to your local computer.
It looks like Joomla fits better with the IBM Containers service in Bluemix. With the IBM Containers you can have an Docker image from Joomla ( and use persistent Volumes to save your added functionality. You can also use any Bluemix services (like a database) with IBM Containers.
The article below provides more details and step by step instructions to create an IBM Container for Wordpress. You can easily modify it for Joomla:
When you push an application on a runtime, php Java or whatever, it will restage all the application sources, included what has been configured and modified before through the cms interface, leaving the db databases untouched. And it is for joomla, but also for drupal or WP or any other cms. By this way to achieve what you wish you have 3 options:
- push exactly the filesystem structure you need on Bluemix, including the configuration files and modules to use on it
- use (as suggested above) a container instead of a runtime: anyway also with a container you have to install your cms on an external docker volume, otherwise the cms will be reset every time you restart the container
- use a Bluemix VM
