Is there a limit on the number of indexes that can be created on Elastic Search? - elasticsearch

I'm using AWS-provided Elastic Search.
I have a signup page on my website, and on each signup; a new index for the new user gets created (to be used later by his work-group), which means that the number of indexes is continuously growing, (now it reached around 4~5k).
My question is: is there a performance limit on the number of indexes? is it safe (performance-wise) to keep creating new indexes dynamically with each new user?

Note: I haven't used AWS-Elasticsearch, so this answer may vary because they have started using open-distro of Elsticsearch and have forked the main branch. But a lot of principles should be the same. Also, this question doesn't have a definitive answer and it depends on various factors but I hope this answer will help the thought process.
One of the factors is the number of shards and replicas per index as that will contribute to the total number of shards per node. Each shard consumes some memory, so you will have to keep the number of shards limited per node so that they don't exceed maximum recommended 30GB heap space. As per this comment 600 to 1000 should be reasonable and you can scale your cluster according to that.
Also, you have to monitor the number of file descriptors and make sure that doesn't create any bottleneck for nodes to operate.

If I'm not mistaken, the only limit is the disk space of your server, but if your index is growing too fast you should think about having more replica servers. I recomend reading this page: Indexing Performance Tips

Indexes themselves have no limit, however shards do, the recommended amount of shards per GB of heap is 20(JVM heap - you can check on kibana stack monitoring tab), this means if you have 5GB of JVM heap, the recommended amount is 100.
Remember that 1 index can take from 1 to x number of shards (1 primary and x secondary), normally people have 1 primary and 1 secondary, if this is you case then you would be able to create 50 indexes with those 5GB of heap


Elasticsearch total shard count impact on an index search speed

I know that the shard count and size has a significant impact on the search performance (speed) and cluster recovery.
Does the total number of shard count impact the search speed? Let me simplify it assume I have 5 indices with 5 primary shards each and I am searching in indice1 only and assume it return me the response in 500ms. Will this be same (500ms) if I add 5 more indices? I know the recovery time would increase but not sure about a specific indice search performance.
Any help would be highly appricated.
Common sense would imply that searching on more data takes longer, however,
it's impossible to answer without also knowing:
the number of nodes (more nodes can parallelize searches on several shards)
their hardware specs (ram and cpu play a role in how many concurrent searches can happen on a single node)
if any write operations also happen at the same time (taking resources away from search threads)
The best you can do is to actually create a test case (using e.g. Rally) and test this on your own infrastructure.

optimization on old indexes collecting logs from my apps

I have an elastic cluster with 3x nodes(each 6x cpu, 31GB heap , 64GB RAM) collecting 25GB logs per day , but after 3x months I realized my dashboards become very slow when checking stats in past weeks , please, advice if there is an option to improve the indexes read erformance so it become faster when calculating my dashboard stats?
I would suggest you try to increase the shards number
when you have more shards Elasticsearch will split your data over the shards so as a result, Elastic will send multiple parallel requests to search in a smaller data stack
for Shards number you could try to split it based on your heap memory size
No matter what actual JVM heap size you have, the upper bound on the maximum shard count should be 20 shards per 1 GB of heap configured on the server.
ElasticSearch - Optimal number of Shards per node
It seems that the amount of data that you accumulated and use for your dashboard is causing performance problems.
A straightforward option is to increase your cluster's resources but then you're bound to hit the same problem again. So you should rather rethink your data retention policy.
Chances are that you are really only interested in most recent data. You need to answer the question what "recent" means in your use case and simply discard anything older than that.
Elasticsearch has tools to automate this, look into Index Lifecycle Management.
What you probably need is to create an index template and apply a lifecycle policy to it. Elasticsearch will then handle automatic rollover of indices, eviction of old data, even migration through data tiers in hot-warm-cold architecture if you really want very long retention periods.
All this will lead to a more predictable performance of your cluster.

Resource usage with rolling indices in Elasticsearch

My question is mostly based on the following article:
The article advises against having multiple shards per node for two reasons:
Each shard is essentially a Lucene index, it consumes file handles, memory, and CPU resources
Each search request will touch a copy of every shard in the index. Contention arises and performance decreases when the shards are competing for the same hardware resources
The article advocates the use of rolling indices for indices that see many writes and fewer reads.
Do the problems of resource consumption by Lucene indices arise if the old indices are left open?
Do the problems of contention arise when searching over a large time range involving many indices and hence many shards?
How does searching many small indices compare to searching one large one?
I should mention that in our particular case, there is only one ES node though of course generally applicable answers will be more useful to SO readers.
It's very difficult to spit out general best practices and guidelines when it comes to cluster sizing as it depends on so many factors. If you ask five ES experts, you'll get ten different answers.
After several years of tinkering and fiddling around ES, I've found out that what works best for me is always to start small (one node, how many indices your app needs and one shard per index), load a representative data set (ideally your full data set) and load test to death. Your load testing scenarii should represent the real maximum load you're experiencing (or expecting) in your production environment during peak hours.
Increase the capacity of your cluster (add shard, add nodes, tune knobs, etc) until your load test pass and make sure to increase your capacity by a few more percent in order to allow for future growth. You don't want your production to be fine now, you want it to be fine in a year from now. Of course, it will depend on how fast your data will grow and it's very unlikely that you can predict with 100% certainty what will happen in a year from now. For that reason, as soon as my load test pass, if I expect a large exponential data growth, I usually increase the capacity by 50% more percent, knowing that I will have to revisit my cluster topology within a few month or a year.
So to answer your questions:
Yes, if old indices are left open, they will consume resources.
Yes, the more indices you search, the more resources you will need in order to go through every shard of every index. Be careful with aliases spanning many, many rolling indices (especially on a single node)
This is too broad to answer, as it again depends on the amount of data we're talking about and on what kind of query you're sending, whether it uses aggregation, sorting and/or scripting, etc
Do the problems of resource consumption by Lucene indices arise if the old indices are left open?
Do the problems of contention arise when searching over a large time range involving many indices and hence many shards?
How does searching many small indices compare to searching one large one?
When ES searches an index it will pick up one copy of each shard (be it replica or primary) and asks that copy to run the query on its own set of data. Searching a shard will use one thread from the search threadpool the node has (the threadpool is per node). One thread basically means one CPU core. If your node has 8 cores then at any given time the node can search concurrently 8 shards.
Imagine you have 100 shards on that node and your query will want to search all of them. ES will initiate the search and all 100 shards will compete for the 8 cores so some shards will have to wait some amount of time (microseconds, milliseconds etc) to get their share of those 8 cores. Having many shards means less documents on each and, thus, potentially a faster response time from each. But then the node that initiated the request needs to gather all the shards' responses and aggregate the final result. So, the response will be ready when the slowest shard finally responds with its set of results.
On the other hand, if you have a big index with very few shards, there is not so much contention for those CPU cores. But the shards having a lot of work to do individually, it can take more time to return back the individual result.
When choosing the number of shards many aspects need to be considered. But, for some rough guidelines yes, 30GB per shard is a good limit. But this won't work for everyone and for every use case and the article fails to mention that. If, for example, your index is using parent/child relationships those 30GB per shard might be too much and the response time of a single shard can be too slow.
You took this out of the context: "The article advises against having multiple shards per node". No, the article advises one to think about the aspects of structuring the indices shards before hand. One important step here is the testing one. Please, test your data before deciding how many shards you need.
You mentioned in the post "rolling indices", and I assume time-based indices. In this case, one question is about the retention period (for how long you need the data). Based on the answer to this question you can determine how many indices you'll have. Knowing how many indices you'll have gives you the total number of shards you'll have.
Also, with rolling indices, you need to take care of deleting the expired indices. Have a look at Curator for this.

Elastic Search - Maximum Shard Size

I came across and couldn't reach a final conclusion during learning ElasticSearch.
What is the maximum shard size for ElasticSearch?
How many shards can an index have? Is there any maximum limit?
After reading multiple articles and blogs and running my own load tests, I came to the conclusion that
number of shards and maximum size of each shard depends upon many factors like:
Size of the data inserted
Rate at which the data is inserted
Whether data retrieval / search is happening at the same time? If yes, what is the frequency of search? How many concurrent searches are done?
Server configuration details, like number of cores in CPU, hard disk size, Memory size etc
So, to find out the optimized size for each shard and optimized number of shards for a deployment, one good way is to run tests using various combinations of parameters & loads and arrive at a conclusion.
Simple : Don’t Cross 4 Billions documents
Think about the limit of 32 bits systems of the Heap Size (still valid for 64 bits systems). ES recommand half memory up to 32 GB even for 64 bits systems, as it's concern memory handeling limit and optimization. If you have more than 64 GB of memory, you can keep further memory for Lucene?
For further details : and .
As others have said, the theoretical maximum is very large, however depending on your system, there can be practical limits.
I've found that shards start to become less performant around 150GB. I've had 50GB shards that perform reasonably well. In both cases, the shard was the only shard on the node, and the node had 54GB of system memory, with 31GB devoted to elasticsearch. At 50GB, I was getting results from relatively heavy-duty queries around 100ms, and at 150GB it was taking 500ms or longer.
I'm sure this depends on the mappings I've used, and a host of other factors, but perhaps it's useful if you're polling for datapoints.

Index linear growth - Performance degradation

We have 4 shards with 14GB index on each of them
Each shard has a master and 3 slaves (each of them with 32GB RAM)
We're expecting that the index size will grow to double or triple in near future.
So we thought of merging our indexes to 28GB index so that each shard has 28GB index and also increased our RAM on each slave to 48GB.
We made this changes locally and tested the server by sending same 10K realistic queries to each server with 14GB & 28GB index, we found that
For server with 14GB index (48GB RAM): search time was 480ms, number of index hits: 3.8G
For server with 28GB index (48GB RAM): search time was 900ms, number of index hits: 7.2G
So we saw that having the whole index in RAM doesn't help in sustaining the performance in terms of search time. Search time increased linearly to double when the index size was doubled.
We were thinking of keeping only 4 shards configuration but it looks like now we have to add another shard or another slave to each shard.
Is there any other way that we can configure our servers so that the performance isn't affected even when index size doubles or triples?
I'd hate to say it depends, but it... depends.
The total size of your index on each is 14GB, which basically doesn't mean much of anything to SOLR. To get a real feel for performance what is the uniqueness of the terms indexed? An index of 14GB worth of data with the single word "cat" in it over and over again will be really quick.
Also have you confirmed you need the following features, disabling them can boost performance large amounts:
Stored Fields
Do you need stored fields? Removing this can greatly increase performance (you can safely have an entire index without any stored fields and rely completely on facets, pivots, and other features in solr to drive a UX).
You can, in some instances, set this flag to false to reduce memory in general and increase performance.
Can be turned off, reduced memory in general and increase in performance.
Optimize Core/Index (Segment Count)
Index optimization is important when dealing with larger index sizes. Ensure each core is optimized and that when you look at the core it says the segment count is = 1. What I found is that this play a more important role as you increase the index size (this plays into OS level file caching and the fact it's easier to read one large file, rather than multiple small files) And yes, that does say 171 million+ documents.
Term Index Interval/Frequency
Configuration of term index interval may be required (by default 256) if you have a field or multiple fields that contain very unique values (for example GUID/UUIDs or unique IDs in general). Typically, the lower the TIF the more memory you need, the higher the TIF the less memory you need but the more disk seeks you may have.
Allocation of too much Ram
Solr works best with a good split between OS level disk cache and RAM used when faceting, you'd be surprised that you could actually get better performance by tweaking other parameters which lower required ram usage and free up resources for disk.
